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What are the essential steps to follow when creating a business travel report?

Those in charge of business travel often find reporting to be a tedious and difficult task. Although it may be a painstaking and time-consuming process, there are ways to gather data, including business trip expenses. Keep reading for some of our best advice on how to simplify and clarify business trip reporting.


Company travel reports: what are they?

The purpose of business travel reporting is to enhance the overall strategy and effectiveness of a company's travel program by documenting the corporate travel process. These reports provide a comprehensive picture of business visits by collecting patterns of spending, trip purpose, general learning, and other data. Additionally, they demonstrate the value of travel to your firm, which helps justify the expense.

Who writes up reports on business trips?

Managers of business travel who work in accounting or corporate administration typically compile these reports.

What should a business trip report include?

  • Objective formulation. The first section of a business trip report is essentially a high-level summary of the whole thing. You should detail the purpose of the trip, any conferences or trade shows attended, anticipated outcomes, and chances of securing business deals.
  • Details that are crucial. To make room for the most important information, organize your business trip report into sections and use bullet points or headlines to summarize each one. This should serve as an introductory paragraph for the report and highlight the primary objective of the journey. Your company's business travelers' names, destinations, and contacts should be included.
  • Are there crucial details you should be aware of prior to your journey? Reporting on business trips should start well in advance of the actual trip. Your preparations should include noting important company goals and providing instructions on the paperwork needed to track progress. Maintaining meticulous records during business trips is crucial, not just for tracking expenses. This is also true for customer feedback forms, presentation and seminar tapes, and any other relevant information.
  • Details of the journey. The body of a business travel report occupies most of its space. This section serves as a personal reflection on the trip's triumphs, failures, and any unmentioned accomplishments, rather than a summary of the goals themselves. It's beneficial to further explain how these accomplishments will aid the company.
  • Key points. The report's conclusion should include final thoughts and a brief overview of the trip's return on investment (ROI). After finishing all meetings and objectives, gather all relevant information in one location, including statistics, photographs, documents, and feedback surveys, and focus on the end advantages to the company.

What is bleisure travel?

The term "bleisure" combines the meanings of "business" and "leisure" in a single word. Bleisure travel combines business with leisure, as the term suggests. Recent years have seen more businesses and vacationers do this.

With the globe getting more and more turbulent, business travelers are finding ways to balance their work and personal lives while abroad. They like walking tours, hiking, beach days, and relaxing in the hotel spa, among other activities.

While there are a variety of approaches to vacation travel, the most common ones involve adding on extra days to the beginning or end of the trip or bringing along loved ones to squeeze in some quality time between work and other obligations. We think that if business travelers are happy, they will be more productive, and the organization will get a better return on investment.

What are the benefits, for a business traveler, of combining work and pleasure?
As a result of the coronavirus, many organizations have adapted to a hybrid setup. In general, a flexible work environment has several benefits; however, there are many perks for bleisure travelers in particular:

  • Crossing time zones: Working remotely from a foreign nation is a common perk of business travel. The traveler can adjust to the time zone and perform at peak efficiency if they give themselves more time at the beginning of the trip.
  • Reduced tension: Combining work with enjoyable or personal pursuits can fundamentally improve work-life balance. The traveler may feel less anxious and have a better time as a result.
  • Job satisfaction—If workers believe their employers value them, they may be more motivated to put in extra effort, which can lead to greater satisfaction with their work after the trip.
  • Reducing emissions: When workers have pleasure in leisure travel, they might not feel the need to take that additional vacation later in the year. This not only saves them time and money, but it also reduces their carbon footprint because they may not have to fly as much.
What ways might bleisure trips for your staff help your business?
Making vacation travel choices available to employees might boost job satisfaction and deter them from seeking out other opportunities.

Raising morale and team spirit—Letting employees take a break and recharge on a vacation excursion ensures they'll be ready to tackle the day when they return to work!

Offering bleisure travel as an incentive to current employees is a fantastic way to keep them motivated, but it may also bring in fresh talent for your firm.

The likelihood of a rise in earnings is directly proportional to the level of productivity inside an organization.

Customer Retention—Encouraging staff to work remotely isn't always a picnic, particularly when they have responsibilities back home. However, letting your staff combine it with a vacation may encourage them to take it and return when needed.

Does bleisure travel provide any difficulties?
  • Trust is an essential component of any kind of business travel, and visibility is key. Even when the person is working abroad, you still want them to produce a fantastic job for the firm, just like when they are at home.
  • Expense management: It is critical to know who is responsible for paying for what and how. While there is no universally accepted method, it is usual practice for employers to pay for employees' airfare and expenses on work days, while the employee is responsible for paying any expenses associated with their vacation.
  • Establishing lines of contact for the business traveler to use for check-ins is essential. Be careful not to micromanage or overly supervise the employee; there has to be a fine line between checking in and doing too much.

5 things to keep in mind when organizing a getaway trip for your employee
Assess the level of danger. If they intend to travel to areas considered particularly dangerous, you may choose to prohibit them from taking any extended vacation. To find out more about where your employees can travel safely, you should visit your country's official website.

While bleisure is fun, your staff shouldn't let it take precedence over their job. For instance, you might advise them not to drink too much the night before the weeklong conference begins if they arrive a day or two early. In the end, this journey is all about business.

Clearly defined policies: Before an employee leaves on business, make sure they understand your company's travel policy and agree on what counts as working and personal periods. Business owners and travelers alike will appreciate the ease and safety that comes from having a clear understanding of what is and isn't covered in terms of traveler spending and security. To illustrate the point, if your company's travel business only provides assistance and insurance, you might advise your employees to secure their own travel insurance for their leisure activities.

No matter how trustworthy your staff is, relying solely on a "handshake agreement" is insufficient. Companies risk noncompliance, inflated costs, and even litigation if they do not put their bleisure travel policy in writing.

Privilege loyalty programs, contactless payment solutions, and safety-focused GPS apps are just a few examples of the new tools that digital companies are offering to businesses to cater to this growing trend. While it may be impossible to totally remove danger for business travelers, management teams can utilize technology to monitor their employees' safety no matter where they are.

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How can I use an app for business travel?

One way to make business travel easier is to download an app for your smartphone. These apps can assist you in various aspects such as securing a hotel room and managing your expenses. Apps like this can be useful for leisure travelers as well, but business travelers tend to use them more often because of the ways they streamline their trips.

With the right mix of business travel applications, you can simplify your work and travel arrangements, relieving a lot of stress.

These 9 apps will enhance your business trips.

The best business travel applications take into account the unique needs of each business traveler and their trips.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of the top travel apps, each of which serves a unique niche. Here are nine significant ways that business travel applications could potentially benefit you:

1. Apps for organizing and planning
Organize all of your trip plans in one convenient spot with the TripIt app. Apps can organize all your trip-related data in a calendar, making it simple to view and manage everything from airline itineraries and hotel reservations to meeting details. The best part is that some apps can automatically sort and store all your confirmation emails. You just need to forward them to your account.

Operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry

Cost: $49 for the premium version, and free for the basic.

2. Apps that provide directions (navigation)
Using navigation software allows you to stay on course and prevent lostness. Give CityMapper a go; it's accessible in major cities all across the world. If your workday is jam-packed with meetings, hotels, and restaurants, this app will give you the most precise and dependable itineraries.

Around the world, Google Maps is the most-used navigation app. Online and offline navigation, pre-pinning of locations, comparison of transit options, and location sharing are all possible with this software. Whether you're looking for a place with Wi-Fi or a restaurant that can accommodate special diets, the app has you covered.

Operating Systems: Windows, iOS, and Android

Cost: Free


3. Apps that keep track of expenses
Keeping track of your receipts is unnecessary. Taking a picture and putting it into the Expensify app is all it takes to keep track of your expenses. They eliminate the need to spend hours going through old invoices and receipts thanks to their instant submission. For business travelers, there is an easy-to-use, free app called Expensify.

Operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry

Cost: Free

4. File sharing
With Google Drive, you can access your documents from any device, anywhere. Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations are editable in real time. Use your computer, tablet, or phone to get to any document you need. Even when you don't have internet access, you can continue working on these documents, and the most recent version will be available when you do. For business travelers, these apps are lifesavers.

Operating Systems: Windows, iOS, and Android

Cost: Free

5. Guides to airport lounges
Even at a large or unfamiliar airport, Flio can provide the information you need to make your flight on time. In it, you may get details about countless airports, such as how to reach them by public transit, and interactive maps showing amenities like gates, baggage claim, lounges, restaurants, and stores. Tripadvisor and are also good options that are widely used.

You can check flight status and reserve lounge access or parking using the app.

Both iOS and Android are supported.

The basic version is free.

No memberships, elite statuses, or business-class tickets are necessary to visit any of the airport lounges in the app's network with Lounge Buddy. Using the app, you may buy lounge access starting at $25 and gain immediate access to a room where you can work, rest, freshen up, and prepare for your next journey.

Devices: iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Android

Cost: Free

There are several reasons to consider a corporate retreat abroad.

Company trips and getaways are excellent ways to get your team motivated. Find out what a business retreat is and why it's a beneficial idea to hold one.

When you need to get the team together, a business retreat is different from other ways to do that. With clear goals in mind, vacations help people get closer, talk to each other better, and feel less stressed.

Many people can find a better work-life balance with remote and mixed work, but face-to-face time is just as important. For instance, the Global Business Travel Association found that work retreats made 79% of North American business travelers and 83% of European business travelers happier with their jobs.

So, whether you work from home or just need a change of scenery from the office, a retreat after a business trip is a great way to get your coworkers together for some quality time that will boost mood.

What is a business retreat?

A corporate vacation is a type of business trip that takes place away from the office, like on the weekend or a day when people aren't working. It doesn't have a specific business purpose. They could be for the whole company or just a small group, and they're a memorable way for coworkers to get to know each other.

Offsite company vacations happen somewhere other than the office, like a villa, hotel, or small glamping site.

At onsite company retreats, workers from different places come to the main office to learn new skills and work together better.

Even though the places and activities are very different, business retreats usually have a relaxed vibe and include a mix of training, presentations given by coworkers, and fun, casual activities.

What is the point of a vacation for the whole company?

With the rise of globalization and remote work, workers often collaborate virtually from a distance. Peers who might not have otherwise had the opportunity to meet and get to know each other come together for a vacation.

If your team works in an office, a business retreat can help them be more creative and come up with new ideas by getting them out of their normal environment.

The goals of a business vacation are:
  • We are getting to know each other as colleagues.
  • We are collaborating to strengthen our core teams.
  • Finding problems and coming up with answers as a team
  • Brainstorming is a method to generate new ideas and products.
  • Getting employees more involved and keeping them
What do you do on a business retreat?

The location of the work retreat and your goals will determine what you do. Instead of just talks, you could plan enjoyable things for the whole team to do, like a day of whitewater rafting, cooking class, or walking around a new city.

Business wellness camps aim to assist employees in managing stress and preventing burnout. If they happen in nature, the day might be filled with relaxing activities like forest bathing, spa treatments, hikes, and yoga.

Task-oriented retreats could happen in a private house or a hotel with meeting rooms set aside just for that purpose. Official presentations, group discussions, and testing of new products would divide the day, leaving time for casual conversation and group meals.

Learn how to set up a business vacation.

Step 1: Write down your goals.
Before choosing a business retreat location and activities, you must know your goals. Is this trip a prize for a job well done? A way to feel less stressed? Could this be an opportunity to refine your plan? First, list your main goal and any supporting goals.

Step 2: Make a spending plan.
The next step is to create a budget. Global companies aren't the only ones who go on business vacations; startups also like them. Make a budget for each person you can stick to, regardless of your income. This budget should include costs for food, housing, transportation, and activities. Also, it's smart to have a 15–25% cushion in case something goes wrong.

Step 3: Pick a date and time.
Check your company's future calendar to find a suitable date. Take into account the busy and slow times for your industry as well as any planned employee holidays.

Step 4. Pick a good place to hold the event.
There are a huge number of places to hold a company retreat. To narrow down the choices, think about the type of retreat you want to hold. Boutique hotels are ideal for short business trips that are full of team presentations and breakaway meetings. On the other hand, large country houses are ideal for vacations that focus on wellness.

Step 5: Make sure it's safe and simple to move.
Get your team on board by explaining the vacation and its goals. Before you book, make sure that everyone can make the times and travel arrangements work for them. If you need to, get travel insurance and visas. Then, book flights, hotels, and rental cars all from one place using a small business trip management tool, such as for Business.

Step 6: Make a calendar and structure
Now that you know what the big picture is, it's time to plan your getaway. Plan out how you'll break up the day. One popular way to do this is to have training and hard work sessions in the mornings and activities that bring people together in the afternoons.

Paying attention to strategy? Allow time for activities that break the ice: brainstorming and talks by team leaders. Thinking about how to relax? Plan to have a lot of free time so that you can naturally meet new people.
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