Lifestyle Blogger

Based on data collected over nearly five decades, a new study highlights the connection between heart health and brain function.

As we age, our bodies and brains naturally become less agile. Experiencing occasional forgetfulness or taking longer to remember names or events is a normal part of the aging process. However, in some cases, cognitive decline can occur at a faster rate. Recent research suggests that individuals who have experienced a heart attack may be more prone to accelerated cognitive decline (refer to "Cognitive changes after a heart attack").

Cognitive abilities, such as reasoning and memory, can be assessed through various methods. The study in question focused on overall cognition, which includes learning, processing speed, and executive function (the ability to carry out mental tasks like planning and remembering instructions). Immediately following a heart attack, survivors did not display any noticeable cognitive changes. However, over the subsequent years, they exhibited a persistent and accelerated decline in overall cognition compared to those who hadn't experienced heart attacks. According to the researchers, this decline was equivalent to approximately six to thirteen years of normal cognitive aging.

The study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the causes of cognitive issues and explore potential prevention strategies. To achieve this, researchers analyzed data from six large studies conducted in the United States over the past five decades. The key findings, published in the July 2023 edition of JAMA Neurology, are summarized below.

Participants: 30,465 adults without a history of heart attack, stroke, or dementia. Of these, 56% were women, 29% were Black, and 8% were Hispanic.

Study Duration: The studies were conducted between 1971 and 2019.

Occurrences: During the follow-up periods, which ranged from around five to twenty years, 1,033 individuals experienced a heart attack, with 137 of them having two heart attacks. All participants underwent at least one cognitive assessment, and those who had a heart attack received assessments both before and after the event.

Key Findings: Cognitive changes were not immediately apparent after a heart attack. However, heart attack survivors experienced a decline in cognitive ability at a faster rate than normal in the subsequent years.

Bariatric procedures are now seen as both a preventive and therapeutic measure for addressing the serious health issues associated with obesity. A shining example is a woman who underwent weight-loss surgery just six months ago and has already experienced remarkable changes. She has shed numerous pounds, not only reducing her weight but also diminishing the risk of life-threatening health complications. Accompanied by a newfound confidence, she even achieved a coveted career promotion.

In the past, weight-loss surgery, also known as bariatric or metabolic surgery, was considered a last resort for individuals with over a hundred pounds of excess weight. However, the perception has shifted, and both medical professionals and patients now view it as a proactive tool to prevent the development of health problems linked to severe obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea.

Obesity is recognized as a medical condition that warrants effective treatment, and weight-loss surgery is one of the options available. While over 70% of Americans struggle with overweight or obesity, bariatric surgery is specifically aimed at those who are morbidly obese, typically with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. It may also be considered for individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher who have weight-related health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or sleep apnea.

For these individuals, weight-loss surgery can provide a means to shed significant weight when conventional methods like diets, exercise, medications, or other treatments have failed to yield results. However, it is essential to understand that surgery alone is not a magical solution but rather a supportive measure. Patients must make comprehensive changes to their approach to food and fitness for the best outcomes.

Most weight-loss surgeries utilize minimally invasive techniques, involving small incisions in the abdomen through which specialized tools are inserted. These procedures typically involve reducing the size of the stomach and altering the absorption of nutrients. Popular versions of the surgery include sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass, with the latter involving more extensive modifications to internal organs to affect digestion and regulate hunger hormones. Some individuals may be suitable candidates for gastric banding, which places an inflatable tube around the stomach to limit its capacity.

The benefits of weight-loss surgery extend far beyond shedding pounds. Over 250,000 Americans, predominantly women, undergo such procedures annually, and this number continues to rise. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, these surgeries can reduce an obese person's risk of premature death by up to 50%. Few medications or lifestyle changes can match the long-lasting impact on health achieved through surgery.

Whether you're getting ready for a formal event or aiming to add a touch of sophistication to your everyday attire, knowing how to tie a tie is an essential skill for any well-dressed individual. While the prospect of tying a tie may seem daunting at first, fear not! With a bit of practice and our helpful step-by-step guide, you'll be able to create a perfectly knotted tie with ease.

Step 1: Start with the Wide End and Narrow End

Begin by draping the tie around your neck, with the wide end on your right side and the narrow end on your left side. Make sure the wide end is longer than the narrow end, typically hanging about 12 inches below the narrow end.

Step 2: Cross the Wide End Over the Narrow End

Take the wide end of the tie and cross it over the narrow end, forming an "X" at the collar of your shirt. Hold the point where they intersect firmly with your non-dominant hand.

Step 3: Bring the Wide End Up and Through

With the wide end still in your dominant hand, bring it up and pass it through the loop formed by the "X" at the collar. Hold the emerging wide end with your non-dominant hand to maintain control.

Step 4: Cross the Wide End Behind the Narrow End

Now, cross the wide end behind the narrow end, moving from right to left. This will create a horizontal loop in front of the knot.

Step 5: Bring the Wide End Up and Through Again

Take the wide end and bring it up and through the horizontal loop you just created in Step 4. Ensure that the wide end emerges from the loop pointing towards your chin.

Step 6: Thread the Wide End Through the Knot

Gently thread the wide end down through the knot you've formed in the previous step. Use your non-dominant hand to guide the wide end through smoothly, maintaining control over the emerging knot.

Similar brain changes are observed in individuals with obesity and those with Alzheimer's disease, according to a recent analysis. The study, published on January 31, 2023, in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, involved a review of brain scans from over 1,300 participants. Among them were 341 individuals with Alzheimer's, 341 individuals with obesity, and 682 individuals without either condition. The scans revealed comparable thinning in brain regions associated with learning, memory, and judgment in both the Alzheimer's and obesity groups. While cognitive tests taken by obese participants, defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher, did not show evident mental deficits, the researchers acknowledged that these tests might not capture subtle changes in thinking abilities related to brain alterations.

According to scientific evidence, drinking apple cider vinegar does not have a significant impact on curbing appetite or aiding in weight loss. It is important to consider that making a single change in our routine, such as consuming apple cider vinegar, is not as effective in shedding excess pounds as making broader efforts like modifying our overall diet and increasing physical activity.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar's high acidity level makes it less suitable for consumption before bedtime. Individuals who are prone to heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should avoid consuming anything acidic at least 30 to 60 minutes before sleep to minimize the chances of experiencing uncomfortable chest burning. Moreover, drinking undiluted vinegar over time can potentially damage tooth enamel.

For those who still wish to consume apple cider vinegar, it is safer and more comfortable to mix a small amount with a large glass of water or incorporate it into salad dressings along with other ingredients.

This research is still being watched.

The focus of this speciality is on comfort and quality of life, and it is gradually expanding into cardiac care. What does heart failure palliative care entail?

Many individuals assume that palliative care is only for those with terminal cancer when they first hear the word. Or they think hospice care and palliative care are interchangeable. Both are untrue. Palliative care is beneficial for those who have heart failure, a condition in which a weak heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.

Palliative care is a method of treating people with life-threatening illnesses that puts their quality of life first. Palliative care aims to keep patients free of pain and other uncomfortable symptoms like nausea and dyspnea. Additionally, it involves discussing the person's values and personal objectives with them and their family to help guide any additional treatments or interventions they could have (see "Advanced Care Planning").

Hospice is a care arrangement that includes palliative care for people who are expected to live for six months or fewer. However, palliative care itself can start as soon as a serious illness, particularly one that isn't likely to be treated, first manifests itself.


Planned care in advance
A document that would direct their medical care if they were unable to convey their preferences is absent from about two-thirds of American people. Filling out a health decision worksheet is a smart place to start because it will force you to think about and elaborate on your healthcare objectives. It asks you about the things in your life that are most important to you, your concerns over your prognosis, and specifics like whether you want to be put on a breathing machine or get tube-fed. You can use it as a benchmark for the following stage, which entails selecting a medical decision-maker (health care proxy) to represent your interests in the event of your incapacitation.

Visit /ADforms to download a free copy of a health decision worksheet and a health care proxy form. Advance Care Planning: A Handbook to Advance Directives, Living Wills, and Other Ways for Conveying Health Care Choices, published by Harvard Health Publishing, is available for purchase at /lw.

Review these documents every few years, or sooner if you receive a new diagnosis or experience other significant changes in your life, as your wishes and priorities will probably change as you age.

Knowing how to accurately measure your blood pressure at home can be beneficial for your doctor to diagnose and treat high blood pressure, a condition that can have negative effects on the heart, kidneys, and brain.

Regularly having your blood pressure checked is important for adults and should be done at least once a year.

If your blood pressure reading at the doctor's office is higher than the healthy range, it is recommended to repeat the measurement outside of a clinic setting before starting treatment, according to guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force. However, there are other reasons why your doctor may advise you to regularly monitor your blood pressure at home.

Home monitoring is useful in the following situations:

- To determine if your blood pressure is truly higher than normal, as some people may experience elevated blood pressure only at the doctor's office, known as white-coat hypertension.

- If your doctor asks you to track your readings to help decide if medication is necessary to lower your blood pressure.

- If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and need to adjust your medications to reach your blood pressure target.

- If you are pregnant or have recently given birth, and your healthcare team is concerned about preeclampsia, a severe form of high blood pressure that can cause harm to vital organs.

When choosing a home blood pressure monitor, it is important to select a validated device that has been independently reviewed for accuracy. Avoid using monitors with wrist or fingertip cuffs, as they are not as accurate as upper-arm cuffs. Additionally, ensure that you choose the right size cuff for your upper arm, as using a cuff that is too small or too loose can result in incorrect readings.

While basic models can cost as little as $25, more expensive models ranging from $50 to $100 may offer added convenience, such as storing multiple readings and sending data to your computer or smartphone, or directly to your doctor's office patient portal.

Here are three key points to remember about blood pressure readings:

1. Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day, so one isolated reading is not sufficient for an accurate assessment.

2. Checking your blood pressure when you are upset or stressed can lead to higher readings. Taking multiple readings consistently provides a more reliable assessment.

3. Consult with your doctor about how often and at what time of day you should take your blood pressure. The gold standard for home monitoring is to take 28 separate measurements over seven consecutive days and average them. However, even 12 measurements over three days, including a weekend day, can be reasonable.

To obtain an accurate blood pressure reading, it is important to avoid common mistakes. Wait at least 30 minutes after smoking, consuming caffeine or alcohol, or exercising before measuring your blood pressure. These activities can affect your heart rate and blood vessels, potentially leading to inaccurate readings. Additionally, empty your bladder before measuring your blood pressure, as a full bladder can put pressure on your kidneys and raise blood pressure.

When measuring your blood pressure, sit comfortably with your arm supported near heart height. Avoid crossing your legs, as this can temporarily raise blood pressure. Sit quietly and undistracted for a few minutes before taking a reading. Make sure to wrap the cuff around your bare arm, about an inch above the crook of your elbow, and start the machine to measure your blood pressure.

Diagnosing and treating high blood pressure is crucial, as nearly half of all adults have this condition, and many are unaware of it. High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and cognitive decline. It is often referred to as the silent killer because its effects are not felt or experienced until it is too late.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on monitoring your blood pressure at home and managing your overall health.


Creating magical moments and cherishing blessings

Hey everyone! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. First things first, I want to give a thanks to God Almighty for blessing us with a fantastic weekend. 

So, guess what? My partner's birthday was on Saturday, and I had a super cool surprise planned for him. I ordered this awesome package from Temu, and I was a little worried that it wouldn't arrive in time. But, being the proactive person I am, I ordered it well in advance and even reached out to 

Temu to see if they could speed up the delivery. And you know what? They totally came through! They assured me that my package would be treated as a top priority, and that made me really happy.

A big shoutout to the amazing team at Temu for coming through and delivering my parcel early, just in time for his birthday. Seriously, they saved the day! By the way, if you haven't checked out my Temu Babie finds on YouTube, you totally should. They have some awesome stuff that might come in handy for you too.

So, two days before the big day, I went to the card factory and grabbed two happy birthday balloons, filled with helium because, well, who doesn't love those floating balloons? I also picked up a card and a cute decorative bow to attach to the cake table knife to jazz up the presentation and make it look extra special.

I've gotta admit, I was pretty excited because it was my first time planning a surprise birthday. I really didn't want to mess it up, you know? I wanted to make sure everything was just right. About 5 hours before he was due to come back from work, I rushed out to get him some gifts. I was a bit confused about what to get, but I also made a quick pit stop at my favorite karaoke bar and booked a table for two.

Let me tell you about the whole decoration situation. I thought it would take me like an hour, but oh boy was I wrong! It ended up taking me over three hours. Turns out that decorating and pulling off a surprise like this is no joke. Shoutout to all those talented and brilliant people who offer decorative services. I have a newfound respect for them!

I had ordered an electric balloon pump to make things easier, but guess what? It totally failed me. The first balloon I tried to blow up with the pump just burst. The same thing happened with the second one because I wasn't doing it right or it wasn't the right type of balloon. So, I said, forget it and decided to blow them all up with my own mouth. Surprisingly, it was faster and more efficient. I was on a mission to finish everything before he got home, and I somehow managed to pull it off.

Podcasts that help enhance your medical knowledge

By listening to these educational programs, you can learn more about medicine and how to keep your health in check.

Podcasts, which may be accessed online or through mobile apps, are, for many people, the soundtrack of contemporary life. You can listen to them while getting ready in the morning, working out, cooking, traveling, or just relaxing. Podcasts start and stop when you want them to, just like streaming movies. Listening to podcasts that are specifically focused on health can help you learn more about the most recent medical advancements, lifestyle trends, and ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle or manage chronic conditions. Ensure that the podcasts are only from reputable sources.


Since anyone can host a podcast, you should exercise caution. Look for reputable hosts, such as qualified medical professionals or health journalists, who provide scientific material in an impartial manner as opposed to one that is biased. Avoid programs that advocate poorly investigated or medically unsupported diets or therapies, advises Dr. Edward Phillips, director of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at the Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School.

Basics of podcasts

Initially emerging in the early 2000s, podcasts have progressively established themselves as a prominent medium. What, then, are they? Podcasts are previously aired audio shows with numerous episodes that may be accessed on demand online or through podcast apps like Spotify ( or Stitcher ( The broadcasts could be newscasts, interview shows, or just shows with a few people chit-chatting about a specific topic. Typically, an episode lasts 15 to 60 minutes.

The recent media attention surrounding a case of leprosy in central Florida has raised concerns about the disease and its potential spread. However, it's important to understand the facts and dispel any misconceptions about leprosy.

Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae bacteria. It affects the skin, nerves, and linings of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. Although leprosy has been documented in human writings dating back to ancient times, it remains a rare disease in the United States.

The case in central Florida gained attention because the man diagnosed with leprosy had no identifiable risk factors for the disease. He had not traveled to a region where leprosy is common, nor had he come into contact with anyone who had the disease. Past research has suggested that the bacteria that causes leprosy can survive in soil, leading to speculation that the man's work as a landscaper put him at risk.

Typically, leprosy spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets shared during prolonged, close contact. Coughing or sneezing can release these droplets, which can then be inhaled by individuals in close proximity. Some cases of leprosy have also been linked to animal contact, such as with armadillos or red squirrels. However, in about a third of cases, no clear risk factor can be identified.

In the United States, leprosy is not a major health concern for most people. The country sees approximately 180 cases diagnosed annually, which is a slight increase from previous years. However, compared to the global scale, where more than 200,000 cases are diagnosed each year in 120 countries, leprosy remains rare in the US. The countries with the highest number of cases are Brazil, India, and Indonesia.

In Florida, there have been roughly 20 cases per year since 2015, with about 80% of those cases occurring in central Florida. Some experts speculate that leprosy may now be endemic in this region, meaning that there are enough sources of infection to sustain the disease's spread even without new cases being introduced from elsewhere. However, this theory has yet to be proven.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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