Lifestyle Blogger

Green Book Movie Review

This movie is a real-life story about a world-class African pianist back in the old days in the USA. He was so good at his craft and had trained and achieved degrees. He played for the only white audience but was not allowed to sit at the same table with them or use the same toilets as them.

One incident occurred at the end of his tour when he was not allowed to eat in the same place where white people were eating, even though he was the star they came to watch. He was asked to go and eat inside the storage room. He faced police brutality a lot and had to just overlook it. He was treated so badly by white people, despite his success.

This movie is so triggering, and I can’t imagine what those slaves had to go through to survive and how racism is still a thing on this earth. Honestly, it’s hard to watch all these movies and read history books and not get angry about these silly things racist white people did. There was a Green Book that showed you the hotels and places where black people were accepted. The segregation is deep. I don’t understand the hate for black people. Someone, please explain. You capture people from their country, kill some on the way, enslave them, and make them work like animals, and then you hate that they exist. Make it make sense. This is stupidity at its highest level. A group of people with ego issues and mental health problems.

A lot of people still think they are better than others, and it’s crazy. This movie taught me patience. Dr. Shirley was a peaceful and patient man who just wanted to do music. He finally found a home with his driver, who stood by him.

Summary: The film Green Book recounts the bond that developed in the 1960s between Tony "Lip" Vallelonga, Don Shirley's driver and bodyguard. Don Shirley is a well-known pianist and composer. The primary focus of the action will be the many cultures and social strata. The strongest point is Mortensen's and Ali's chemistry together. The whole movie would collapse without it.

Overall, this is a very good movie, with great acting. The lead actor played an important role in reflecting on what it was like to be black in America. performance worthy of an award.

Each time I read books and watch movies that tell core stories about racism, I just can't help but ask: How much pain and broken were these people? How sad were their days? How many people suffered and never knew peace? These questions are difficult.

Genre: Comedy, Drama
Original Language: English
Director: Peter Farrelly
Producer: Jim Burke, Charles B. Wessler, Peter Farrelly, Brian Hayes Currie, Nick Vallelonga
Writer: Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrelly
Release Date (Theaters): Nov 21, 2018 Wide
Release Date (Streaming): Feb 19, 2019

Have you seen this movie?
My Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Story and Journey

I am currently struggling with OCD. I am on a journey to heal and recover, but I want to share my mind with you so you can see through the eyes of a person suffering from OCD.

I define obsessive-compulsive disorder as being captive to your own thoughts. You are imprisoned by your own thoughts, and guess who the warden is? You!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that is characterized by repetitive actions that seem impossible to stop. What this means is that you keep doing things over and over again to perfect them even when they are already perfect. There are different stages of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and people who are struggling with OCD are dealing with trauma that emanates from different levels and aspects of their lives.

I am suffering from this disorder, and it has been a struggle with a lot of things. I believe that as I begin to share and seek help, I will be on my way to recovery. I know this doesn't happen overnight, but if you know anyone with OCD, just know that these are their struggles.

The mind of an OCD sufferer

Growing up, I always desired my own room. I wanted my space to be neat, tidy, and just the way I envisioned it in my mind. What I can vividly remember when I started using hand sanitizers was when my mom's friend brought a mini pocket hand sanitizer to my house and told my mom about this pocket sanitizer, which was advertised at her workplace by a seller, and how important it is to always carry around a hand sanitizer. She also told my mom that she could eat without washing her hands if there wasn't any resource available at that point to wash her hands; that she could use the sanitizer in place of water in that case; and that it was safe. I was standing at the gate with my mom, and to me, that was a very good product. I was still growing, but I do not remember how old I was when this happened.

I had mild OCD growing up, and during my secondary education at a boarding school facility, I couldn't stand a lot of things. I got easily irritated and always arranged my cupboard over and over again.

Getting to Ukraine I lived alone for the most part, but my OCD gradually worsened with time. When the coronavirus outbreak was announced, it progressed even further. I was terrified and got all the products recommended to kill germs and bacteria. I didn't go out during the quarantine. I obeyed every COVID-19 rule, but the bad side of this was that my OCD became worse, and I think even along the line, a lot of people developed OCD.

As a person suffering from OCD, my brain keeps running 24/7. I get stressed out easily, and I just can't help myself but make sure everything is just the way I want it to be.

For me, OCD happens this way.

It's not just about what the people around me see. It's a struggle to resist the urge to wash, clean, and rearrange a place over and over again. My brain is never at rest when I am awake. I keep imagining the worst scenarios for how I could be infected with bacteria. People around me sometimes don't understand. It affects my mood, and I just want you all to know that people with severe OCD are struggling and need to be treated nicely. 

I cry when it seems like people around me do not understand me. I can't stand to see sharp objects around me for fear of them cutting me and thinking they will infect me. I am afraid of broken tiles and rough walls. It is crazy over here, I tell you.

If you know anyone suffering from this condition, please be nice to them, and encourage them, and one strong tip to help them is to stop scattering what they have arranged or put in place. Be neat and tidy around them, and avoid things that cause triggers, because this will help them stay a long time without having to arrange or do something with regards to repetitive actions. When the brain is less exposed to the activities that cause you to do things with prolonged absences, you tend to gradually forget these activities. I call it the "gradual step-down" method of OCD recovery.

There are things I do not do as a person suffering from OCD. In the past years, I have only had four visitors in my house, and these were three friends and the house owner. Their visit wasn't regular because I felt having people in my house increased my exposure to germs. I am not comfortable with giving handshakes; I give side hugs; I don't touch handles and rails. I don't use public toilets, etc. I get scared easily, and when I touch something that isn't clean, I get terrified and very uncomfortable. I am no longer able to concentrate until I wash my hands. I often have vaginal disbalance due to excessive washing, which results in changes in the pH and the natural microflora present in the vagina.

Oftentimes, I am afraid of using the restroom in my house, even as clean as it is. I have a lot of restrictions that I know I can be free from, but the more I try, the less it works because my imagination keeps screaming at me and it is hard for me to express myself sometimes. It makes me anxious and unhappy sometimes, and occasionally I keep pacing around as a result of this.

This also contributed to my clay (nzu) addiction because I wanted to have a feeling of dryness around me, which translated as neatness and a germ-free environment, so I always burned paper to produce a dry fire smell, and this triggered my urge to eat clay. I also developed an eating disorder, which is now back to normal: generalized anxiety, which gets triggered when I come in contact with something irritating; and sometimes I hoard things. I like to stay in an empty room.

Life can sometimes be selfish and all about me, which I know is wrong, but how can I help myself?

Please take note that this can affect men, women, and children. You should be careful not to unintentionally propagate this disorder in children and help them as soon as you notice it.

Obsessive disorder can be linked to a family history of the disorder, caused by differences in the brain, life events like being bullied, abused, or ignored, and personality traits like being neat, methodical, and having high standards.

The major signs of OCD are:

Obsessions: A persistent, unwanted, and frequently upsetting idea, image, or urge invades your head. emotions: The obsession results in a strong sense of anxiety or distress.

Compulsive: Repetitive actions or thoughts that a person with OCD feels driven to do because of the anxiety and pain caused by the obsession.

Even though I need to take a practical step toward seeing a therapist, I did some research on how OCD can be treated, and here is what I have to share.

There are two main treatments recommended by the NHS, which are:

Psychological therapy. This is a type of therapy that helps you face your fears and unwanted thoughts without having to engage in compulsions to "fix" them. You need to see a GP or therapist.

Antidepressant medication can be prescribed to assist in adjusting the chemical balance in your brain.

These drugs have side effects.

You can also join OCD support groups in your area run by national charities like OCD Action, OCD-UK, and TOP UK.

Today I urge you to see through the eyes, racing brains, and fighting minds of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and help someone by sharing this article and being nice. This condition can cause people to become suicidal. Be kind and don't judge them because they are constantly fighting a battle you sometimes don't see.

I shared this article on 10/14/2022 by 8:30 pm but decided to reshare it again because I want to share my progress with you all.  

Thank you for taking the time to read. Have a nice day.
The FDA is urging the food industry to reduce salt consumption.

The FDA requested that the food sector reduce the amount of sodium (a key component of salt) that is processed, packaged, and prepared meals voluntarily. Those foods account for over 70% of the sodium in the average American diet, which contains about 3,400 milligrams (mg) of salt per day.

Over the following two and a half years, the revised aims aim to reduce average sodium intake by around 12%, to around 3,000 mg per day. That amount is still higher than the federal dietary guidelines' recommendation of 2,300 mg, but it's a start. Excessive salt consumption can elevate blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In the meanwhile, consume more fresh, unprocessed foods and limit your intake of the saltiest items (or seek out lower-sodium versions). Soup, pizza, Bread, and buns (due to their frequent consumption), cold cuts and cured meats, poultry dishes (such as rotisserie chicken and chicken nuggets),  and sandwiches are all high in sodium (including burgers).

People adding salt to different dishes

How to style a Criss Cross bodycon dress

I have been staying in this neighborhood for some time now, and I haven’t really taken time out to walk around. Walking around on Sunday was refreshing and also made me familiar with the area I am living in.

While this wasn’t a planned official date, it was just a time to walk, breathe, and talk while also getting to know the area with my partner.

I wore this Criss Cross Rainbow Color Halter Bodycon Dress from Rosewe, which I paired with a black boot. I added black boots to keep me warm. The boots were comfortable for walking around. This is the second time I am wearing the boots for a long walk.

Judging from the original picture on the website, I felt the dress would have thicker material, but it’s lighter than I expected. Nevertheless, it is a lovely dress that can be styled in all seasons. I layered beneath the dress to keep it warm and give it more texture.

The criss-cross halter neck gave the dress a more grown-up look. This dress is versatile, self-expressive, a mood booster and is perfect for everyone.

How to style a Criss Cross bodycon dress

How to style a Criss Cross bodycon dress

While it may not result in any major issues, a shorter-than-usual band of tissue may limit tongue movements.

A band of tissue known as the lingual frenulum holds the tongue partially to the front of the mouth. A small frenulum might limit the tongue's range of motion. This is referred to as a tongue tie.

A child with a tongue tie is unable to touch the top of their upper teeth with their tongue when their mouth is open or to extend their tongue past their bottom lip. Their tongue seems to be heart-shaped or notch-shaped when they extend it. A baby's tongue might be knotted if you can't get a finger beneath it, as they don't usually stick out their tongues.

How often do tongue-ties occur?
Tongue ties are common. People's definitions of this condition vary; therefore, it's difficult to pinpoint its actual prevalence. Roughly 8% of infants younger than one-year-old may have a mild tongue tie.

Is having a tied tongue an issue?
It's important to remember that tongue-ties are not always an issue. Many infants, kids, and adults have tongue-ties that don't give them any problems at all.

There are two primary ways in which tongue-ties can lead to issues:

They may make it difficult for some babies to latch on to the mother's nipple, which can lead to nursing issues. Both the mother's nipples and the baby's have pain when feeding due to this. Not every baby with tongue tie experiences it; a good number of them can breastfeed. When a breastfed baby is gaining weight well, gassiness or fussiness is not the result of tongue-ties. Bottle feeding does not provide any difficulties for infants with tongue-ties.

They may result in speech issues. Some kids with tongue-ties could have trouble saying some sounds, like t, d, z, s, th, n, and l. Speech delay is not caused by tongue-ties.
How should you respond if you believe your child or infant has a tongue tie?
See your doctor if you believe that your infant's poor latching is the result of a tongue knot. A baby may not latch onto the breast well for a multitude of reasons. To gain a better understanding of the problem, your doctor should carefully record all past events and examine your infant.

To receive assistance with breastfeeding, you should also see a lactation consultant. This is because there are numerous reasons why babies struggle to latch on, and with the correct care and assistance, many kids with tongue ties can nurse effectively.

If you believe that your child's difficulties pronouncing words could be related to a tongue knot, consult your physician. It just takes some time for many kids to pick up specific sound pronunciations. To be sure that tongue-tie is not the issue, it is also a good idea to get a speech-language pathologist's assessment.

What can I do about a tongue tie?
When necessary, a frenotomy—a surgical incision—can be used by a physician to relieve a tongue tie. A frenotomy can be performed with a laser or by just cutting the frenulum.

Still, there's no need to take any action regarding a tongue tie that isn't producing issues. Even though a frenotomy is a relatively simple operation, problems like bleeding, infection, or trouble feeding can occasionally happen. For this reason, doing it merely to avoid issues later on is never a wise idea. Only in situations where the tongue tie is obviously causing problems should the operation be considered.

It is also vital to understand that removing a tongue tie does not usually solve the problem, particularly when nursing. Research indicates that not all moms or newborns will clearly benefit from it. For this reason, consulting with a breastfeeding specialist is essential before choosing a frenotomy.

A frenotomy should be considered if a newborn with a tongue tie is not gaining weight and is not latching effectively, despite significant help from a breastfeeding expert. If it is carried out, it ought to be done quickly and by a professional with the necessary training.

What other information about tongue-tie procedures should parents be aware of?
A lot of doctors are ready to prescribe frenotomy even if the evidence for their advantages is unclear. If your child is being advised to have one, inquire about it:

Verify the precise reasoning behind the recommendation.
Find out whether there are any other choices, such as waiting.
Seek advice from another medical professional or speak with other members of your child's care team.

Hi everyone! You will agree with me that, due to mass market production, a lot of people tend to buy just any phone case without considering the effect on the planet or the quality. We learn every day, which is why I am happy to introduce you to Pela cases, but wait, am I the only one who gets that rush of excitement when swapping out phone cases? It’s like a mini phone makeover!

Today, I’m happy to share my top picks from Pela case

1. Sage Green Bright Spring iPhone 14 Case: Embrace the freshness of spring with this gorgeous sage green hue. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your phone!

Sage Green Bright Spring iPhone 14 Case

2. Clear iPhone 15 Pro Max Case with Black Ridge: Keepin’ it classy yet modern with this transparent beauty. The black ridge detail adds a pop of contrast for that extra flair.

Clear iPhone 15 Pro Max Case with Black Ridge

3. Black Cassette iPhone 14 Case: Sleek, stylish, and oh-so-chic! This case adds a touch of edgy sophistication to any look.

Black Cassette iPhone 14 CaseBlack Cassette iPhone 14 Case

Why do I adore them? Well, they’re not just pretty and cute faces! Here’s why:

Protects & Preserves Our Oceans: Every purchase supports ocean cleanup and preservation efforts. Saving the planet never looked so chic!

Inspired by Plants: Crafted from eco-friendly materials like flax shive and plant-based biopolymer, these cases are as sustainable as they are stylish.

Screen Protection Guarantee: Worried about cracks? Don’t be! If your screen cracks while wearing a Pela Case (excluding Slim) and our liquid screen protector, repairs are on us!

100% Happiness Guarantee: Enjoy free worldwide shipping, seamless checkout, and hassle-free exchanges and returns. Because your happiness is priority!

I really enjoy using this phone case. It's great when a product lives up to its promises. The durability of the Pela case is impressive and my phone feels just right - not too smooth or too rough.

It's hard to explain, but it just feels good in my hand.

Plus, my partner's phone has fallen twice and the case protected it both times even when it fell face down on gravel. Pela case, you are doing a good job! Please maintain this level of quality and don't change a thing.

So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your phone game and make a statement with Pela cases today!

#PelaCases #sustainablestyle #phonecase #pelacase
Peacock Blue Long Patchwork Scoop Neck Jumpsuit

Hey lovelies! 💙 Today, I'm swooning over the Peacock Blue Long Patchwork Scoop Neck Jumpsuit from Rosewe! Let me tell you why I'm head over heels for this piece. Firstly, the fit is divine;– it hugs all the right curves and feels like it was tailor-made for me. Plus, it's incredibly well-made and oh-so-comfy, making it a dream to wear. I've been flooded with compliments every time I've worn dresses from Rosewe, and I can totally see why—the elegant material and chic patchwork design make it a standout piece in any wardrobe. I'm already counting down the days until I can rock this jumpsuit again

Styling a colored outfit is focused on the bag and shoe of choice to complement the outfit. I paired my jumpsuit with black sandal heels from Boohoo, along with a gold friendship bangle and a long tassel dangle double pearl earrings.

I wanted to keep my look simple and try something new with my hair, so I attached my ponytail and tousled it to have spiky ends. Since the outfit is deep blue, I wanted a pop of color, so I added a pink lip color from Pudaier Cosmetics.

I was satisfied with the final look and happy with the fit of the dress.  

And wait, there's more! Rosewe is offering an extra 8% off for orders over £69.99, plus £8.00 off every 90 days on shipping fees for 3 orders! Sizes range from small to extra-large, so there's something for everyone. With free standard shipping over £45.00 and free expedited shipping over £109.00, there's no reason not to treat yourself to this gorgeous jumpsuit. Don't miss out—get yours now!

A beautiful long tassel dangle double pearl earrings.

Lookig classy wearing a blue jumpsuit by rosewe

Stepping in style wearing Long blue jumpsuit
#Rosewe #FashionFinds #Jumpsuit #ootd #fashionblogger
Bhakshak focuses on highlighting the injustices experienced by young girls who are raped, sexually abused, or murdered.

The movie Bhakshak is a story released on February 9, 2024, about a girl shelter that accepts girls not older than 18. The reporter got information about the girls being abused and retired to find information but finally found a cook who escaped from the shelter and told her how the girls were drugged and beaten. Baby Rani, who was in charge of the girls, was so strict with them and was aware of the killings and abuse going on.

The journalist Vaishali Singh, who owned a small TV channel, and her cameraman, Bhaskar Sinha, who is her assistant, tried their best to file a report to the police even when her brother-in-law, who is a lawyer, was beaten, but the police, working under strict order, refused to file a report.

The owner of the girl's shelter, Bansi Sahu, protected Sonu when the police came to arrest him and stopped the arrest. He stopped the police from going inside the shelter.

She made a video and talked about the issue, and a female police officer with a higher rank got interested and invited her to her office. They talked about how, after the visit, the police officer also invited her to her house and told her that the case needed evidence and that the man in question had a lot of governmental backing.

Summary of the Bhakshak movie

The girl's shelter is owned by Bansi Sahu; he abuses the girls and also brings men from outside to abuse the girls. The shelter warden, baby Rani, gives the girls sleeping pills and tells them they are medicine for deworming. When they are asleep, many people rape and torture those young girls. At night, baby Rani forces the girls to strip; she lies down naked next to them and abuses them. The staff that work there—Sonu, Bacca Babu, Mithilesh Sinha, the doctor, and several other men—force the girls to dance for them in several ways and show them porn. A few girls even got pregnant, and then they were killed.

A police officer who tried to force the government to look into the case got shot three times, and no one took up the case.

Watch the movie to find out the ending. To me, this movie is not just a movie; this movie is what is happening all over the world. This movie still sheds light on how the girl child is a prey in society, more like an orphan girl child. Please, if you have any information about this type of situation, never give up; justice can still be served. It might take time but don’t give up.

I will give this movie a 5/5.

CAST:Bhumi Pednekar, Sanjay Mishra, Sai Tamhankar, Aditya Srivastava
Director: Pulkit
GENRE: Drama
DURATION:2 hours 15 minutes
The devil wears Prada

This is a 2006 movie that was recently added to Netflix, and I happened to watch it. Here is what I have to say about it. I found out it was a novel.

Nice plot, a cool drama about a college graduate Andrea who suffers while being an assistant to the tyrannical editor of a fashion magazine, Miranda Priestly, who is hated in the industry due to her unflexible ways. She was a boss from hell, feared by everyone. She does things like send her assistant to find the newest Harry Potter books that aren't yet in stores and serve her lattes with just the right amount of heat.

Andrea is put through a lot every day, sometimes even late into the night with orders barking over the phone. But when things get more and more outlandish and not simply unpleasant, Andrea starts to fear that the career that a million females would kill for might actually end up killing her. She must also determine whether the job is worth the cost of her soul, even if she lives.

Director: David Frankel
Writers: Aline Brosh McKenna, Lauren Weisberger
Stars: Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Adrian Grenier
7 ways to save energy during winter

7 ways to save energy during winter

I am not having it with the electric bill; it keeps skyrocketing, and I am not even gonna lie, I am a bit worried. Previously, I was in Ukraine, where the heating bill is so affordable and it is always on all winter, but moving to the U.K., the difference is so much. Another thing I noticed about the UK is that the windows aren't properly insulated to prevent cold from entering the house. Where I used to live, the structure of houses was built to suit the winter period more.

But, well, life happens, and we all get to move and relocate; this is also what challenges us to think outside the box and create innovative solutions to problems.

Winter isn't my favorite season, but these winter essentials will not only keep you warm but also cut down on your heating bills.

To maintain health, our bodies must maintain a core temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, so rooms must be heated to a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius. Concerns exist, however, that individuals will be unable to use heating to keep themselves and their homes warm throughout the winter months as the cost of living continues to rise.

During the cold season, people get sick due to the cold while trying to save money, and I know how frustrating that can be, which is why in this article I will be discussing 5 winter essentials that will help reduce your electric bills.

There are numerous things you can do to keep your core body temperature stable without turning on the central heating for an extended period of time.

1. Always wear socks.

Socks are essential, but not many people will agree. When you're feeling cold, it's a regular thing to put on socks. Also, wearing socks has a good effect on the temperature of your feet, but why is this so? Given that socks only cover a small portion of your body, why do they have such an impact on the experience of being cold?

Socks keep us warm by regulating the temperature of our feet. Our feet are essential temperature sensors for our bodies, and wearing socks helps prevent heat from escaping from our feet. You can double the socks for a warmer effect.

On a cold day at home, wrap the paper around your toes for extra warmth. You can also walk around with this, but first experiment at home beforehand to ensure that you are comfortable while walking. Keeping your feet warm during the winter is essential not only for foot health and comfort but also for your entire health. According to foot specialists, cold feet can weaken the immune system and exacerbate some health disorders, such as diabetes.

2. A heated blanket.

I love the creativity of the heated blanket. An electric blanket is significantly less expensive to operate than a heater and provides a consistent source of heat throughout the night. Weighted blankets are also very relaxing and help to keep draughts out of the bed.

Double up on your bedding. You can spread a blanket over your mattress before putting a bedsheet over it.

Avoid bedding materials that make you feel cold. There are bedding materials that cannot retain heat. Buy your bedding according to the season and do a little research before purchasing.

3. Head warmer.

Head warmers, as their name suggests, are used to keep the head warm, especially in the winter. People have gotten a lot of use out of head warmers because, in the winter, it's important to keep all parts of your body warm.

4. Dress warmly.

As the seasons change, dress accordingly. When you arrive home from work, all you want to do is turn on the heater, remove your warm clothes, and put on a light indoor outfit in order to feel completely at ease. When you return, I recommend that you remove those heavy, warm outdoor clothes and replace them with lighter ones. Rest for approximately one hour before wearing your warm home clothes.

Pajamas made of insulating materials like fleece or flannel will help you sleep through the night without getting too cold.

A hooded Flannel Night Robe is a soft, comfortable, and soft winter robe that will keep you warm all winter. Perfect for sleeping at night and keeping warm all day long. There are different flannel nightrobes that are fashionable and colorful, so you don't have to worry about looking dull.

Onesies are warm and cozy. Wear them.

5. Indoor warm shoes.

When the body is more susceptible to seasonal coughs, colds, and viruses, keeping your feet warm in cold weather can also aid in maintaining your general health. Warmer feet dilate the blood vessels, allowing for more effective blood flow and assisting your body in redistributing heat throughout the body. As a result, you can sleep better, regain energy, and generally take better care of yourself to be comfortable, fit, and healthy.

This winter, wearing slip-on slippers around the house is an excellent method to care for your feet, retain heat, and keep your toes and feet toasty and cozy. There are slippers for every fashion style and personality, ranging from thick slipper socks with sticky soles to fleece-lined slipper boots with foot and ankle support.

6. Hot water bottle.

A hot water bottle is not expensive and long-lasting due to the material used in making it. They are a safe source of warmth throughout the night.

7. Eat well.

In general, longer-digesting foods might help boost body temperature and make you feel warmer. The medical word for this process is "thermogenesis," which refers to the body's production of heat as a result of food metabolism. Consider consuming foods that are rich in healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Foods you can eat during the winter that will help you stay warm. Eat foods that can help boost your body temperature and make you feel warmer. Here are some healthy foods that can help you stay warm during the winter.

Avoid alcohol because whisky and other alcoholic beverages actually lower the core body temperature. You may initially feel warm, but it will be difficult to remain warm over time. Additionally, alcohol affects your capacity to shiver, which is a natural way to elevate body temperature. Avoid drinking alcohol at tailgates and other outdoor activities this winter to stay warm.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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