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Colorful nails

There's no reason not to start taking advantage of the warmer weather now, whether you're flying to a beach that's drenched in sunshine or simply getting some rays in the neighbourhood beer garden. Naturally, the change in season makes us eager to abandon our traditional nude manicure in favour of a summer nail look that is bolder, brighter, and more colourful. Everyone can find a tropical nail idea that suits them, whether they want neon nails, rainbow stripes, pastel manicure polish, or metallic manis.

Fix it. It can affect your heart.

Poor sleep appears to be associated with a variety of health issues, including an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. A recent study on people in their forties discovered that having a mix of sleep issues—such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, or sleeping less than six hours a night—virtually triples a person's risk of heart disease.

"These new findings emphasise the significance of obtaining enough sleep," Many factors can contribute to a lack of sleep, he notes. Some folks simply do not give themselves enough time to sleep. Others have behaviours that interfere with or disrupt sleep. Some people also have health problems or sleep disorders that make it hard for them to sleep well or enough.

Who participated in the study?

The researchers gathered information from 7,483 participants in the Midlife in the United States Study who reported their sleep habits and history of heart disease. A subset of the 663 participants additionally wore a wrist-worn device that recorded their sleep activity (actigraphy). Women made up slightly more than half of those who took part. Three-quarters identified as white, while 16% identified as black. The average age was 53 years old.

Due to the fact that adults typically undergo different and challenging life events throughout this time in both their career and personal lives, researchers chose to concentrate on people in their midlife. Also, this is when clogged heart arteries, atherosclerosis (which can lead to heart disease), and sleep problems caused by getting older start to show up.




How did researchers evaluate the sleep problems?

The effectiveness of sleep was measured by putting together different parts of sleep, such as

regularity (whether participants slept longer on work days versus nonwork days).

(whether they had issues falling asleep, woke up during the night or early morning and were unable to fall back asleep, or had daytime sleepiness)

alertness (how often they napped for more than five minutes)

efficiency (how long it took them to fall asleep at bedtime).

duration (how many hours they typically slept each night).

Participants were asked, "Have you ever experienced heart problems suspected or confirmed by a doctor?" used by researchers to gauge heart-related issues. and "Have you ever had a significant chest ache that lasted for at least 30 minutes?"

Follow-up inquiries about the diagnosis were prompted by a "yes" response to either query. These questions were about things like angina, which is a pain in the chest caused by not enough blood getting to the heart muscle, heart attacks, heart valve problems, irregular or fast heartbeat, and heart failure.
Because of how stunning the selection of new Gele styles is, we are constantly thrilled to share them with you. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to avoid the newest gele fashions. This is the evolution of the traditional head wrap. The next item on any woman's mind when attending a traditional event, especially one that calls for Aso Ebi, is Gele.

This headwrap looks fantastic with a long-sleeved top. Popular fashion accessories include bubas and wrappers (Iros). We are amazed by the unique and stylish ways individuals tie head wraps today. The headwrap is a custom of the Yoruba people, but it is practised worldwide.

Check out Stunner gele for more.

Why do I itch more at night?

I've been lying in bed every night, scratching itches I didn't have or didn't notice during the day. What exactly is going on? What can I do to help?

You have nocturnal pruritus, which is a fairly common problem. This perplexing condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including our own circadian rhythm, and the body's natural 24-hour cycle. This shift can cause nighttime skin changes like increased blood flow, feelings of warmth, and lower levels of corticosteroids, which would otherwise suppress inflammation (and itching).
Veekee James is still one of Nigeria's best designers, and we admire her work. Today, we're going to show you 6 standout Veekee James Luxury dress styles for special occasions.

Being more mindful could help you live a longer and healthier life.

We accept that our weight, genes, nutrition, exercise, and whether we smoke (or used to) are all part of the complicated mix that decides how healthy we are, the diseases we might have, and the diseases we might avoid.

However, another aspect that may not receive as much attention as it deserves is our personalities. Personality type is linked to not only health practices but also health outcomes, such as longevity, according to research.

Could people, in the same manner, that they try to change their food and exercise routines, change their personalities into more healthful types? Most likely not. Personality is ingrained far too deeply. But that doesn't rule out the possibility of tinkering with our ideas and behaviours. And the first step can just be becoming more conscious of one's own personality and how it affects one's health.

There are five major types.

There are numerous theories and classification systems for personalities. One of the most common divides people into five personality types: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness. There are numerous facets to each of them. Aspects of agreeableness include, for example, trust and benevolence. Anxiety and impulsivity are two characteristics of neuroticism. The "Big Five" are a collection of traits that have a tendency to cluster together. Personalities might be a more complicated blend. Agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness are all traits that can be found in a person's personality.

Childhood is where a person's personality emerges, and it tends to last until maturity. Personality, on the other hand, isn't fixed in stone. Different aspects of a person's personality are revealed in different situations. With age, one's personality evolves. According to studies, openness peaks in young adults, and the majority of us become more conscientious as we age.

Conscientiousness is the personality trait that most consistently connects with excellent health. People who were assessed as diligent as 8-year-olds by their parents and instructors lived longer, according to one study. Conscientiousness has also been linked to reduced blood pressure, lower risks of diabetes and stroke, and fewer joint problems, according to other studies. Even after statistical adjustments for education, substance misuse, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, researchers found that conscientiousness is linked to better health.

The link between conscientiousness and good health is easily explained by better health behaviours. This has been proven through research. People with conscientious personalities are less likely to participate in harmful activities (smoking, heavy drinking, risky driving) and are more likely to follow healthy ones. But it's not as simple as that. For example, some types of conscientiousness appear to be more closely associated with good health than others. Self-discipline has been identified as a key attribute in certain studies. Other research has found that conformity—following society norms—is important.

Stress can harm one's health, and a conscientious personality will avoid stressful situations, whilst a neurotic personality will seek them out. Conscientiousness can influence employment choices, friendships, marriage stability, and a variety of other factors that affect health and, ultimately, longevity.

Patrick L. Hill, a psychologist at the University of Illinois, and his colleagues released a study suggesting that conscientiousness may have cognitive benefits, which could explain why it's linked to living longer. If a person has self-control and is organized, both aspects of conscientiousness, his or her cognitive performance may be better able to withstand the effects of aging and disease on the brain than someone who does not.

Although Hill and his colleagues discovered just a minor effect of personality on cognitive function, they were intrigued enough to ask whether "personality traits may influence critical outcomes by virtue of their encouragement of cognitive skills."

What you can do to help
Some people are fortunate enough to have conscientious personalities. Many of us have to put forth the effort. Here are a couple of ideas:

Concentrate on the details. Making a resolution to be more conscientious is unlikely to get you very far. You might have better success if you concentrate your mind on being punctual or organizing your workstation.

Make daily plans and make an effort to stick to them. Setting a timetable for yourself and sticking to it promotes order and self-discipline.

Make use of reminders. It's easy to get off track if you're not naturally conscientious. Reminder programs are available on computers and smartphones.

Maintain a social presence. Being in contact with family and having friends can support conscientious behaviours like being on time and expressing gratitude since conscientiousness is basically social.

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To assist you in selecting the ideal sweet ending to your wedding day, browse a gallery featuring exotic wedding cakes. Once you've chosen a wedding cake with the right exotic look, you can try out different flavours and designs to find the best combination.

Wedding Cake Expectations: Exotic
There are many options for eclectic cakes, so it doesn't matter if an exotic wedding cake is motivated by an out-of-the-ordinary location, the distinctive personalities of the bride and groom, or just a desire for something with a little more flair than the traditional white buttercream. Although classic tiered wedding cakes are beautiful, there are now so many options for colour, cake taste, frosting, and design that many couples choose cakes with an exotic flair, whether it comes in the form of a spiced rum confection or an entirely unique design. Talk to the people who are making the cake about what you want it to be like, and be aware that cakes with special designs usually cost more, sometimes a lot more.

What Makes a Cake Exotic?
Traditional wedding cakes are frequently circular. Anything that differs from the typical cake might be considered an exotic wedding cake. A special cake doesn't necessarily have to cost a lot of money. Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity to produce an amazing and unique cake. Listed below are a few concepts for an amazing wedding cake:

To order this cakes contact 
Cakes for all | Mercy.

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself.
Henry Ward Beecher

What’s the best sleep position to combat heartburn?

When heartburn is a frequent bed partner, it's difficult to sleep. How can you get rid of it? A small study suggests that sleeping on your left side may help, in addition to elevating your upper body with a wedge pillow, avoiding meals close to bedtime, and taking heartburn medications. The findings were published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology in February 2022. A total of 57 people with chronic heartburn were monitored while sleeping, with the same amount of time spent on their left, right, or back. The positions had no effect on the number of times participants' stomach acid back up into their esophagus (which causes heartburn pain). However, when participants were on their left side, as opposed to their back or right side, the acid cleared much faster. Less acid exposure can reduce heartburn pain as well as the risk of tissue damage and other serious problems.

Perhaps you've always had the same colour or length of nails, and you want to switch things up but are concerned about what your nails could say at work.

There is room for creativity and expression at work even though professionalism is a must. When you are allowed to be yourself in terms of appearance and self-expression, you might just produce your best work.

So here are 6 options for professional nails for work, whether you prefer the natural look, acrylic tips, or nail art.

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