Lifestyle Blogger

Oh dear, we made it to the year 2024. What a privilege. I am happy and thankful to God for another year. This year, I ask God for wealth and for His will in my life to be done. I ask for help using my blog to positively reach others and also share God's words. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Here are beautiful free screensavers for your phone and a desktop background for your 2024 wallpaper. Which did you download?

Year 2024

The days have been slow, and I am loving it. I am ready for the new year, and I am really positive about it. The approach to preparing for the new year can vary, but here are 10 tips to guide you through the process:

1. Reflect on 2023:

Take time out to go through your achievements, lessons learned, and areas in which you need growth.

2. Set goals that are reasonable and clear: 

Define your goals; be specific, measurable, and achievable for 2024. One way to fulfil your goals is to break them into smaller tasks to better manage them.

3. Create a Plan: 

Develop a roadmap that will help you achieve your goals. Write down actionable steps and deadlines to keep yourself accountable in the process.

4. Make self-care an important priority:

Ensure your well-being by putting self-care into consideration. Exercise, mindfulness practices, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Remember, your health comes before your work.

5. Celebrate Your Achievements: 

Many people just work and work without taking a moment to acknowledge and celebrate their wins. It doesn't matter; both small and big accomplishments should be celebrated.

While responding to comments on my previous Christmas post, I thought, "Why not share photos of my afro wig?" Interestingly, my natural hair resembles this afro wig. I found the wig at an affordable price with positive reviews, so I decided to purchase it and try it out. Surprisingly, I'm impressed with its nice and natural appearance and might order the brown color. The fit is comfortable, and there's no unpleasant odor. The packaging is well done. It's important to note that proper care is essential for its longevity. Overall, I genuinely like this afro wig. It's soft and light, and the elastic isn't too tight, providing comfort. I dislike overly tight wigs that cause headaches. For this wig, it's full, fluffy, has good texture, and looks good on me, just like in the photos.

Make the comparison yourself; there might be a slight difference, but it's close. Let me know what you think. Does my natural hair look like this wig?

                The wig I ordered                                                                                   My natural hair

How do I wash a synthetic afro wig?

Firstly, add shampoo to cold water and pour a cup of warm water into the cold water. Shake the water with your hands to create foam. Place the wig inside and shake it. Submerge it in the water and let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse and air dry.

Next, add water and a small amount of leave-in conditioner to the water. Spray this mixture all over the hair. Use your fingers to fluff it out, trim if needed, and you are ready to go.
UK fashion blogger

Did you take a break from work to enjoy Boxing Day, or do you have a national holiday in your country? For me, I stayed home all day. Last night was a little difficult for me. I talked about having a cough, and it becomes even more persistent at night. I was talking to my niece and kept coughing for a long time, even after taking my drugs. My throat began to hurt a little, and when I woke up this morning, I was in so much pain, but I managed to stand up, prepare breakfast, and take my drugs, and now I feel much better. I drank lots of water, and I cannot overemphasize the importance of drinking water; it helps your overall health.

I needed some supplies and had to go outside, and all the stores were closed apart from one, which was partly cleared up. I walked back home, had a hot bath, had dinner, and was listening to Christian Christmas music and praying. So calming.

I believe that this Christmas season, which is dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, comes with cheers, and God is blessing us all.

I wish you a happy Boxing Day. Tell me how you spent your day.

Today is Christmas Day, and I am particularly thankful. We always looked forward to Christmas as kids because my parents would buy new clothes and shoes for my siblings, and my mother's cooking was always excellent. Each time I talk about my mom's cooking, it's not just because she's my mom; she's a skilled cook. During family occasions, everyone wants her to lead or supervise the cooking. My mom is blessed with the gift of cooking.

She would prepare delicious meals, and we would enjoy them as a family. We'd walk around the neighborhood to showcase our Christmas clothes and sometimes receive money gifts. Just like people celebrate Halloween, that's how we celebrate Christmas—going around and collecting gifts. It's funny to think about it now, but I love those memories. People would visit each other's houses and eat together. My mom usually prepares takeaway packs for anyone who visits us. I loved Christmas back then, but as I grew up and moved abroad, it wasn't the same. There were days I would just sleep all day during Christmas, like today, when I was at home on the couch feeling weak from the flu and cough.

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