Lifestyle Blogger

Life happens. Just before I started writing this article, a friend of mine, who has been interested in me for a while now but whom I clearly let know that I wasn’t interested in, just sent me his wedding invitation. When I received it, I was happy and glad for him, and I believe he will make a lovely husband to her, but on the other hand, I wondered how well I could contribute to his wedding ceremony because where I come from, little help is needed during weddings, like finding the right wedding dress for the bride by going shopping with her or finding the right bridal set, which includes cute necklaces and rings, is well appreciated. Sometimes we go as far as helping out with the cooking because we want the food to have a taste of home, and since weddings are supposed to happen once in a lifetime, a lot of things have to be put in place before the wedding.

Marriage generally can be scary and hectic, especially in the present time, but if you don’t try, how would you know? So go out with a positive attitude and be positive, while also being sure that you have found the right partner, and when it happens, be sure to enjoy the process and be thankful.

My friend asked me to suggest the best ring I thought would be perfect for his bride. I guess it's because of my fashion and lifestyle blog that I get to have these little opportunities to suggest outfits for my friends and family on special occasions; I appreciate it and do not take it for granted. I suggested a heart-shaped wedding ring.

I know this may sound a little off for those who love their beds, but the reality is that staying in one spot all the time can cause you to be less motivated and creative. I am writing this article from experience. Inspiration is not just about listening to inspirational talks and reading inspirational quotes, though these are also helpful. Your brain doesn't just function through these. There is more that can motivate you, even without your knowledge. For instance, I discovered that watching talk shows improved my writing. I remember always watching Steve Harvey's shows, and when I want to write, I try to sound as good as a presenter. I started writing to present a better article, which was also how I came to realize that going out more helps you write better.

How does going out more improve your writing skills

The world we live in today is a combination of many things, events, and people, and staying in one place makes you see things from one perspective. When you go out, you tend to have mixed views, which helps your brain perform even better. You get to write not just for writing's sake but in a relatable and realistic manner. Writing is about connecting ideas to create beneficial information.
If you want your bathroom to look more stylish and spacious, replace the bathroom door instead of the shower curtain. Any bathroom design may quickly gain an aspect of beauty, depth, and opulence by simply adding a glass door.

A seamless glass door gives bathrooms a feeling of openness. They are simpler to maintain and keep clean when compared to framed shower doors.

Remodeling a bathroom may be highly expensive, especially if the plumbing needs to be completely redone. It is advised that you first create a bathroom remodeling budget so that you know what you can and cannot afford before beginning any bathroom remodeling projects.

Although there are certainly numerous advantages, there are still a few things you should take into account before making a purchase. Therefore, if you're unsure of how to choose a glass shower door, keep reading.

Here are the top 5 things you should be aware of before you start shopping:

1. Create a budget.
Setting a budget when you begin looking for shower doors is generally a good idea. You can also get in touch with expert shower enclosure installer businesses for precise numbers. They'll offer you a general sense of how much money you can expect to need for your design.

These experts will assist you throughout the process, regardless of whether you like modern shower doors or contemporary shower doors.

2. Pick the design and style.
The exciting next step is choosing your shower doors style after you've decided on your budget. Consider what kind of shower door will look best in this part of the bathroom after first taking a look at the available space. A pivoting shower door works well for a small shower cubicle, while a sliding tub door is perfect for covering a bathtub.

3. Carefully take measurements.
The next stage, taking and comparing measurements, is very important. Whatever type of door you choose, these specifications will guarantee the ideal fit and appearance for your bathroom. So take your time and double-check everything. Measuring twice and ordering once is the secret to getting accurate measurements.

4. Pick a texture.
You can choose the glass style based on how your shower door is made and designed. You can choose from patterned, textured, or completely plain glass. You can also apply a protective layer or coating to the glass, which will prevent it from being discoloured, collecting soap residue, and scratching.

5. Go on an online tour.
You've looked into numerous varieties of glass shower doors, but you're still unsure. Due to the abundance of possibilities, it frequently occurs that people become confused and unable to choose which will look best in their bathrooms. You might try using a design tool.

You can experiment with different configurations with the aid of software in order to find the ideal door for you. Purchase your preferred glass shower door as soon as you're happy with the way it looks and feels.

You'll be able to order the appropriate shower door for your bathroom if you keep these five considerations in mind when placing your order. You can also decorate the rest of the bathroom to go with your new shower door.

Pay attention to your health.
You need to get back on track with healthy behaviours in order to recapture that youthful feeling. Let's examine how refocusing your attention on your health might make you feel much younger.

Begin your workout routine right away.
You could be mistaken in thinking that only young guys benefit from exercise, but this is not the case. Because it has the ability to keep you feeling young on the inside, physical activity is essential for guys of any age. Make it a goal to get some fresh air and exercise at least once a day for at least half an hour. You might begin your day by going for a jog or even by taking a long walk around the neighbourhood. Both of these options are great ways to get some exercise. You will feel instantly awake and energised for the day ahead if you carry out these steps.

You will experience positive feelings of well-being and self-assurance if you are able to maintain good physical health and get into better shape. This self-assurance will result in behaviours that are more helpful to the cause.

Keep yourself hydrated.
Consuming a lot of water will help hydrate your body and give you more energy. As your skin begins to glow and appear more moisturised, you will experience an increase in positive feelings about yourself. Maintaining a healthy level of hydration can assist in the prevention of wrinkles that are associated with ageing, which can make you look and feel younger.

Eat healthy food.
A significant number of guys are oblivious to the need to maintain a diet rich in quality, wholesome, and nutritious meals. Your craving for sweets could be satisfied by eating junk food, but in the long run, it will only make you less agile. Instead, stick to an eating plan that features plenty of healthy variety. Include in your diet some protein, some healthy fats, and some carbohydrates. Consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure that you obtain a sufficient amount of iron as well as other vitamins and minerals.

Find a happy medium between eating healthily and eating what makes you feel like the best version of yourself and keeps you feeling young. It's fine to indulge once in a while without feeling guilty. Grab some ice cream and spend time with your grandchildren, or gather some friends and enjoy some of your favourite snacks. If done in moderation, this activity can help you form and experience positive memories, bringing back a sense of being young again.


Quit Smoking
Holding on to harmful routines might hasten the ageing process. If you want to have the feeling of being younger, you need to give your body time to repair. If you haven't already done so, you really ought to give up smoking for this reason. Your skin will become loose and wrinkled as a result of the nicotine in cigarettes, in addition to the carbon monoxide that prevents your skin from breathing properly. Smoking lowers your resistance to illness and stops you from enjoying the benefits of youth and vitality. Giving up smoking will result in several beneficial improvements for your body.

Smile Frequently

According to research that was carried out in 2016, smiling might make a person appear and feel years younger. It was observed that men appeared to be of a more advanced age if they had a pessimistic expression on their faces, whereas those with upbeat expressions were recognised as being younger than their peers. Smiling helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and a positive mood, both of which contribute to a feeling of being more youthful.

Take control of your mental state.
According to a number of studies, your mental state directly affects the physical structure and function of your brain. Men who were older yet still regarded themselves as young had a younger brain than men who did not have this mindset, even if they were the same age. This demonstrates how important it is to have the perspective of a young person.

Meditate Regularly
Meditation is the single most effective strategy for restoring your sense of youth and vitality. The practise of meditation improves cognitive performance and helps to clear one's mind. Your anxiety can be brought under control, and your brain can be trained to make better choices, if you meditate for at least ten minutes every day. This life does not pause for anyone, and it continues on with its forward momentum. Therefore, you need to meditate in order to keep up with the fast-paced life that you lead. When you have your thoughts in order, you'll feel much better overall, as well as more youthful.

Bring back the memories of the good old days.
If you do some of the things you used to enjoy doing in the past, you won't feel as old. This comprises getting romantically involved and enhancing your existing intimate relationships. Males who have more intimate relationships both feel and look younger, according to a study by Dr. David Weeks. To keep oneself feeling young and fulfilled, it is essential to have a fulfilling sexual life. Intimacy with a spouse reduces feelings of anxiety and triggers the production of hormones that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Get restorative sleep
Sleep helps improve cognitive processes and gives your body more stamina, which in turn makes you feel more youthful and active. You can get restorative sleep by doing things like slowing down early and avoiding snacking before bed, to name just a few of the things that can help.

No matter how old you are, it makes no difference. Men of any age can recapture the vitality and sense of youth they had in their younger years in a variety of different ways. Improving your routines in even seemingly insignificant ways can have a significant impact. It's time for you to have that youthful feeling back!

UK Fashion blogger wearing the Cerise cotton H&M T-shirt

You will agree with me that most spring basics can be used in summer because most times it's all about layering and wearing lighter jackets to protect our bodies from the cold, but basically we start wearing lighter dresses. Spring and summer are like siblings—fun and beautiful—with the exception that one is more warm than the other. So in today's post, we are going to talk about spring and summer basics every woman should own.
I like keeping my outfits simple and basic sometimes. Even though I like long dresses, I will gladly wear jeans and tees during the summer. We are not all the same, which is why being versatile is important, and spring wardrobe sorting can be really important for those who have lots of items. Spring and summer basics are primarily clothing items you can easily wear with style and a good fashion sense. It's also about light and airy clothing, so let's get to it.

From oversized shirts to crop tops and frill-detailed camis, you are free to express yourself and wear anything you like. I personally encourage people to always keep it decent. I personally think that colourful tees are best for spring and summer because you can wear them without having to cover them. Wondering what options of tees suit spring and summer? Here are some affordable tees for summer. I got this cerise cotton short sleeve jersey T-shirt at H&M. If you prefer neutral colours, there are also tees for you.

Jeans are perfect for every weather, but some jeans are thicker than others, so while picking out your jeans, be sure to pick out jeans that are made with light materials, not coated jeans. Jeans that are versatile and only one colour, such as blue, black, grey, or ash and navy blue jeans, These jeans go with lots of tops, blouses, shirts, and tees. There are different types of jeans that I recommend for summer, such as mom jeans, boyfriend jeans, oversize jeans, boot cut jeans, baggy jeans, tapered jeans, and straight leg jeans. I do not recommend skinny jeans in the summer because, after covering your skin all winter, summer is the only season that really allows your skin to breathe. When it gets really hot, some people start sweating on their thighs, which is really uncomfortable and sometimes makes your thigh a little darker, so I recommend you ditch skinny jeans in the summer. I got these grey baggy high-rise jeans from Zara. 

Slippers, flip-flops, sandals, and Birkenstock
Taking fashion as easy as you can in spring and summer can do you good, especially if you enjoy wearing fashionable items. Less is more sometimes, and in summer, buy basics that you can easily pair with sandals, flip-flops, and slippers. They give a more relaxed look, which is always best for summer.

Black Sunglasses
I like wearing sunglasses, and I have recommended several pairs that we all need, but this post is all about the basics, so you need a black pair of sunglasses. A black pair of sunglasses does the magic. All you need to do is put them in your handbags, and when the sun is high, just put them on. Also, on days you aren't feeling too good with the world, a pair of sunglasses does the magic. I purchased my tinted rectangular sunglasses from Primark for less than £2, and like they say, no one will know because everything I touch turns golden and luxurious. Sunglasses are also great protection from ultraviolet raysThese classic and stylish rectangular sunglasses are a must-have for the summer.

I haven't been as active as I have been this spring. I guess I am beginning to recover from the cold season, and one of the best ways I would recommend doing so is by clearing out your wardrobe and bringing out those lovely accessories and dresses and pairing them. Looking fabulous and lovely should be a way of life. It doesn't have to cost so much. It can be as simple as adding a little necklace to your outfit or just curling your hair. These little things do the magic.

If you have been on Instagram of late, you have probably noticed all the beautiful dresses worn by different bloggers and Instagram users—colourful, floral dressing that suits the blossoming of the spring weather. I must say I have been enjoying spring so much. Apart from the beautiful trees and sunshine spring brings, spring makes us hopeful for a warmer summer, and so we just get even more active. Spring is also a perfect time for weddings. Yes, have you seen those gorgeous travel photos that people share in the spring? Oh, my, they are fabulous. I definitely would love to have a spring wedding.
Spring weddings are so dreamy and nice, but of course you have to have a ring before you start planning for one. There are different rings I could recommend; not everyone can afford a diamond ring or even gold, so one of the most popular ring options is a moissanite engagement ring. Do you know why people like moissanite rings? Moissanite is a highly durable stone, intended to last a lifetime and guaranteed to withstand everyday wear. Moissanite is a very appealing alternative to the typical diamond engagement ring due to the personalization possibilities and the very affordable price tag.

Melody Jacob Blog visits Glasgow Necropolis

Exploring the Glasgow Necropolis Victorian cemetery: The City of the Dead

There is always a magical place that holds lots of memories, and the Glasgow Necropolis is one of them. The first time we wanted to visit this place, it was so cold that we had to reschedule for another day. So once again, if you are planning to visit Glasgow, Scotland, then the Necropolis should be on your top list. When we got there, we saw people taking photos, and the amazing thing about this place is that the view is magical. You get to see the city from the top, and I tell you, you will love every moment you spend here.

Take your time to savour the moment, take photos, and read the stones and graves. This place is big; it is better to start at the bottom and work your way up. We didn't get to walk around everywhere, but we enjoyed the view so much that we kept taking photos and having nice conversions.

It is also known as the city of the dead.

About the Glasgow Necropolis

Glasgow Necropolis is a Victorian cemetery in Glasgow, Scotland.To the east of Glasgow Cathedral, which is located on a small but very noticeable hill. These grounds contain the graves of 50,000 people. It is typical of the era that only a small percentage of the deceased are named on monuments, and not every grave has a stone to mark its location. The Necropolis is a Victorian garden cemetery with stunning structures, sculptures, and intriguing stories. It is estimated that around 50,000 burials have taken place here. The Necropolis was built in 1831 by the Merchants' House of Glasgow in the Classical Revival architectural style. The hill is topped by a monument to John Knox that was built in 1825.

Why you should visit the Glasgow Necropolis

You are welcome to bring along your loved ones, friends, and family members on your excursion to this location. It is preferable when it is warm, so that you can stroll around and take in the scenery as well as anything else you come across. Some of the pathways are exactly like those in movies, and there are green fields with lovely trees. It's a truly beautiful place to visit.

Address: Castle St, Glasgow G4 0UZ

Free entry: £0

How to have fun at the Necropolis

1. Grab a cup of coffee on your way.
We didn't get to buy a cup of coffee because we were just coming back from a doctor's appointment and we wanted to drink something hot while also taking a walk and looking around. This is a cemetery, and there is no cafe or restaurant in it, but it is not too far from the location where you can find food and drinks.

2. Take photos.
This place is Instagram-worthy, and just in case you don't want to take photos for social media, take photos for your memories. Every photo I took made me happy, and I looked forward to sharing it with you all.

3. Educate yourself.
Read the stones and graves, and you will get to learn about the dead and how they died. You can as well browse about some details online.

4. The green grass.
If you get tired of walking and want to sit down while still taking in the scenery, the grass is so lush and beautiful that you can do so while still taking in the scenery. We saw a few pieces of trash around, so make sure the area you want to sit in is clean.

5. Use a guide.
We didn't use a tour guide, but this service is available, and you can read all about it below.

It can occasionally be challenging for kids with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or an intellectual disability, to make friends and find social opportunities. Parents can help by doing the following: (Source)

Fostering diverse communities
Social connections and friendships play a significant role in our lives. They give people a sense of inclusion in their communities and a sense of belonging.

Neurodevelopmental disabilities can affect how people communicate, learn, and act. Occasionally, these differences make it more difficult than usual to make friends and engage in social activities.

However, parents and other community members can contribute to the creation of more inclusive communities and increase the chances for people with neurodiverse abilities to form social relationships.

The following advice and methods will assist kids in acquiring the social and emotional competencies they need to make friends. Keep reading to find out how to help neurodiverse children build friendships and the benefits of practising social and emotional skills at home.

Practise at home with advice for typical social situations. 
Making friends and navigating social situations require a variety of skills that you can practise with kids at home.

  • Greetings and asking questions. Make it a habit to practise greeting people all day long. Give your child an example of attentive listening by taking turns asking and responding to questions like, "How are you?"
  • Calm physical movements. Children with neurodevelopmental disabilities may occasionally find it challenging to maintain body calm. Encourage your child to practise maintaining an arm's length distance between themselves and others in order to give their body enough space.
  • Appropriate voice volume. Encourage your child to mimic your voice volume while listening. Practise turning the volume up and down as though your voice had a dial.
  • Make eye contact. It can be challenging to look someone directly in the eyes, so encourage your child to practise looking at different parts of your face or their own eyes in the mirror instead.
  • Observing and reacting to social signals Frequently. People communicate with more than just words. The various ways we express ourselves through body language and facial expressions are known as social signals. For kids who are neurodiverse, it can frequently be challenging to identify this. By asking what a person's body or face might be trying to say, you can help your child recognise common social signals

The plan for the day was for us to go for a stroll and check out the Glasgow Necropolis, and once we were done there, we wanted to stop for a cup of coffee and some light refreshments. We had a few questions about where we should go, but after we had walked around for a while, we decided to stop at Tinderbox Cafe, which had a pleasant ambiance and prompt service.

Tinderbox is a contemporary coffee shop serving coffee and baked goods, with large windows and a mezzanine. He had a chicken and egg sandwich. The chicken sandwich is more tasty than the egg sandwich. We also had hot chocolate and coffee. This place is a bit pricey, in my opinion, because everything we got was £18. 


Does watching less TV reduce your risk of dementia? Keep reading to find out.

How long do you usually watch TV? According to one study, half of American adults watch two to three hours of television daily, with some people watching as much as eight hours. Is it good or bad to spend time watching TV? Let's examine some of the information related to your chances of developing dementia and cognitive decline.

Physical activity enhances mental acuity more than sitting all day.
First off, you have less time for physical activity the more time you spend sitting and watching television. Participating in enough physical activity lowers your risk of dementia and cognitive decline. It should come as no surprise that if you spend a lot of time sitting and engaging in other sedentary activities, you run a higher risk of developing cognitive decline and dementia than someone who does not spend as much time sitting.

Is watching TV actually detrimental to your brain?
It's preferable to work out than watch television.
However, is watching television still bad for you if you exercise regularly? The initial research indicating that watching television is still detrimental to your brain was released in 2005. After taking into account the year of birth, gender, income, and level of education, the researchers found that the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease went up by 1.3 times for every additional hour of TV watching in middle age. Additionally, engaging in social and intellectually stimulating activities lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

Less than 500 people participated in this study, but its conclusions have never been disagreed with. But how well would these findings apply to a larger sample of people?

TV watching and cognitive deterioration
In 2018, the UK Biobank study started following roughly 500,000 people who were 37 to 73 years old when they were first enrolled between 2006 and 2010. The reported demographic data was somewhat scant: 88% of the sample were classified as white, 11% as other, and 54% were female.

The researchers looked at the baseline results of the participants on a number of cognitive tests.

upcoming memory (remembering to do an errand on your way home)
spatial memory for images (remembering a route that you took)
adaptable intelligence (important for problem solving)

short-term memory for numbers (keeping track of numbers in your head).Many participants retook some tests five years later. The range of participants evaluated for each test was 12,091 to 114,373, depending on the test. The study's findings were clear. First, across all cognitive tests, watching more television at baseline was associated with poorer cognitive function.

Also, every test of cognitive ability showed that watching TV was linked to a drop in cognitive ability five years later.This kind of research can only infer that watching television contributes to cognitive decline.

Furthermore, the kind of sedentary activity selected was important. Driving and watching television were both associated with poorer cognitive function. However, using a computer was linked to better cognitive function at baseline and a lower risk of cognitive decline over the course of the five-year study.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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