Lifestyle Blogger

Positive quotes are words that uplift us and gives us a fresh idea or push on how to stay strong and be a better version of ourselves.

sometimes you don't even have the strength to carry on but that picture quote on the wall can just speak to you and give you a new insight.

Quotes can be much more helpful than we think, tho there are lots of positive sayings that people hardly put into practice, but nevertheless, positive quotes are good for the soul.

Here are positive picture quotes that can help kick start your Monday perfectly.
Abuja is the capital of Nigeria which also made it to the list of the most popular cities in Nigeria. Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria located in the centre of the country within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It is a planned city and was built mainly in the 1980s, replacing the country's most populous city of Lagos as the capital on 12 December 1991 #wiki. While in Abuja here are things you shouldn't do.
1. Do not pay for any hotel in Abuja without seeing it physically and checking for the location.
This is one common trait associated with hotels in Nigeria generally. When looking for a hotel in Abuja don't be fooled by the photos you see online. I have visited over 20 hotels in Abuja and none was the same as what they showed online. Fortunately, I had time to change to a better hotel. Before you pay for any hotel in Abuja be sure to have asked around about that hotel, don't follow the reviews you see online because some of the booking reviews were written by the hotel management. I will never recommend the New City hotel at Wuye. This is the worst hotel ever.
Image from

New City hotel reviews from Jumia travel.
Here is a Verified Review wrote on 2016-11-22 from another customer about New City Hotel Abuja Wuye. 
New City Hotel is totally below par. Their customer service is non-existent. The rooms were not cleaned and dusted in anticipation of guests even though we booked in advance. There is no alternative supply of power during the day. The food is unappetizing. Do not be surprised to find cobwebs and cockroaches in your room, I did. I had to switch rooms several times due to the absence of basic necessities: wardrobe, toilet faucet that doesn't leak, functional fridge and AC. The list is endless. My entire stay was laced with regrets and disappointment. I definitely won't be visiting again.

Verified Review wrote in 2016-10-06
"two days stay at the New City Hotel, Abuja. I was given room 203"
I was given room 203. Some things were biting me which I don't know, but each bite produced lumb on tighs and buttock. My room was changed the second day to room 201. The room was good, the toilet window has no mosquito net. I had to battle mosquitoes till daybreak.

2. Do not move around with your bank card.

Image by

This is not so comfortable but after a close experience with the mess going on in Abuja, I will strongly advise that you always move around with the cash you need instead of your bank card. Kidnap and theft has been a very big issue in Abuja which happens to be the federal capital of Nigeria. Let me share a brief experience with you all. A friend of mine was on her way back from the office, she stopped a roadside taxi, entered inside and sat. There were three men inside the cab but the only space left was close to the door (back sit), she was the last person to enter the cab. On getting to her junction she asked the driver to stop but he didn't stop instead he continued moving. She was asked to stop shouting and stay calm but she refused and kept struggling with the men. They began to hit her with rods to keep her calm. She saw she could do nothing and stayed calm. On reaching a police checkpoint the Nigerian police as she narrated was stopping commercial vehicles and collecting money from some drivers. The kidnappers pressed her down and held her strongly on her throat, she could hardly breathe. The policemen were too engaged and didn't stop the car and that was how they passed through the checkpoint. She was taken to an uncompleted building, tied up and asked to sit on the floor. They took her bank card and all the money with her. They also took her phone and later asked her to go. She couldn't call anyone it was a lonely area, she found her way home very late at night. On getting home she was so weak and injured. They withdrew money from her account using her phone and bank card. We all went to the bank together the next day to block her cards. We were told of the ATM which was used in withdrawing the cash but as usual, she reported to the police but nothing has been done up until now. As I write more victims are being kidnapped in Abuja.

Even Santa can't be happy with everyone because not everyone has been good for the whole year. Without wasting much time, just in case you are being pressured to get a gift for a sibling or friend who has been really naughty, here are Christmas gift ideas to purchase for the naughty ones.

A pair of ugly Christmas socks:😴

 They need their legs covered in shame for being so naughty. So get them this Donald Trump Santa Hat " make Christmas great again".

A ball pen and a sheet of paper:📝
 Cut out a sheet of paper and write a subheading titled my new year resolutions to help rewrite my wrongs. 

Although we know that not all Black Friday deals are really cool deals but let's all act like they are all cool deals. Yes, it's almost black Friday and everyone is getting ready to shop. Here are 5 items with a good purchase price from Jumia Nigeria Black Friday sales. Cheap and very affordable.

Are you shopping online? you might want to check out the items below.Woman Holding Card While Operating Silver Laptop Infocus Vibe 1 Dual SIM FM Radio, Torch Light, Camera Phone - Blue

Price:₦ 2,990 was ₦ 6,000

man and woman standing in front of louver door

While you are setting the table for Thanksgiving, filled with lots of salads, bread, rice, wine, stuffing
cranberry sauce, butternut squash, gravy, pumpkin pie, Mashed Potatoes, and the big thanksgiving turkey do not forget the essence of gathering together. 

We started with God at the beginning of the year and we must finish well by coming back to thank him for all that he has done.

This is the season of thanksgiving and it is a great season to be alive. It has been all God from the beginning of the year and to the end of the year 2019. God is always expecting thanksgiving. He looks forward to it. In the Bible, it was recorded in Luke 17:11-19 (Kjv) the importance of being thankful.

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.

15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Ungratefulness is a big tool that can hinder you from getting the best from God. In all situations be thankful. A lot of people think or feel there are no reasons to be thankful in the year 2019, but we have lots of reasons to be thankful. Some people weren't even able to secure a job in 2019 but they never went to bed hungry, for some it's was divine healing. This is a season to thank God. God is expecting thanksgiving from everyone.

Interesting read: Thanksgiving outfit idea.

If you are still searching for reasons to be thankful here are 5 reasons to be thankful to God.

1. Be thankful for the disappointments
Portrait of Young Man

 There are stories of people who were supposed to board a flight and they did everything to get to the airport on time but weren't able to but a few minutes later they found out that the flight crashed few minutes after takeoff. Sometimes disappointment is a blessing and we might not understand it but it becomes clearer with time. Be thankful for those sad times that made you rediscover yourself. God is watching over us and for the disappoints he has set for us to be here today we should be thankful. When God delivers you from something and you don't give thanks to him, you are being ungrateful which might be because you feel that what God has done for you is nothing major. Some people think all that happened to them is by their power. 

2. Be thankful that you can blink
You never know how important the little things you have are until you lose them. Most times when we talk about Thanksgiving we write lots of things that involve money and provisions by God in general but we forget that there are people with money that can't solve their health issues. The fact that you can blink your eyes is too much reason to be thankful. Be thankful for good health.

Reading is very important and a lot of bloggers have missed that. Each time bloggers go searching for a particular solution about how to improve their blog, they find lots of articles, some well written while some without any proper answer.

Read in between lines
Some bloggers do not get the best out of articles shared to improve their blog because instead of taking time to read and understand what the writer has written before the solution, they go straight to the solution hoping to get the best. Most times it all ends up in getting a poor result. Writers who teach a particular skill tend to share important tips/pieces of information before sharing the answer to what you are looking for that gives you a clear and wider insight on how to use that content and channel it in the right direction.

Multiple tab opening promotes improper reading and anxiousness
When you search on google about a particular topic, and all the possible solution to what question you are searching for comes up, don't open more than one tab at a time from the search result. Opening lots of tabs make you read in a not detailed way. It makes you read really fast, you jump into the next article and sometimes you end up not getting the best solution. Find the topic that best suits what you are looking for and read through properly. If you are not getting what you need close that tab before opening another one. It helps reduces anxiousness, this is a very practical reading solution.

Use your google dictionary
Don't rush the article, check the meaning of words that you are not familiar with. Quickly use google dictionary or Wikipedia to search for the meaning of any word you don't understand or know the meaning.

Click on those links
I know some website insert too many links while trying to give out needed information but believe me in between lies the answer to what you are looking for.  Click on the links and read the articles also. Remember, no knowledge is lost and it is a win-win situation.

The comment section has solutions
 Check the comment section. Read through the comments to see if anyone was able to get a solution from the article shared. If they left their website link or any form of contact. Contact them and find out more.

Test before sharing
When you read about a subject or blogging solution make sure you have used it practically before sharing it to your audience. There are lots of empty contents online about getting traffic and we just happen to click on it each time we search on google about how to generate traffic because they used the right keywords.

There is always a free solution shared by somebody online, all you need to do is carefully read and apply what you have read to get results.

Have a lovely week. Photo by Alexander Dummer from Pexels Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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