Lifestyle Blogger

Changing your name might seem extreme, and something you might only want to do if you got divorced or emancipated yourself from your family. However, more and more people are choosing to change their names. Below, you’ll find out why this could be happening and perhaps get some inspiration! 

Changing Your Name Could Give You A Unique Moniker 
Do you think your name is too common? Names like Amy, Louise, Sophie, for the girls and John, Oliver, and Sam for boys are great, but they’re all very normal. If you’d rather have a name that’s a little more unique, changing it could be the answer. Just remember, there’s a fine line between unique and crazy (crazy names will lose their novelty after a while). 

Changing Your Name Could Make You Happier
If you dislike your first, second, or both names, changing your name could make you happier. Think of it this way: we love customizing almost everything else about ourselves. We change our hair color, the color of our nails, add tattoos, piercings, we sometimes even have surgery. Yet our name stays the same? You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to. 

Finding the right jewelry for any outfit can be challenging. With so many styles to choose from, women often wonder which set of earrings they should select or which bracelet to pair with which outfit. There are four types of bracelets every woman should be familiar with and when each should be worn. 

Bangle Bracelets 
The bangle bracelet remains a classic. This solid jewelry piece features no opening or clasp. A woman simply slips it on her wrist and goes about her day. Multiple bangle bracelets may be worn simultaneously if they are thin. However, for wide bangles, it's best to limit them to one or two. Young women often choose this bracelet style thanks to the typically inexpensive cost and the versatility of the jewelry. In addition, bangles can be mixed and matched multiple ways to allow for even more choices when they are combined. The ideas are truly endless.

Charm Bracelets
Charm bracelets consist of chain and several trinkets that are added to this cord. With traditional charm bracelets, the chain or cord is gold, sterling silver, stainless steel, or another metal. In this type of jewelry, charms dangle from the chain or cord.

An Italian charm bracelet, in contrast, is a link bracelet. Small glass rectangles are then inserted into the links, and the charms with either bracelet tend to reflect one or more aspects of the wearer's personality. However, the Italian charm bracelet is smaller than its traditional counterpart, as the charms do not dangle. Individuals need to consider both styles, as there are times when dangling charms can be a danger to the wearer. When this is the case, it's best to go with the Italian version. 

As an influencer, I come across different agents that represent various brands. People are developing new scamming techniques, and bloggers and influencers are not left out. The irony of it is that influencers can get scammed by fake agents. Popular online stores have a lot of agents and some scammers are aware of this. Recently, an agent claiming to represent Rosegal sent me an email, asking if I will like to be a part of the summer campaign. She offered me items of clothing but I suggested we do an article publishing post and gave her my cost. She replied to my email stating that she will like to start with a collaboration featuring Rosegal products on my social platforms, asking me to select the items I will like to feature and add them to my cart.  I did and sent her the order number. She demanded that I re-order using a link, which I did. She then replied to my email again, asking that I send her the email and login password to my Rosegal account. Mind you, this is not the 1st time I am working with brands that require you to select items on their online store.  I totally knew this was a fraud because if the company was aware that she is an agent reaching out to influencers she should automatically have access to another agent working with the same online store who handles orders and can access my profile without asking for my Rosegal password.

People are beginning to understand that influencers, bloggers, and marketers that know their way around the online (digital) and physical marketing industry stand to gain a lot in the long run and they are looking for new ways to scam them. Any agent working with a brand asking you to give out your email and login password to any website they claim to work with/for is totally fake. If you have used your card or have your card details on the website you are at risk. Be very smart as an influencer.

With that being said, summer is fast coming to an end and it feels bad. Winter isn't my season as you all know. I am happy with the way the sun shines bright on my window in the morning with its rays penetrating into the room. It is a fresh blessing directly from heaven filled with vitamin D.
Today, I am sharing a style post. I have worn this mustard yellow jumpsuit before but I decided to restyle it accessorizing with my vintage bag from Jessicabuurman and Birkenstocks from Wristwatch Nicole Vienna.
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Sometimes, I have a lot on my mind to write about but can hardly figure out how to put them down in words. I stare at my laptop, changing topics, starting paragraphs that I never finish. This morning I woke up a bit worried about my face and how poor my facial care has been. I opened my laptop hoping to continue writing one of the previous articles which I already started but little or no idea was forthcoming. Tho mornings are pretty refreshing for me but I found myself writing words that didn't blend together.  I have been stressed and needed some rest but at the same time, I also needed to update my website.

Thinking about one of the most controversial issues in Nigeria at the moment, about the founder and leader of the Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly (COZA), Biodun Fatoyinbo who have been accused of sexual assault by Busola Dakolo, is a warning to every leader to recheck and restructure. There are things in which Ministers and Pastors both male and female should always consider and carefully follow these rules to avoid situations that can lead them into temptation or expose them to unpleasant situations.

 All over the world, this act happens every day. A serious allegation and should be looked into carefully. When a pastor is accused of such, it affects him and his ministry as a whole. It takes the grace of God for the church to stand. There are wicked people in the world hiding under the umbrella of religion and doing evil, we should not also forget that there are also people in the world looking for great people who uphold religion to bring them down. Nobody is perfect which brings us to the reason why Pastors, Ministers, Leaders, or anyone holding a delicate office in the Christiandom should follow these rules and put things in place right now if they haven't done so.

unsplash photos

 Do not have a secretary of the opposite GenderMan and Woman of God, even the Bible says in the book of Romans 13:14, “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” Making provision for the flesh is the opposite of fleeing temptation. We make provision for our flesh when we accommodate things that lead to sin, by so doing we are actually making preparations for sinning. Employing a female secretary as a man is making provision for sin (Vice versa). Having a male travel assistant as a woman of God is making provision for sin. Do not open doors for tempting situations and expect the devil not to use it against you or make you fall into temptation. Do not visit Church members alone, whether it is a family or a single brother or sister. When you are going for a visit inform a worker in the Church to go with you.  Be careful because the devil is working tirelessly to bring down the Church and usher more people into hell.

Tithing has been one of the most trending issues patterning giving in the Church and people have different ideas about tithing but the answer is in the Bible. As a Minister of God, it is advisable that you are not in charge of Church funds. Always remember that a clean heart and hand are very important not only before God but also before man. Money has power and can make one lose focus if we don't watch it. There are trusted members in the church that can follow up with the Church fund organization. As a Pastor or a Minister of God, money can be tempting and can also bring conflicts in your Ministry or Church. This is very delicate as even the Bible made us know in the book 1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV), For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Counselling hours. I am very sure a lot of people have heard stories of counselling sessions going wrong. Ministers and Pastors should have security cameras in their offices, one trusted Church leader should always be inside the counselling room or Pastors office during counselling sessions.  Stop every form of counselling that falls during late hours.

Prayer and counselling pattern. It is very clear that different people have different ministries in Christendom and we pray to the same God but in different ways. As a Pastor please be careful where you lay your hands on. If you are a male Pastor and issues that focus on sensitive parts of the female body are brought to you, it is wise to speak the word instead of laying hands (Vice versa with female leaders). A clear example of faith manifested in the Bible can be found in the book of Matthew 14: 22-33, which shows that our words are powerful and backed up by God. God can never be put to shame. Believe in his word and do his will and he will confirm his word. Miracles are done by God not man. Don't send the wrong information while trying to do the right thing. This can be seen as sexual harassment by the lady. He is Jehovah Rapha (The Lord your healer). The name of Jesus is above anything you can name and it means it has authority over all situations. 2 Corinthians 5:7 New King James Version (NKJV) For we walk by faith, not by sight.

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. Mattew 8:8.

 Matthew 11:28-29 NLT says, Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Jeremiah 30:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.

John 14:13 Read more.
Acts 3. Read more.

Getnamenecklace offers personalized jewellery which includes, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings, and charms. Ladies love charms and they are very affordable. There is also special jewellery for mothers, photo necklace, infinity necklace, and monogram necklace. Mother Jewelry is a great gift for mothers day.

Photo by Mustafa ezz from Pexels

Necklaces are great fashion accessories to wear. They enhance our look and make you look even more stylish. In our world today, there are different types of jewellery that you can wear and feel good about yourself.  They are worn to different occasions, on different fashion apparels, and indifferent fashionable ways. What even makes a piece of jewellery even fun is the fact that they can be personalized to how you want them to look, fit your style and fashion sense. You can personalize it with multiple names, add the colour you prefer. Not to worry, the letters are designed to appear bold to pass the information you want to pass. Personalizing your necklace makes it feel more special. A Infinity Paw Print Name Necklace is a good necklace to own.

If you are looking to get a necklace for you and your special one then you can purchase the couple's jewellery or the Valentine gift for him. Men also want to be pampered and care for on valentines day. A good way to treat your special one is by offering them personalized gifts. It makes them feel special. Friends and family should not also be left out. The infinity necklace is a special necklace-type made from different materials. You can get infinity necklaces from materials such as Sterling Silver, 18K Gold Plated, Rose Gold Plated, and Platinum Plated Silver. There is a cheap infinity name necklace that is affordable and ready for purchase.
This dress was made with love. It is so beautiful and has the perfect waist and length for any modern vintage pattern midi dress. This dress reminds me of Paris. JessicaBuurman has lots of beautiful dresses that will give an unforgettable style memory. Dresses for girls outings, graduation dresses, dresses for special occasions, etc. Get summer ready, whichever way you like to feel when wearing a dress, this Monti dress will make you feel classy and fancy with a sassy vintage touch.

This dress pattern is busy and looks more unique when styled with plain shoes. This dress can pass for different occasions such as a wedding with a vintage theme, Sunday church dress, bridal shower guest, wedding guest, office dress and lots more.

Purchase this full look by clicking on the links below.
Dress: Moniti Midi dress.
Heels: Pointy Cover front chunky vintage heels.
Bag: Brown bucket bag.
Wristwatch by Nicolevienna.
Read more on women fashion and style.

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