Lifestyle Blogger

Pain is a bad emotional experience that no one wants to feel.
Pain is a slow killer. Pain can eat deep into our minds. Pain can bring about positive or negative influence.

Everyone is striving for the top. Everyone wants to be the best and move as fast as they can to get to the top but not everyone is achieving that goal. You might be going through tough times, you are struggling just to keep your head above and breath. You are trying but things do not seem to be walking out the way you planned. You probably should be in a different place in this time of your life but you are here wondering why it has to be this way. You are smiling for the sake of appearance and it really hurts deep down but well what can you do?.

For some everything is working so well but they have a broken heart, relationship, marriage or family causing them constant pain. You feel the void of true love and you are constantly in a wondering state and asking yourself different questions. It hurts to feel alone, to be in a dark place and feel like no one cares about you.

Gifting doesn't have to be seasonal, you can decide to be good for goodness sake. It doesn't hurt to be nice to someone at your workplace, church, small groups, schools, or any organization you find yourself. Showing an act of love sometimes goes a long way than we see or can even imagine. We all have nice acquaintances that deserve a mug or even more.  They might have been there unknowing to them. A little thank you won't hurt.

Mugs are gifts that are not so practical to me, but I can also say they are the best gifts to give to a not so close person. Gifting is a choice and should come from the heart. Here are cute mugs options to gift an acquaintance.

Blue mugs

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels
The year is already coming to an end. I am counting down.
Today which is the 1st of  November 2019 marks 54 days to December 25, 2019, Christmas. Are you excited?.

Who else is getting the Christmas fever like me?. The year ran so fast but I am pretty excited for 2020 and my new journey and career path. 

Are you still thinking of what to do this Christmas? I have one tip for you 


Christmas came too soon, well, for those celebrating Christmas in December its one month to Christmas already and if your heart isn't ready, here are some beautiful professional Christmas photos that can help you plug into the season. This Christmas photo collection consists of Christmas home decor, street decorations and snow photos.

Are you ready for Christmas?

All photos are from Pexels and Unsplash.
Due to circumstances that life throws at us, and like we always say, "Life happens". Some people grow apart from their parents due to family issues, busy work lifestyle and bad behaviours from a bad child to good parents. Whatever brought about the gap, here are different ways to bridge the gap, rebuild and strengthen the relationship you had/have with your parents.

1. Arriving home early: Arriving home early if you still stay with your parents is a great way to start rebuilding a lost relationship with your parents. At least before they go to bed they see you. You get to see them and one way or the other you cross paths with them at home and start-up mini conservations that grow with time.

2. Visiting home more often: If you live away from your parents visiting home more often will help strengthen or the relationship you have with them. You get to see your parents more often, talk to them and ran some errands for them.

3. Apologise if you have done anything wrong that brought about the breakage and shift in communication. Let your actions are very practical and apology genuine.  

4. Create rooms for discussions: Ask them questions that make them feel wiser, tho they are but let them feel you are sorting to get information from them. They feel good impacting knowledge into their child and this can bring about a long conversation that can build back a lost relationship with time.

5. Lunch dates bring about a fresh feel between you and your family. It gives room to sit down together and talk. This a family in practical form.

Do you still change your wallpaper and screensaver to suit the holiday season or are you one of those people only use their personal photos as wallpaper and screensaver only?. Let's do something different this season. There are lots of talented photographers on different platforms such as Pixels, Pixabay, Pexels, bahance, unsplash free photo websites, who have taken time to create magical photos and have uploaded them on different platforms for the mass to access for creative purposes.

Below is a combination of wallpapers and screensavers that I will be using this holiday season to plug into the festive season.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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