Lifestyle Blogger

Woman awake at night

Reclaiming a better nighttime sleep can significantly enhance your health, but it requires patience and effort to adjust your habits. If you often find yourself awake until the early hours and sleeping in, or if you feel more creative and productive in the afternoon or evening, you may be a night owl—quite different from a morning lark, who rises with the sun and sleeps early.

For a long time, experts believed there weren't significant health differences between night owls and morning larks as long as you get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep. However, new insights suggest it might be beneficial to reconsider your sleep patterns.

Risks of Being a Night Owl

Recent studies indicate that being a night owl can increase the likelihood of developing various health issues. For instance, research found that individuals who identified as night owls had a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes compared to those who are morning larks. Night owls also tend to have a higher chance of being overweight and may engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as excessive drinking, smoking, poor eating habits, and insufficient sleep. Even when accounting for these lifestyle factors, the risk of diabetes remained elevated among night owls.

Moreover, another study indicated that going to bed later than 10 p.m. is linked to a higher risk of obesity, particularly among those who sleep fewer hours compared to morning larks.

Consequences of Inadequate Sleep

Night owls typically experience less sleep than morning larks, adding to their health risks. Sleep is crucial for the brain to eliminate toxins and consolidate memories. Insufficient, low-quality sleep can lead to poor focus, increased risk of accidents, weakened immunity, and various diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

Embracing Nighttime Sleep

Humans are naturally wired to sleep best during the dark hours. Getting quality sleep in the dark maximizes the restorative benefits of sleep. If you're a night owl and stay up late, you're likely not taking full advantage of this natural sleep cycle.

Strategies for Success

To successfully shift your sleep schedule, adopt good sleep hygiene practices:

- Exercise regularly but avoid intense workouts close to bedtime.

- Steer clear of alcohol and spicy foods in the evening.

- Establish a relaxing bedtime routine: dim the lights, turn off screens, and engage in calming activities like reading.

- Create a comfortable sleep environment: sleep in a cool, dark room with cozy bedding.
A bowl of whole grain rice

Why Whole-Grain Rice a healthier choice than white rice?

Whole-grain rice comes in various colors, including gold, purple, red, and black, but the most common type is brown. This refers to the natural color of the grain rather than a specific variety.

When rice is milled and polished to remove the bran and germ, only the starchy endosperm remains, resulting in white rice. Unfortunately, this refining process also removes important nutrients. In contrast to white rice, brown rice is richer in fiber, several B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, and B9), magnesium, potassium, and iron. Studies indicate that replacing white rice with brown rice may help improve blood sugar levels and assist with weight management.

You can find various types of brown rice at the store, including aromatic long-grain basmati rice (popular in Indian dishes) and jasmine rice (a favorite in Thai and other Southeast Asian cuisines). To cook brown rice, combine one cup of rice with about two cups of water (or low-sodium vegetable broth) in a saucepan with a lid. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat, cover, and let it simmer for 45 to 50 minutes. For convenience, consider cooking a large batch and freezing individual portions for up to several months.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood
Man and woman walking inside a mall

According to a recent Japanese study that was written about in the January 2024 edition of JAMA Network Open, a smartphone-based mall walking program could inspire people to get more active.

The study examined step records from 217,344 mall patrons who carried a free smartphone step-tracking app. After walking 1,000 steps at the mall, participants received a digital coupon to participate in a lottery for shopping points.

Researchers collected daily step count data for the entirety of 2021. They discovered that on days when individuals engaged in the mall walking program, they averaged over 1,200 additional steps compared to days they didn’t participate. Notably, women and those aged 65 and older exhibited the most significant increases in their daily step counts.

The authors highlight that malls can be an excellent environment for walking, offering a spacious and safe area free from the complications of poor weather or heavy traffic.
This research is still being monitored.

Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels
A man eating a healthy meal

Here’s what the latest research suggests. Intermittent fasting, which involves following a strict eating schedule to aid weight loss, is becoming increasingly popular. But does it really work?

Recent studies indicate that intermittent fasting might offer similar or even slightly better benefits for weight loss compared to traditional calorie-restriction diets. One of its key advantages is its simplicity, which can make it easier to stick to than other weight-loss plans.

Timing Your Eating

While other diets focus on what foods to eat and how much, intermittent fasting centers on when to eat. It involves not eating for specific periods throughout the day. There are several methods, but one of the most common is the 16/8 approach. In this method, you eat during an eight-hour window (like from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and fast for the next 16 hours (from 6 p.m. until 10 a.m. the following day). During the fasting hours, you can drink plain water, tea, or coffee, and it’s important to maintain healthy eating habits during your eating window.

Short-term studies show that people often find it easier to stick with intermittent fasting compared to low-carb diets. The 16/8 schedule can be simpler to follow since you’ll be sleeping for about half of the fasting period. This means you just skip late-night snacks and either delay or skip breakfast.

The State of Ketosis

So, how does intermittent fasting aid weight loss? Going for long periods without eating can push your body into a temporary state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy. Ketosis occurs when your body runs low on glucose (its main energy source) and starts using stored fat instead. For some people, fasting for sixteen hours is enough time to begin producing ketones and enter ketosis.

Intermittent fasting is associated with several health benefits, including a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. Some research even suggests it may promote a healthier gut microbiome, improving digestion and offering protection against infections. Many who practice intermittent fasting report increased energy levels. However, the current evidence supporting these benefits is still limited, and the long-term effects remain unknown. Most studies have focused on smaller populations and only observed the effects over a few weeks to a year.

Hey friends!

As I sit down to write this post, I’m feeling so refreshed and full of self-love. My mental health is in such a good place, and honestly, I haven’t felt this light and joyful in a while. This is the energy I want to stay in forever!

So, last Sunday after church, we decided to visit this place I’d been seeing everywhere—it kept popping up every time I searched for cool spots to check out in Glasgow. And honestly? We loved it. We spent the afternoon wandering through the Hunterian Art Gallary, taking in artwork from centuries past, created by some truly talented hands. Each piece had its own unique touch, but one artist really stood out to me: James Whistler. His work is bold, striking, and has a style that feels so confident. I could feel his personality come through in every brushstroke—it’s like the painting was speaking for him.

Before I go into sharing all the photos I snapped, let me give you a little background on the Hunterian Museum itself. It’s actually the oldest public museum in Scotland, and it houses an incredible collection spanning art, science, and the humanities. This collection is located at the University of Glasgow.

While I was poking around the website before writing this post, I came across this description that perfectly sums up what the Hunterian is all about: it's a space for exploration and experimentation, for enjoyment and reflection, and a hub for fostering equity, justice, and diversity in society. I love that this place is not just a museum but a community of ideas. They also offer learning opportunities for students at the University of Glasgow, which is pretty awesome.

What can you expect to see here?
You’ll find works by some big names like Whistler, Rembrandt, Rubens, and Mackintosh, as well as newer pieces by contemporary artists. Some of the highlights include Chardin's A Lady Taking Tea, Rembrandt's The Entombment, and Gavin Hamilton's Hector's Farewell to Andromache. I love that they’re also featuring a lot of women artists and other underrepresented voices.

The Hunterian Art Gallery also has one of Scotland's largest print collections, a sculpture courtyard, the Mackintosh House (which is a whole experience in itself), and they always have some contemporary art exhibitions on display. Admission charge for the Mackintosh House is (£10/£6) - last admission 4.15pm.

Here are the details you need if you want to visit:

- Entry: Free!
- Opening times: Tuesday–Sunday, 10am–5pm
- Getting there: It's part of the University of Glasgow campus, which is about 3km west of the city centre. You can hop on the subway to Hillhead Station or take buses 4 and 4A from the city centre to University Avenue. There’s also bike parking if you're cycling in!
- Address:University of Glasgow, 82 Hillhead St, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Quick history lesson!
The Hunterian dates back to 1807, thanks to a bequest from Dr. William Hunter an Anatomist, who left his vast collections to the University of Glasgow. Originally, everything was housed together, but over time, different sections moved around campus. Now, the zoology collections are in the Hunterian Zoology Museum, the art collections are in the Art Gallery, and books and manuscripts are in the University Library. It's all part of this rich, sprawling collection that’s worth exploring!

Honestly, this place has so much to offer, and I highly recommend checking it out if you're ever in Glasgow. It’s more than just a museum—it’s a whole experience that makes you think about art, culture, and the world in a new way.

These photos were taken on Sunday, September 29th, 2024, between 12:02 to 12:39 PM.

Time to share some photos with you all!

Mushroom Coffee: Health Benefits, Ingredients, and What You Need to Know. Mushroom coffee: Worth a taste?

Mushrooms are valued for their ability to enhance savory dishes with a rich, brothy flavor known as umami, and they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Not only do they taste great, but they’re also healthy. Until recently, though, you might not have thought about adding them to your coffee.

Now, mushroom coffee is gaining popularity, with enthusiasts claiming it offers various health benefits, such as improved sleep, increased energy, better focus, enhanced immunity, and reduced inflammation.

Let’s explore whether the health claims surrounding mushroom coffee are valid.

What is mushroom coffee?

Mushroom coffee is typically made using medicinal mushrooms, not the typical ones you find at the grocery store. Common varieties in mushroom coffee blends include chaga, lion's mane, reishi, cordyceps, king trumpet, and turkey tail, all selected for their potential health benefits. By the time these mushrooms are harvested, dried, and processed, their presence is often subtle, especially when mixed with coffee beans, cacao, or tea blends like matcha or chai. Most people describe the taste as "nutty" or "earthy," or they might not notice any flavor at all.

What are the potential health benefits of mushroom coffee?

The concept behind mushroom coffee is straightforward: to tap into the health advantages of medicinal mushrooms in a convenient and (hopefully) tasty coffee drink.

Many mushroom coffee brands highlight the use of mushrooms in traditional medicine, tracing back thousands of years to Chinese and Ayurvedic practices. They claim benefits like improved mental and physical performance, enhanced immunity, and better sleep. Some even suggest that mushroom coffee could aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and fat burning.

However, there’s a lack of research on medicinal mushrooms specifically involving humans. While studies on cells or animals do show promising health benefits from consuming medicinal mushrooms, it’s unclear if the same effects apply to humans.

So, is mushroom coffee worth trying?

Possibly. Mushrooms come with various health benefits. A recent review published in the journal Molecules suggests that the medicinal mushrooms commonly found in many coffee blends can boost immunity and may help regulate metabolism. Their high antioxidant content might also contribute to slowing down the aging process.

That said, there’s still a shortage of well-structured clinical trials on humans. Plus, none of the existing research directly involves mushroom coffee, so it’s uncertain whether any health benefits survive the processing and blending of mushrooms into coffee drinks.

In the end, swapping your regular cup of coffee for mushroom coffee might not be harmful, especially if you're okay with paying a little more. However, you might get more benefits by enjoying a side of shiitake mushrooms with your morning eggs and coffee. They’re low in calories and fat, high in fiber, and tasty to boot!

Photo by Lillian Katrine Kofod

It’s super easy to brush off the signs that you might need some help with anxiety or depression. Often, the signs aren’t glaringly obvious. We might notice small shifts in our mood or behavior but attribute them to getting older—like when your muscles feel a bit weaker or your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be.

Sometimes we think, “Of course I’m worried; I have heart issues,” or “Of course I feel down; I’m not as important as I once was.” But here’s the thing: feeling sad (like, really sad) or anxious doesn’t have to be just part of aging. Acknowledging and addressing these feelings can really help you feel better and make the most of life.

Symptoms to Look Out For

Recognizing anxiety and depression often means taking a moment to reflect honestly on how you’re feeling and behaving. Here are some signs to consider:

Signs of Depression and Anxiety

Apathy. Have you noticed that the things you used to love don’t excite you anymore? Does life feel a bit empty? These can be telltale signs of depression.

Feeling Helpless or Hopeless. Do you often think that there’s not much you or anyone else can do to improve your situation? If you feel stuck in this mindset, it could point to depression.

Changes in Habits. Are your eating or sleeping patterns all over the place? Whether you’re eating too much, not enough, or reaching for that extra drink more often than usual, these changes can be signs of depression.

Persistent Fatigue. Sure, it’s normal to feel wiped out after a long day, but if you’re feeling tired all the time, it could be linked to anxiety or depression. Sometimes, it might even be due to a medical issue like an underactive thyroid.

Difficulty Focusing or Making Decisions. If you find it hard to make choices because you’re constantly worrying about making the wrong one, or if you struggle to pay attention, that could be a sign of anxiety or depression.

Mood Swings. If you’re feeling irritable or finding it hard to control your emotions, frequent mood swings could indicate something deeper going on.

Unending Worry. Are you stuck in a cycle of worrying about everything instead of enjoying the moment? This kind of constant worry might be tied to an anxiety disorder.

Wanting to Be Alone. Enjoying some time alone to read or meditate is one thing, but if you’re isolating yourself because interacting with others feels too draining, that could be a sign of depression.

What You Should Do

Experiencing one or more of these symptoms doesn’t automatically mean you have anxiety or depression. But if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or less joyful in life, it might be time to reach out for help.

Start by talking to family and friends. Share your feelings with those who you know will be understanding and supportive. If you feel hesitant about opening up to loved ones, consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor.
Simple strategies can reduce the headaches, upset stomach, and shortness of breath that may be triggered by emotional stress.

When anxiety hits, it often brings along some not-so-fun physical symptoms like headaches, an upset stomach, or feeling breathless. If you've been dealing with these issues, it’s worth considering that your emotions might be the real culprits, not just some random bug.

A big player in this is your autonomic nervous system. It’s the part of your body that takes care of things without you even thinking about it—like your heart rate, breathing, and digestion. It kicks into gear when you feel threatened, triggering your fight-or-flight response, which is your body’s way of helping you either defend yourself or get out of a tricky situation.

But when stress or anxiety hits, this system can go into overdrive, leading to all those annoying physical symptoms. Doctors often see patients who have real discomfort but no clear medical reason for it. In our fast-paced world, many of us might start experiencing these symptoms without realizing that anxiety is at play. This can create a nasty cycle: stress leads to physical symptoms, and then worrying about those symptoms makes everything worse. The more you fixate on what you’re feeling, the more intense those feelings can get. It can be overwhelming, leaving you stuck in a loop of anxiety and discomfort.

This might not happen over night, but parents can help preschoolers sleep in their own beds. This might not happen over night, but parents can help preschoolers sleep in their own beds.

Step one: Understand the process

Children always want to sleep with their parents. This is because they feel loved and protected while also enjoying a snuggle. Most parents need privacy, but make sure you are emotionally ready before starting the sleep-ahead process.

If during this process you notice that the child becomes more irritable than usual, you should see a doctor.

Step two: Changing habits

When you change where your child sleeps, it also means you are changing the child's habit. Here are some tips to help the child change the habit to start sleeping alone:
The sleeping space has to be appealing. Nothing can replace you. A relaxed room makes it easier for the child to sleep. Decorate the room. Let the room represent the child's personality. Example: If the child likes angels or a particular character, let the wall paper be an artwork with their favorite character.
Add details that suit the child: if the child likes a bright room, use light curtains, but if they like a dark room, use light-blocking curtains. While the child is adjusting to the change, use white noise to help them sleep better. Avoid TV, iPad, or devices in the bedroom. These devices change their sleep patterns.
Create a consistent bedtime schedule. Avoid letting the child stay up late.
A consistent and calming bedtime routine is important. To help lower the energy level, give them a bath and snuggle with them while reading a bedtime story. This helps them wind down and end the day with you being the last face they see before they sleep off.
If your child finds it difficult to go to bed, you can sit in the room. Try to gradually shorten the time you are in the room.
If the child gets out of bed, take them back to bed. The child might not like it, but you need to not give in. Take them back to their room.
Let the child know you appreciate the progress. You can use a reward system, but be careful not to overdo it in order not to pass the right message.

If nothing is working and you notice the child getting really upset, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Photo by Artem Podrez

I’m so excited that the year is coming to an end! You know, I’ve come to understand that every journey counts, no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant. It’s all part of the big picture. Yes, Christmas is just around the corner, but before we dive into the holiday spirit, I want to wish you a happy new month! I also want to take this opportunity to celebrate my country, Nigeria, as we mark our independence. Happy Independence Day, Nigeria! 🎉 As we celebrate 64 years of freedom, let’s hold onto hope for a better future and greater days ahead. Nigeria gained its independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960, and tomorrow, October 1, 2024, we’ll be 64 years old!

Here are some fun facts about Nigeria you may not know:

1. Most Populous Country in Africa: Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with over 220 million people.

2. Diverse Ethnic Groups: There are more than 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria, with the three largest being the Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.

3. Official Language: English is the official language of Nigeria, a remnant of British colonial rule.

4. Nigerian Pidgin: Besides English, Nigerian Pidgin is widely spoken and serves as a lingua franca across the country.

5. Cultural Heritage: Nigeria is rich in cultural heritage, with over 500 festivals celebrated annually, showcasing its diverse traditions.

6. Nollywood: Nigeria has the second-largest film industry in the world, known as Nollywood, producing thousands of films each year.

7. National Anthem: Nigeria’s national anthem, "Arise, O Compatriots," was adopted in 1978 and emphasizes unity and patriotism.

8. Rich Natural Resources: Nigeria is one of the largest oil producers in Africa, contributing significantly to its economy.

9. Lake Chad: Lake Chad, located in the northeastern part of the country, is one of the largest lakes in Africa but has significantly shrunk in size over the years.

10. Football Passion: Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Nigeria, with the national team, the Super Eagles, being a source of national pride.

11. Traditional Cuisine: Nigerian cuisine is known for its rich flavors, with staples like jollof rice, pounded yam, and egusi soup being widely enjoyed.

12. Music Influence: Nigeria is known for its vibrant music scene, giving rise to genres like Afrobeat, highlife, and juju music.

13. Gidi Culture: Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, is often referred to as "Gidi," a term that reflects its dynamic urban culture.

14. Literary Giants: Nigeria has produced several renowned writers, including Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi and Wole Soyinka, both celebrated for their contributions to literature.

15. Osun-Osogbo Festival: This annual festival honors the river goddess Osun and attracts visitors from around the world.

16. The Niger River: The Niger River, one of the longest rivers in Africa, runs through Nigeria and is crucial for agriculture and fishing.

17. World's Largest Hand-Painted Mural: Nigeria is home to the world’s largest hand-painted mural, located in Lagos, showcasing the country's vibrant culture.

18. UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Nigeria boasts several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Aso Rock and the Sukur Cultural Landscape.

19. Educational Hub: Nigeria has some of Africa's most prestigious universities, including the University of Ibadan and Obafemi Awolowo University.

20. Youthful Population: With over 60% of its population under the age of 25, Nigeria has one of the youngest populations in the world, representing a vibrant and dynamic future.

Let’s celebrate our journey and embrace the beauty and richness of Nigeria as we look forward to what’s next! Happy Independence Day! 🇳🇬
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