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They say that trends cycle back around – and the elusive vinyl record is the perfect case study. Considering recent technology trends, it’s not unreasonable to suggest that vinyl records would be wiped out of the picture, with only the most dedicated fans keeping the movement alive behind the scenes. Little did we know that they would hurricane back onto the scene, seemingly out of nowhere. In fact, stats show that vinyl albums brought in £12 million more in 2022 than CD albums did. Let’s take a deep dive into what might have prompted this resurgence.

What are vinyl records

In a nutshell, vinyl records are disks that store music. To play the music they need to be placed on a record player and once they rotate with a needle in place, the music starts to play. Typically, the needle runs inwards, starting from the outside edge. Vinyl versions of gramophone or phonograph records are made using polyvinyl chloride plastic, with engravings on each side. You often need to flip the record onto the other side to play the additional stored music.

What happened to vinyl records

As with many other day-to-day concepts, vinyl records were blown out of the water due to technological advancements. Similarly, the way we listen to music has changed over the years. The sheer quantity of music available to us now is almost overwhelming – and it changes in the blink of an eye, with new tracks knocking old ones from the top spot on a weekly basis in the charts. The concept of listening to a single album from start to finish isn’t on the agenda for many of us these days, with so many other distractions on the cards.

In recent years, technological advancements have led auto manufacturers to take tangible steps towards full vehicle autonomy, (in which the vehicle itself is capable of carrying out a range of driving tasks unassisted by a human driver). Although accessible full automation is still a long way off on the horizon, we’ve already seen the industry come on in leaps and bounds when it comes to crafting so-called ‘driverless vehicles’. If you’re thinking of investing in the tech or you simply can’t wait to purchase your first autonomous vehicle, take a closer look at the 6 stages of vehicle autonomy as they currently stand:


The 6 stages of vehicle autonomy – While fully autonomous vehicles may not be readily available in your local car showroom, it’s certainly possible to pick up a motor that displays a degree of automation, whether that be through the use of driver assistance systems or the application of basic driving tasks, albeit under human supervision:

No Automation (0) - As with traditional cars, these vehicles are fully manual and reliant on a human driver for all driving tasks such as steering, braking, and accelerating. Manual vehicles are likely to disappear in the coming years as we move towards the zero-emission target.

Driver Assistance (1) - A car with in-built driver assistance will usually feature a single automated system, such as cruise control and speed monitoring. A human driver will still retain the majority of control.

Partial Automation (2) - Partially automated vehicles feature more Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in which the car itself is capable of performing driving tasks such as steering and acceleration. A human driver is still required to monitor all tasks and can override the controls at any point.

As a hair stylist, it’s essential that you know how to work with different hair types. Some hair types are more fragile than others, meaning that your styling approach may need to be tailored accordingly.

The hair type system developed by Oprah Winfrey’s stylist, Andre Walker, is a good system to use. It breaks hair down into grades 1-4, with 1 being the least curly (straight) and 4 being the curliest (coils). Subcategories A-C indicates the width of the strands.

Air drying – is it better?

Many people swear by leaving their wet hair to dry naturally instead of using a hair dryer. While it’s true that the heat from hair products can sometimes be excessive, it’s not that straightforward.

This is because wet hair is more elastic and vulnerable. Leaving the hair wet can cause hygral fatigue (excessive swelling), according to trichologist Stephanie Sey.

A better solution is to use a heat-protective spray and then set your hair dryer to a low setting. As the hair gets progressively dryer, you can gradually increase the heat. If you want to take extra precautions, shop for a hairdryer with in-built technology for damage prevention.

Gender inequality has been a topic of serious discussion in the UK for decades, as women continue to fight for basic concessions in work, at home and even in the eyes of the law. As a country, we have come a long way, but a lot of this change has happened only in living memory, and inequality remains plain to see – from the gender pay gap to poor representation in senior roles. Even the judicial system is behind the times, with archaic approaches to legislation and entrenched bigotry continuing to frustrate the legal process for millions of women.

A Legal System Slow to Change

As illustrated by barrister Dr Charlotte Proudman, in her piece for The Independent, changes to UK law in relation to crimes that disproportionately affect women have been excruciatingly slow; marital rape was not recognised as a crime until as recently as 1992, while coercive control – an insidious form of family or relationship abuse that can see the lives of women limited significantly – was only criminalised in 2015.

Indeed, the criminalisation of coercive control was a key driver behind the quashing of abuse victim Sally Challen’s murder charge. Without the eventual recognition of coercive control, Challen would have served life – and if the legal system was quicker evolved, she may not have spent the 9 years she did behind bars. This is an extreme example, but one that illustrates a wider issue impacting the proper litigation of everything from discrimination to high-profile criminal cases.

Impact on Victims – and Potential for Revictimisation

Naturally, the slow uptake of necessary revisions to UK law in this way has had corresponding impacts on victims, whether discriminatory behaviour or violent crime based on their gender. Trust in the legal system is low, and victims of discrimination are less likely to come forward as a result.

Not only is this the case, but there are also occasions in which victims readily open themselves up to scrutiny in court and fall victim to further discrimination; barrister negligence claims usually concern the giving of inappropriate or illegal advice concerning civil claims, a subset of which is the advice on civil disputes regarding gender discrimination.

Shanty Town
is a 2023 Movie.

Netflix has recently begun streaming this film series, and it has quickly become the buzz of the media. It is trending on Twitter as well. It began screening today, and I'm willing to guess that not everyone is going to be able to handle the suspense and the events that are taking place in this movie. I am unable to provide a comprehensive review because doing so would reveal too much information about the plot. However, I will say that the film stars a number of well-known actors who do an amazing job in their respective roles. The story focuses on a town called Shanty Town, which is governed by a man who aspires to become the next governor of Lagos State. He employs his boys in the drug industry, where they also engage in the trafficking of women.

The story is about a lot of different things that happen to a lot of different people. As things keep getting worse and worse, it just can't get any more exciting.

I am going to suggest that you watch this movie, and if you are debating whether or not you should, let me assure you that you should absolutely give it a shot. You will enjoy it, and you will acquire a great deal of knowledge from it, ranging from the inner workings of politics to the ways in which society may be so disorganized that individuals can become disoriented amidst it all.

View the cast on Imbd.

Hello, lovely people! It's Friday, and I am so happy that I can sleep and not worry about waking up on time tomorrow, which is Saturday. I am currently a lecturer at a university, and sometimes one of the things I like about Europe, or, let me say, Ukraine and the UK, is the way people are allowed to wear what makes them feel comfortable and good about themselves.

So I wore a short to work today, and despite wearing double pantyhose underneath, my mind kept telling me it wasn't appropriate, but I was like, "It's Friday, and all I want to do is work and enjoy the rest of my day." I know that we are all allowed to express ourselves and wear what we like, but I think that dressing well to work is necessary.

In all honesty, I received this parcel yesterday, and I decided to try wearing something I haven't worn to work before, so I sprayed my hair to look good and wore this black ripped distressed high Waisted Denim Shorts femme luxe with this top I got from Primark. I wanted to look basic and simple, and I guess I achieved that, but the question is, is this a work-appropriate outfit, or can I get away with it because I wore it to work on a Friday?

Well, let me know in the comment section below with your honest answers, please.

These shorts can be purchased from Femme Luxe, the top from Primark, and the shoes from T.K. Maxx. Its simple look got me thinking, about whether it was work-appropriate or not.

How to keep a tidy home in 2023

New Year’s Resolution: How to keep a tidy home in 2023

The start of the new year is a time of change. The change from deep winter towards spring. And for many of us, a decision to work on the one thing we’d like to change in the coming year.

If you’ve chosen to keep your home tidy as your New Year’s Resolution for 2023, you aren’t alone. That’s because it’s something that many people struggle with. And this fact becomes painfully evident immediately after the season of gift-giving.

With this in mind, we’ve written this short guide to cleaning up your living space. Keep reading to find out how you can keep a tidy home in 2023.


Many people avoid tidying their homes because they don’t know where to start. Instead of procrastinating, you should start by tackling the area that bothers you the most.

Often, these are spaces that are used frequently and by many people – such as hallways, living rooms, and even kitchens. This is especially true if you live with multiple other people or if you have children.

Make the most of awkward spaces

Homes come in a variety of shapes and layouts. Regardless of the peculiarities of your home, it’s essential you make the most out of its space if you want to keep it tidy.

This might seem unrealistic, especially if you have a lot of awkward spaces around your home. But you might be surprised what you can achieve with a little ingenuity.

For example, you can use floating shelves in awkward nooks, install a built-in wardrobe under your stairs, or get multi-functional furniture that doubles as storage space.


Getting rid of old items you no longer need is one of the easiest ways to tidy up your home. And there’s no time this is more true than during the months following Christmas.

Between unused winter coats, beat-up winter boots, and food items you won’t use in the new year, you’d be surprised at just how much space you can free up.

Create better habits

Routines play an underappreciated role in keeping your home well-organized. So, if you want to keep your home tidy over the long term, you’ll need to build new habits.

Set up weekly times to conduct the activities most crucial to keeping your home tidy – whether it’s processing posts and papers, changing décor, or reorganizing your wardrobe.

If you want to take your tidiness to the next level, you can even set up daily habits – for example, quickly tidying each room before you leave it.

Keeping mess under control can be challenging. Yet it’s well within your power to keep a tidy home – especially if you follow our tips above! Which can you get started with today?

It’s hard to process. I have mixed feelings; it feels unreal; this is the first time death is hitting so close, and I can’t feel my feet anymore. My teeth are aching, and my heart is racing. I don’t know how to express myself, but I am sure I feel like I am floating, surprised, not accepting, not happy, maybe in pain, maybe off, maybe just a little bit of everything.

My sister just left us, and it doesn’t feel good. To be honest, I'm not sure why we have to struggle in life and then leave. It’s no longer making sense; how do I even understand this feeling? I wish I was dreaming, but that's not the case. I wish this was one of those bad dreams, but it’s not. I am writing, so I know it’s for real.

My mother and father are both in a bad mood. I feel lonely inside; it’s hard to process and understand. I just want to be fine. It's difficult. It's difficult, and it gets even more difficult as the days pass. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, and sometimes I find myself remembering both the good and bad times we shared. How do I even accept this bad news that knocked on our door? I don’t want to accept this. I feel bad and sad.

Ogadinma, your voice is beautiful, and you have always wanted to sing for God. You had dreams that never became reality, and I believe you fought the best you could. I know you enjoyed life and definitely would have preferred to live, but maybe you couldn’t anymore. I miss you, and it feels uninteresting over here.

Can you give us one month more? Just maybe a miracle will allow you to cook your favorite dish, dance like you always do, and sing like you always did. I miss you, sister. You always buy me clothes and gifts when I come home.

I don’t know how I will process this. Your second daughter, Chidera, is in shock, and Chidinma is also processing what has happened.

Just before you left us, Dad and Mom told me they wanted to pray, and I knew it wasn't just for me but also for you. I thought you would wait for a little and be with us. I am sorry that your strength failed you. I am trying to be strong; we haven’t faced this type of pain before, and it’s strange.

Your daughter informed me that you sent me a message on WhatsApp that didn't deliver, in which you mentioned that you were in pain. I can't deal.

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Everything is beginning to focus on Valentine's Day celebrations, and the question I must address today is: Is there a perfect Valentine's Day dress? There aren't any. Valentine's Day, as we all know, is one of the most widely celebrated holidays and signifies love to many people; nevertheless, the media has produced numerous misconceptions about the event.

A dress can be worn on Valentine's Day, but there is no perfect Valentine's Day outfit. Wear whatever makes you feel confident and comfortable. Some people go all out, which I can't condemn; it all depends on what you enjoy and how you and your spouse want to dress. Nevertheless, it's still okay to dress casually and wear jeans and a blouse for Valentine's Day outing.

Satin has been regarded as a luxury fabric since far before the fashion revolution of recent years. Originating in China more than 2,000 years ago, satin was considered a fabric for the wealthy due to its pricey production and limited availability. Satin dresses for women have traveled far and wide to become a wardrobe staple today.
Women's satin dresses have existed for a substantial amount of time and in a variety of styles. They have been worn by women as long shirts, slip dresses, wedding gowns, and even lingerie-inspired garments. The silky feel of satin against the skin is the primary factor that draws ladies to the fabric. As an added plus, satin dresses for women are effortless to style. Independent of the wearer's silhouette, the cloth appears luxurious, elegant, and fluid. And satin dresses for women are versatile; they are suitable for both casual occasions and the red carpet.

Satin dresses are ideal for any occasion, from floor-length evening gowns to classy midis. Perhaps it's the glitz and girliness that we associate with satin, but there's something very romantic about this fabric! Whether it's a satin slip skirt or a cami top, there's something about satin that just screams date night! Who doesn't adore old Hollywood glitz? Starlets ranging from Marilyn Monroe to Audrey Hepburn have been known to slay in satin.

If you want to go for the classic Valentine's Day looks, then here are the points you need to score:

  • Wear a satin dress. Satin dresses are beautiful and enticing. They look effortless and flatter your body, whether fitted or loose.
  • Smoky eye: You might want to go hard on that eye shadow by doing smoky eye makeup.
  • All shades of red lips are also classics. Red lips are a go-to that will complement your look.
  • Wear comfortable heels. Comfort is key. Don't wear anything that makes you feel uneasy.

The liver is an extraordinarily complicated and laborious organ. Detoxification activities and the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are the two tasks that receive the most attention. To ensure proper operation, the liver must be shielded from the constant barrage of hazardous substances created internally and ingested through food, water, and the environment.


What Are the benefits of Milk Thistle?
Numerous plants have positive impacts on liver function. The most spectacular research, however, has been conducted on milk thistle extracts (Silybum marianum). The majority of the health advantages of milk thistle extracts are attributable to the high concentration of silymarin, a complex of flavonoid chemicals that protect the liver from damage and promote detoxification processes.

Milk thistle extract can prevent liver damage and grow new, healthy liver cells to replace the damaged ones. And milk thistle benefits the liver more than any other organ. In addition, research indicates that milk thistle extract can help repair and regenerate kidney cells, resulting in a 25–30% increase in renal cell replication. The kidneys are an additional crucial component of detoxification.

In human clinical trials, milk thistle extracts (often standardized to contain 70% silymarin) have demonstrated numerous positive effects, many of which are related to enhancing liver function. When liver function improves, this organ is better able to do its job. As a result, improvements in blood sugar regulation, cholesterol, fat metabolism, and general health are observed.


How does Milk Thistle Extract Contribute to Detoxification?
One of the most important ways that milk thistle extract increases detoxifying processes is by reducing glutathione depletion. Levels of this important detoxification aid, an antioxidant, and a cellular defender are directly related to the liver's capacity to defend itself and eliminate toxic substances. In essence, the higher the glutathione concentration, the better the liver's potential to detoxify toxic substances.

When exposed to compounds that can harm the liver, such as alcohol, the glutathione content in the liver often decreases significantly. This glutathione deficiency makes liver cells susceptible to harm.

Not only does milk thistle extract prevent the depletion of glutathione caused by alcohol and other harmful substances, but it has also been proven to raise glutathione levels in the liver by up to 35% in individuals with normal liver function. The results of this study show that milk thistle extract can speed up detoxification by up to 35%, even in healthy people. This is because the amount of glutathione in the liver is linked to the liver's ability to detoxify.


What Does Research Suggest Regarding Milk Thistle Extract?
Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that silymarin has good benefits for liver health regardless of the organ's stress or strain. Clinical and analytical evidence usually confirms the benefits. One early study, for instance, showed the benefits of silymarin for people exposed to harmful substances. 49 of 200 workers exposed to toxic toluene and/or xylene fumes for 5 to 20 years had abnormal liver function test findings and/or abnormal platelet or white blood cell counts in this study. Thirty sick employees were administered silymarin, while the remaining 19 were left untreated. The administration of milk thistle extract enhanced liver function measurements as well as platelet and white blood cell counts.

The fatty liver linked with obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome can also be treated with milk thistle extract (abdominal obesity, elevated blood lipids, insulin resistance, etc.). In investigations of people with these illnesses, milk thistle extract improved liver function and, consequently, blood sugar and cholesterol metabolism. In addition to enhancing antioxidant indices (SOD, GPX, and TAC), milk thistle extract lowered an inflammatory marker (C-reactive protein). It has also been shown that milk thistle extract raises the levels of antioxidants in the blood of athletes.
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