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There is never a justification for child abuse of any form. The murder of Gabriel Fernandez was done coldly and preplanned in my opinion. He was exposed to repeated maltreatment with an end aim of death. The defendant claims it was out of anger but this has been done several times and this child has been tortured and stressed mentally. I always tell my friend, that family doesn't always mean connected by blood and this case has proven it, as Gabriel Fernandez, a child, helpless and with the heart of a child couldn't do anything but go through such ill-treatment from a man 10 times bigger than him who happens to be his mother's boyfriend. 

This is a documentary on Netflix that also exposed a failed system in America after everyone who was supposed to look into Gabriel's case failed him. He was killed by his mother's boyfriend.  This case is very sensitive and complicated as many people are being held responsible in connection to neglect for the death of Gabriel Fernandez. Gabriel was isolated from playing with his siblings and beaten regularly.

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Gabriel is an eight-year-old boy from Palmdale, California. Watching this documentary broke my heart because I could feel that Gabriel had so many unanswered questions such as 
Does anybody love me?
Does my mum love me?
Where is my uncle?
Where is my teacher?
Why is this guy that calls himself my mother's boyfriend doing this to me?.
Sadly he got no answers before he left this cold world to his eternal resting place.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future. Worldwide, patriarchal gender norms and discrimination drive violence against women and girls.

Our vision is for a world where all girls and boys are equally heard and valued, where they have equitable access and time to devote to education, to work, to rest and to play. This is a world built on transformative change – to the dismantling of patriarchal, discriminatory gender norms and the inequalities they sustain. These norms affect both boys and girls but have a disproportionate impact on girls, preventing them from claiming their rights, exposing them to harmful practices, driving rights abuses in their homes, relationships and communities, and through embedded structural inequalities that shape their lives from childhood through adulthood. Some girls face even greater challenges due to multiple and intersecting forms of deprivation and marginalization based on poverty and characteristics such as ethnicity, displacement and location. The world we want is a world in which no girl faces gender-based discrimination, suffers violence or marries before her 18th birthday, and every last girl fully enjoys her right to be protected from harm, to learn, survive and thrive. Her world is one in which her aspirations know no limits and she is free to fulfil her potential, to have equal opportunities, to decide her own future and empower those around her.

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When girls are educated, empowered, healthy and free from violence and discrimination, their communities are more prosperous and stable. Investing in gender equality is not just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do. But girls around the world still face lifelong gender-based inequalities that begin in childhood:

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence:
Around 120 million females (almost 1 in 10) have been subjected to forced sex or other forms of forced sexual activity.[1]
Girls represent nearly three out of every four child trafficking victims, with the majority trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation. [2]
By 2030, over 150 million more girls will marry before they are 18 - despite global progress. Today, the poorest girls are 4 times more likely to marry in childhood than the richest. [3]

Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the number one cause of death of girls aged 15-19 worldwide. And 90% of births to girls aged 15-19 occur within marriage. [4]
Around three-fifths of all maternal deaths take place in humanitarian and fragile contexts. [5]
Every day, 507 women and adolescent girls die from pregnancy and childbirth complications in emergency settings. [6]
Malnutrition poses a variety of threats to women and girls specifically, including weakening their immune systems making them more susceptible to infections and impacting their capacity to survive childbirth. Children born of malnourished women and girls are more likely to have cognitive impairments and a higher risk of disease throughout their lives. [7] Adolescent girls are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition because of the increased rate at which they are growing and their bodies are changing. Adolescent girls need protein, iron, and other micronutrients to support this growth spurt and increased iron during menstruation.

130 million girls between the age of 6 and 17 are out of school. [8]
Girls are more likely than boys are to never set foot in a classroom. [9]
Girls living in countries affected by conflict are 2.5 times more likely to be out of school than boys are. And adolescent girls affected by conflict are 90% more likely to be out of school than girls living outside of conflict-affected contexts. [10]

Time deficit:
Girls account for two-thirds of all children who perform household chores for at least 21 hours per week. And girls are more likely than boys to perform double work duty- meaning both works in employment and in household chores. Research suggests chores that take up at least 21 hours or more a week negatively impact the ability of children to attend and benefit from school. [11]

Find the most popular cities in the United Kingdom

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yellow and green train beside building

Here are thousands of campsites to choose from in the UK, in rural settings that range from panoramic pitches in the Scottish Highlands to wooden pods with decks that jut out over the Lake District’s Windermere.
To help you whittle down the selection, here are the UK’s seven best-loved campsites according to global travellers – promising an invigorating break and the chance to enjoy Britain’s natural beauty up-close.

Orchard Farm Luxury Glamping in Somerset

Enjoy cider brewed from this campsite’s orchard on your pod’s private terrace
Enjoy cider brewed from this campsite’s orchard on your pod’s private terrace
This farm campsite can be found just outside of Glastonbury, a pretty Somerset town that has a lot more going for it than the nearby eponymous festival – namely mythical, medieval monuments, boutiques peddling spiritual wares, and pubs with beer gardens serving local mead. You can pitch your own tent or caravan in the campsite, or guests can ‘camp’ in wooden pods placed around the farm’s apple orchard (one for those who want to get closer to nature but with a little luxury and comfort thrown in). Guests are welcomed with fresh flowers, homemade apple juice and home-brewed cider from the farm’s orchard yield – best enjoyed in dappled sunshine on your pod’s private terrace.

Llethrau Forest & Nature Retreats in Mid Wales

Wake up to the sound of birdsong and wind whistling through the trees at this campsite
Wake up to the sound of birdsong and wind whistling through the trees at this campsite
This remote retreat promises a camping experience where you’ll feel totally immersed in nature, waking up to the sound of birdsong and wind whistling through the trees. There’s a range of accommodation available, from yurts and cottages to huts constructed within the woods, each with large decks that overlook the rolling Welsh hills. Explore the retreat’s four acres of wild gardens and 20 acres of woodland before enjoying a slap-up meal of local produce cooked on your cottage’s Aga and a lantern-lit soak in your hut’s wooden bathroom.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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