Lifestyle Blogger

The rules of the workplace are changing and staying on the right-side means playing it safe. Women who enjoy a well-done manicure are constantly looking for the best nails for work. Some women consistently wear the same nail polish colours and designs to work despite the fact that there are lovely nail art designs that are appropriate for the workplace.

Keep in mind that you can be professional at work while still allowing for creativity and expression. When you are yourself even in appearance it helps you to be more productive.  Here are 15 ideas for nail art, including acrylic tips and the natural look. professional nails for work. Acrylic and nail art designs by

You might be one of those people wondering why people wear chains. I used to wonder the same thing, especially for those who wear more than one chain around their neck that is so big and looks so heavy. Then I would say to myself, "isn't this so heavy and uncalled for? Not until I began to understand that there are different reasons why people wear chains, and that is what we are going to dive into.

There are different types of chains, like men's chains and chains for women. Today, there are many different kinds of chains available, including necklaces, bracelets, belts, and ring chains. The most common type of jewellery worn around the neck is a chain. You can get them with one loop or two.

Chains complement any type of outfit, both casual and formal. It enhances your entire look.

Helloice 12mm Stainless Steel Cuban Chain in Gold

Helloice 12mm Stainless Steel Cuban Chain in Gold

People wear chains to make a financial statement, especially celebrities. You see this more in the music industry, where they mostly pair their chain with an iced out pendant. American rappers didn't create gold chains, but they definitely helped make them more famous by showcasing their money when they dress extravagantly, wearing lots of big gold and diamond chains. Rap culture is big on flash and sporting a gold chain suggests that you're letting everyone know that you've made it. The goal of the gold bling and the garish, customised cars is to make the rappers appear richer than they actually are. It represents success to them.

What are destiny and luck, and how do they differ from one another? destiny as a person's fortune and future. In contrast to destiny, which can be affected by human behavior, luck is thought to be part of a divine plan. People believe and define luck and destiny in different ways, which makes our thought process unique. There are ways we can celebrate our inner self and strength while standing for what we believe in. And a better way to do this is through the healing powers of crystals.

Crystals have been known to have amazing benefits. A lot of people still have doubts about the healing abilities of crystals. Some people see it as "new age" or "magic" and are completely ignorant of the fact that healing with crystals dates back to some of the earliest periods in history, despite their power. Many of the crystals we know and use today have been around since ancient times when they were highly valued and thought to have great power.

Jeulia "Radiate Love" Heart-Shaped Natural Rose Quartz Feng Shui Tree

Jeulia "Radiate Love" Heart-Shaped Natural Rose Quartz Feng Shui Tree

In today's world, crystals are used by many for personal healing and to aid the healing of others. Crystals are not some forms of "witchcraft" or "magic," as many believe, but rather tools that we can use to make our lives better. A lot of people also question the use of crystals as conflicting with their particular religious beliefs or outlook on life I don't think that using crystals for healing or home purposes should be associated with any religion. You can see it in a different way, just like using crystals in the same way that you think about using medicine and herbs for treatment when you are unwell. Before you condemn anything or make conclusions, it is best to know its origin.

How are crystals formed?

Typically, crystals are broken down into smaller units through heating or cooling, and when these smaller units are placed together, they "grow" into single crystals. There are four well-known methods for crystal growth: conduction, diffusion, aggregation, and absorption.

This eye-catching collection of cakes for kids' birthday parties is filled with six deliciously coloured adorned cake designs that will make any child happy. Cakes are one-of-a-kind birthday gifts that are beautifully made to put a smile on your child's face. Scroll down to check out these 12 beautiful new birthday cakes for kids.

Cake by Cakeadoodle.

Clay eating addiction

My skin and menstrual cycle were affected by nzu, which is eating salted kaolin clay (geophagia). A lot of people reached out to me after reading my article on how nzu affected my skin and menstrual cycle. They asked how I was able to stop nzu addiction because they were also struggling. That’s why I’m sharing this article and urging everyone to read it.

You’ll be surprised at how many people struggle with this habit, and sadly, there’s no awareness to help reduce clay addiction. For those who don’t know, nzu is an edible clay eaten by people from different parts of the world. I used to think nzu was mostly eaten in Nigeria, but it’s not just a Nigerian thing. In Nigeria, it’s known by different names depending on the tribe, like ndom in Efik/Ibibio and eko in Bini/Edo, nzu in Igbo language and it’s also called calabash chalk. Generally, it’s edible clay.

Let’s dive into how to stop nzu addiction. Nzu addiction is common in Africa and other countries. In Nigeria, it’s overlooked because nzu isn’t categorized as a hard drug, and with everything going on, many health issues get ignored.

In this article, we’ll focus on how to break free from nzu addiction. I’ll cover the harm nzu causes to your body in another article. I’m being honest to give you a clear picture of how it starts and how to stop it.

Many young men, women, children, and even pregnant women eat clay. Some research claims clay is good for your health, but I don’t believe it. It’s contradictory to me. I don’t think the study was done right because it didn’t mention how much nzu matters or discuss its addictive nature, side effects, or health risks.

For many Nigerians, nzu addiction is inherited. For me, it started with errands to buy edible clay for my sister and seeing others eat it. For many kids, it’s their pregnant moms eating clay or seeing their family members eat it. A lot of people thought it was okay to eat nzu because they saw others doing it. This addiction also includes people with Pica, an eating disorder that makes them eat things with no nutritional value, like dirt, chalk, hair, paper, etc.

I started eating nzu at a very young age. If I remember correctly, I was about 6 years old. My friend’s mom was addicted to eating clay (nzu) and bought it in large quantities. She’d throw away the pieces she didn’t like in the field in front of her house. Since we were neighbors and I was friends with her daughter, we’d go and collect those pieces to eat. I started going there regularly and grew up eating nzu.

When I entered secondary school and moved into a boarding house, I began asking day students who came from home to help me buy edible clay almost every week. We’d sit down and eat the nzu together during our free time at the hostel. I even made friends just because they brought nzu to school. I started buying it myself too, since my father always gave me pocket money. By the time I finished secondary school, I had a severe craving or second-stage nzu addiction. When I went to university outside Nigeria, the main addictive cravings really kicked in.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Nzu Addiction

Keep reading to learn how to stop nzu addiction.

I remember being at the metro station in Ukraine on my way to the university, and everywhere would start to smell of nzu. I’d have intense cravings and start imagining that the walls of the metro were made of nzu. I began asking around and buying from African shops in my city and other cities. I even asked people coming from Nigeria or any part of Africa to bring me salted clay (nzu). I even dreamed of starting my own nzu company and making mixtures to suit different people’s tastes, like strawberry, orange, and other fruit flavors.

I started adding nzu to my food, especially jollof rice. When my food was hot and steamy, I’d place the nzu under the food so the steam would heat the clay and mix its aroma with the jollof. The smell of the clay was so satisfying. I’d eat nzu and then drink very chilled iced water or hot coffee. Even with a limited supply of nzu, I would get really happy whenever someone gave me some and protect it like it was a precious stone. I’m not exaggerating.

I started getting advice from friends about how bad nzu is. Sometimes I’d take their advice, but other times I’d continue eating it. I even lied to them, saying I had stopped while I was still taking it. Eventually, I realized something was wrong because I would just sit and start perceiving the smell of nzu. My brain was recreating that smell, and I’d have an immediate urge to have it. I decided to stop, and here’s how I was able to achieve that.

New short and sexy Ankara dresses

What is a holistic dentist?

A holistic dentist is one who takes into account other lifestyle factors, such as your diet, sleeping habits, or hormonal changes, that may be causing the problem and need to be addressed.

The first major step toward better oral health is selecting a qualified and licenced dentist. Despite the numerous options available, most people struggle to find a family dentist. While there is no doubt that a conventional dentist can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of common dental issues, the trend is rapidly shifting towards holistic dentists. Notably, holistic dentists are also licenced practitioners who primarily focus on the relationship between oral health and overall body health. Visit A Holistic Dentist For These 3 Excellent Reasons.

Biocompatibility Testing

Today, material science has taken over the field of dentistry, and dentists are still looking for safe and effective materials for dental procedures and devices. Some materials, however, contain chemicals that a patient may react to, resulting in complicated health issues. Holistic dentists understand that every body system is different and reacts differently to various dental materials. Holistic dentists prioritise biocompatibility testing before any dental procedure in this regard. Biocompatibility testing compares a patient's serum to specific chemical compounds to determine whether an allergic reaction is possible. The results help a dentist select the best dental treatment material for each patient.

Why should you avoid fabrics that cause skin itching?

Femme luxe

I have been a bit slow in writing about this yellow knitted skirt and top set from Femme luxe. I wore this to work; it looked nice but was extremely uncomfortable. I was a bit disappointed because the fabric was very itchy and I could barely stay a minute without being conscious of the fact that the material was itching my skin. 

I've worn other Femme luxe clothing that was fine, but this Cream Knitted Rib Long Sleeve Jumper with High Waisted Bodycon Midi Skirt Co-ord-Zara itched my skin horribly, which is why I'd like to share the reasons why you shouldn't wear clothing that itches your skin. Apart from the skin irritation, there is much more harm and mental destabilization it can cause you. 

I know that itchy clothes can be a result of poor personal hygiene, but I am writing about fabrics that are known to cause skin itchiness and why you should avoid wearing these kinds of fabrics. 

Itchy fabrics can cause mental destabilization.
Like I said earlier, I wore this outfit to work. The fit was great, and I hoped to have a great day looking all pretty and cute, but after getting to the office, I started feeling uncomfortable. I was totally disoriented, and it was hard to keep adjusting my clothes to reduce the effect of the fabric on my skin. I was able to endure until the end of my work, but I was mentally exhausted at the end of the day and could not wait to get home to take my clothes off. 

Decreased functionality and focus
I was less functional and focused because my skin was itchy. I found it a bit difficult to concentrate, which made me less productive. 

Total discomfort.
There is a difference between being really uncomfortable and being destabilized. I had both feelings at the same time. My confidence even dropped, and I was trying not to scratch my skin a lot to avoid attention from my co-workers in the office. 

Long nails are aesthetically pleasing, but they are impractical for working-class women because their hands are required for other tasks. So here are some awesome ideas for working-class women's short nails. In addition, with long nails, you cannot do much of anything. Here are 12 Elegant Nail Designs for a Working Woman. Even though your hands are busy, they may still look amazing, and these short nails are perfect for you.

Nails by Dagmara.zajac_

How to Remove White Spots From Teeth After Whitening

Teeth whitening done at home doesn't yield immediate results (nor should it claim to). The results come on gradually over a period of weeks, and you will need to periodically whiten your teeth after that in order to maintain your results. But what if you're both disappointed and a little taken aback by those outcomes? Some individuals who make an effort to whiten their teeth might discover that while their smile as a whole is whiter, some individual teeth are even whiter than the rest. Is the emergence of white spots on teeth after whitening normal?

An unpleasant development

The emergence of these white spots is probably an undesirable development since you're trying to improve the appearance of your teeth. It happens occasionally, and there is a known reason why. Fortunately, there is also an obvious answer.


Your dental enamel, which is the area of the tooth being whitened, has an irregularity on its surface, which is the cause of the issue. When your enamel has a low level of calcium, it is said to be hypo-calcified, which can cause it to become brittle and uneven. This might be inherited or connected to your diet. It might also happen if you had orthodontic braces on for a long time, which would have covered some of your teeth. Simply put, whitening has made these white spots much more noticeable, even though they have always been present.

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