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Looking after your health is one of the most important investments of your time. In the midst of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, staying positive can feel tricky – and many Brits have been struggling with money worries on top of existing mental health issues. In fact, at least one in six people report having a mental health problem each week in England.

While it’s always best to seek professional advice if you’ve been struggling for a while, there are numerous proactive steps that could help you feel a little bit better on a day-to-day basis. From raking a gentle stroll to spending quality time with friends, small things can make a big difference.

How to improve and maintain your mental health

Look after your physical health first
Though it might be tricky to muster the motivation to exercise, there’s plenty of evidence to prove that moving your body carries an immense range of benefits for your overall well-being.

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have an accident, it’s important to give your body the time and rest it needs to recover from a personal injury of any type.

People often say that pregnancy is a time of happiness and excitement, which is true for many people. It is hard to ignore the health risks and fears that can come up from some vulnerable patients getting a positive pregnancy test.

In the United States, just being pregnant poses serious short-term and long-term health risks, with the most serious pregnancy-related problems of any developed country, and about 700 people die every year as a result. This health problem affects women of color and low-income women the most. In fact, Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women.

From a health point of view, what makes pregnancy extremely difficult?
Pregnancy is like a long-term stress test that puts a lot of strain on the body's systems and creates new health risks. It changes how the kidneys, lungs, and heart work. It also changes the immune system and the way the body uses energy by affecting many organs. It gets more blood to all parts of the body. People who already have high blood pressure, diabetes, or other health problems will be hurt more by this. Furthermore, pregnancy can aggravate mental health issues like depression and anxiety, exacerbating the symptoms.

Two health problems that are specific to pregnancy are:

Preeclampsia. This can lead to high blood pressure and damage to the kidneys, liver, and brain, among other organs. Just being pregnant puts more pressure on the heart and blood vessels. According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, having a preeclampsia pregnancy more than triples a person's lifetime risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Preeclampsia is more likely to happen if you are younger than 18 or older than 40, have an autoimmune disease (like lupus), already have high blood pressure, or had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy.

Too much blood loss after birth (postpartum hemorrhage). Even though some things put people at a higher risk, any birth, even those with no problems, can cause a hemorrhage.

Most of the time, a person with health problems can still have a safe pregnancy. Still, if you already have a disease like heart disease or diabetes, you are more likely to have complications and die. More women are getting pregnant later in life, which makes it more likely that they already have heart disease. Large, multidisciplinary teams of health professionals are now often needed to care for pregnant women with complex cardiac needs or other health conditions. This wasn't always the case in the past.

Unintended pregnancy rates are high.
In the United States, almost half of all pregnancies are not planned. In some cases, this means that a pregnancy is wanted in the future, and in other cases, it means that a pregnancy is not wanted.

Why do so many people get pregnant when they don't want to? Nine out of ten sexually active women who don't want to get pregnant say they use some kind of birth control. Of course, not every method of birth control is very good. If you only use condoms, 13 out of 100 people will get pregnant in a year, while up to 23 out of 100 people will get pregnant if you also use other methods to figure out your fertility.

Replacement parts for the eyes must have seemed unthinkable in the past. Currently, if a cataract clouds the inner lens of the eye, a routine procedure to replace it with an artificial lens restores vision.

However, what happens if the outer lens of the eye (the cornea) is injured or infected? You can also have that replaced. "It's not as prevalent as cataract surgery, but around age 50, many people develop corneal disorders and may need a corneal transplant."

According to the Eye Bank Association of America, over 49,000 corneal transplants happened in the United States in 2021.


What exactly is the cornea?
The cornea is a clear tissue dome that covers the iris and pupil in the front of each eye. It acts as a windscreen to protect the delicate eye mechanism behind it and focuses light onto the retina, which sends impulses that the brain turns into images (your vision).

To focus and view well, a windscreen and camera lens are required. However, numerous things can go wrong within the cornea's five layers of tissue. This can make it difficult to see and hinder your ability to read, drive, work, and complete other daily tasks.

How does a corneal injury develop?
It may result from a variety of factors, including:

Accidental injuries, such as a fall: "Falls are a leading cause of patients presenting with acute eye damage." The cornea might be easily destroyed if it is poked.
Vision loss can be caused by serious corneal infections or genetic diseases such as Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy.
What treatment options exist for corneal damage?
Treatment for a cornea depends on the nature of the problem and the extent of the damage. It is a methodical technique. Occasionally, using specialized contact lenses or taking drugs helps reduce corneal swelling or scarring.

When corneal damage cannot be repaired, surgeons can replace one or a few layers (a partial-thickness transplant) or the entire cornea (a full-thickness transplant) (a full-thickness transplant).

The great majority of corneal transplants are obtained and processed by eye banks across the United States. In certain circumstances, such as when repeated transplants fail, an artificial cornea may be used. After corneal surgery, recovery can take up to a year.
Pregnancy risks

Psychedelic drugs are getting more and more attention from both doctors and patients because they have been shown to help people with conditions like depression that don't respond to treatment improve their mental health in a way that lasts. Microdosing psychedelic drugs like LSD or psilocybin means taking a small amount, called a "sub-perceptual dose," that is much lower than the amount you would take to "trip" or have hallucinations.

Many people agree that taking small amounts of psychedelics can improve your mood, creativity, focus, productivity, and ability to understand other people. Or could the benefits be a result of what people expect? This means that most people who take a pill every day with the firm belief that it will make them happier and smarter will feel happier and smarter, no matter what's in the pill.

The inability to define microdosing for any psychedelic substance in a single, universally accepted way makes it difficult to conduct consistent research. One definition is about 1/5 to 1/20 of a dose used for recreation. (This is true based on anecdotal evidence; a medium-strength dose of psilocybin is 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms, and a microdose is usually around 0.3 grams.) One problem is that mushrooms are not regulated outside of clinical trials, so their strength can vary a lot. This isn't an exact science. In the same way, LSD is a substance that can't be seen, smelled, or tasted. It usually comes in the form of a liquid or a piece of paper that can be put under the tongue.

Since it is illegal and not regulated, there is no good way to know how much you are taking unless you get it from a very trustworthy source. LSD is a very strong drug that stays in your body for a long time. You don't want to take more than you're supposed to. Also, psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD can cause physiological tolerance. This could mean that even if microdosing does help, staying at the same dose might not be as helpful.

Chronic pain frequently varies throughout the day, and for some people, it gets worse at night. Why is this?

According to a recent survey, up to 50.2 million people in the US—one in five—experience chronic pain. These people typically have varying levels of pain throughout the day; occasionally, it gets better in the morning and worse in the afternoon, or the reverse.

But what occurs after sunset? Many people with chronic pain agree with some studies that suggest that chronic pain is worse at night.

What causes chronic pain?
Chronic pain is described as pain that persists for at least two to three months, frequently long after the initial injury or sickness has healed. The discomfort could possibly persist indefinitely. It can affect a single joint or muscle, or it can exclusively impact certain parts of the body, such as the neck and back. Diffuse, persistent pain may result from diseases like fibromyalgia or arthritis.

Chronic pain can range from a dull ache to pain that shoots, searing, stabs, or feels like an electric shock, as well as tingling and numbness.

Why does chronic pain sometimes get worse at night?
There are a number of reasons why pain may get worse at night. Hormones may play a significant role. The anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol is produced least frequently at night.

Additionally, recent studies have raised the possibility that pain may have a circadian rhythm similar to the 24-hour internal clock that governs our sleep-wake cycle. This helps to explain why some people frequently experience more pain at particular times, such as at night, according to Slawsby.

There is never a good time for chronic pain, but the night is particularly bad since it interferes with sleep. Lack of sleep impairs our capacity to control discomfort. And those who have chronic pain frequently experience sleep issues. The majority of patients who are diagnosed with insomnia, the most prevalent sleep disorder, experience chronic pain.

Sleep loss brought on by insomnia can boost the release of cytokines, which are involved in the body's inflammatory response and increase pain sensitivity.

Getting the rest you require if nighttime pain is a problem
Trying these methods may help you sleep better if nighttime pain has been keeping you awake.

Do a relaxing ritual before going to bed.
Photo by Matteo Milan:

After a busy day, a relaxing transition can help your body and mind get ready for bed. Spend at least 20 minutes relaxing before bed to help the heart and breathing rates settle down, lower cortisol levels, and reduce the likelihood of flare-ups, advises Slawsby. Take a warm or cool shower, for instance.
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