Lifestyle Blogger

General review of the Miniso Wireless Headphones classical (black) Model: H-008.

I started using the Miniso wireless headphones months ago. It is more than three months since I got it. The headphone is sold in a transparent pack. I needed a headphone to use during the cold weather and for music. 

Model: Headphones wireless classical (black) Model: H-008.

Product price: The product goes for 699.00 ₴.

Design: The color is black making it versatile to carry everywhere you go. Great simple classy design.

Noise control: The noise control ability is very low. Medium noise can be heard.

Battery life: I am not a music freak and I do not use the headphones so much but the battery life is ok. Sometimes it goes off faster than expected, generally, the battery life is ok. The product has a built-in lithium battery.

Size: 18.2 * 16.5 * 6.2 / 126.5g.

Composition: ABS, PU. Functions: play music and receive calls via Bluetooth, AUX port (line input).

Auto-off: This device does not have auto-off and on when not using it.

Waterproof: This headphone is not waterproof. Putting it inside water or damp areas is as good as damaging it. 

Fireproof: Not fireproof

Body build:  It is covered with leather.

 Mind Detox is a practice that should be done daily. Protecting your mental space should be your top priority at every given second. Toxic activities and people sow seeds of pain, overthinking, and self discontentment. Be conscious of yourself. Taking charge of what stays on your mind is a great way to achieve mental peace, and detox your mind from negative activities and people. 

1.Disengage with anyone who does not add anything positive to your life.

Regularly examine your space and clean out people who do not bring or add any value to your life. Make sure everyone you engage with is actively adding something to help make your life better.

2. Pray/Meditate.

This is an effective way to help calm your mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being. #mayoclinc

Use effective methods to keep your mind calm. Diffusing oils have great benefits in producing an excellent feeling of relief from stress and anxiety. Get a 50% discount on the whole origin oil pack using the code yb50% and a 30% discount on the aroma perfume using the code yb30%.

3. Ask yourself important questions.

Are there relationships that are not offering you value?
How can I influence positivity?
What unhealthy habits can you break free from?
What could be improved in your daily life? 

Being successful is based on your ability to overcome fear. The fear of failing can be immobilizing, it pulls you backward, denying you the right to being successful.

Failure is a part of life. You must fall a million and one times before you can stand. Your ability to stand back on your feet after so many breakdowns confirms you a winner.

Thinking about a great Christmas gift? Well, it looks Holy Shaya’s Origin Oil Pack is an interesting option to consider. Especially now that you can get it for 50% off using the following discount code: yb50%. 

If you ask us, this is not only a great Christmas gift. In our view, you can gift yourself and others with this throughout the year. Curious to know what it is? Read more below:

Natural oils are essential for health and should be used daily, either for preventive purposes or as a cure. It brings about healing from nature in its purest form which is very powerful. There are several references from the holy book that strongly points towards the use of natural healing remedies in biblical times. The Holy Shaya Origin oil pack is a combination of healing, spirituality, and wellness. 

The origin oil pack consists of three different rich oils namely, the aroma- fragrance oil,  ointment-anointing oil, and ambiance- diffusing oil.

Holy Shaya

Aroma – Fragrance oil: The Balm of Gilead perfume. 

This fragrance oil is extracted from the Balm of Gilead, a rare perfume used medicinally that was mentioned in the Bible. Many refer to Jesus as the balm of gilead because of his healing power and protection. The Balm of Gilead is known for Its wonders as it soothes skin irritations, rashes, burns, insect bites, stings, sunburn, athlete’s foot; dry and scaly skin, and chapped hands or cheeks. It has a sweetness, which is both clean, earthy, and hauntingly fragrant.

The Ointment: Anointing oil.

The purpose of the anointing oil is to heal, sanctify, energize, and awaken your spirit giving you a great connection to God and building your faith. This great oil combined with prayer ensures great results. It comprises of Myrrh oil which was part of the gift presented to Mary the mother of Jesus at his birth. Do not underestimate the power of the anointing oil. Matthew 2:11 (ASV) And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother, and they fell and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh.

The essence of World AIDS Day is to help raise awareness in the world to the spread fight HIV. 
World AIDS Day, designated on 1 December every year since 1988, is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died of the disease. You can help spread the news. Share it on social media, educate people, and keep to the rules. 


Every year, on 1 December, the world commemorates World AIDS Day. People around the world unite to show support for people living with and affected by HIV and to remember those who lost their lives to AIDS.

In 2020, the world’s attention has been focused on the COVID-19 pandemic on health and how pandemics affect lives and livelihoods. COVID-19 is showing once again how health is interlinked with other critical issues, such as reducing inequality, human rights, gender equality, social protection, and economic growth. With this in mind, this year the theme of World AIDS Day is “Global solidarity, shared responsibility”.

COVID-19 has demonstrated that, during a pandemic, no one is safe until everyone is safe. Leaving people behind is not an option if we are to succeed. Eliminating stigma and discrimination, putting people at the center, and grounding our responses in human rights and gender-responsive approaches are key to ending the colliding pandemics of HIV and COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the entrenched inequalities existing in our societies. This health crisis, like many others, is hitting the poorest and the most vulnerable the hardest.

We have seen how the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the challenges faced by people living with HIV, women and girls, and key populations, including in accessing life-saving health care, and how the crisis has widened the social and economic inequalities that increase the vulnerability of marginalized groups to HIV.
However, this crisis has also been a wake-up call, an opportunity to do things differently—better, and together. In many respects, the defeat of AIDS as a public health threat depends on how the world responds to COVID-19.


The leadership and engagement of communities, instrumental in the success of the AIDS response, has also been key in responding to COVID-19. We have seen countless examples of how community activism and solidarity have, once again, been paramount in providing people affected by HIV with information, services, social protection, and hope. However, such solidarity cannot be the sole responsibility of communities. Governments, donors, faith leaders, civil society, and each and every one of us need to contribute to making the world a healthier place.

Global solidarity and shared responsibility require us to view global health responses, including the AIDS response, in a new way. It requires the world to come together to ensure that:

Health is fully financed. Governments must come together and find new ways to ensure that health care is fully funded. No one country can do it alone. Domestic and international funding for health must be increased.
Your child’s rooms are a place for them to play, spend time, learn, and grow. As a result, you want to put some time into the design and decoration of their room. Unfortunately, decorating these rooms isn’t always easy. You want a room that will not only be great for them as a young child but also one that can suit them for years to come.

This can be a tall order and can be intimidating or stressful for some parents. Thankfully, we are here to help you out with a few thoughtful tips. Without any further ado, this blog post is going to go over a few tips when it comes to decorating your kids’ room.

Find the Right Furniture

The first step to decorating a child’s room is to find the right furniture. Things like the colors of the walls and the art can be changed easily, but you don’t want to constantly be adding and removing furniture from a room. While everyone has their preferences, a child’s room should have a place to store their toys, a place for their clothes, and ample space to play or read.
You need to choose items that not only look good but are functional for your child. If you get a toddler a giant wardrobe that is 7 feet high, they aren’t likely going to be able to get much use out of it. Keep things the right size, and ensure things are as simple as possible. Except for the color, feel free to get a little bold and creative with color, as the room is for a child after all.

In addition to these types of furniture, finding the best mattress for kids is still an important part of decorating their room, so don't forget about it. You want to ensure your child can have a comfortable sleep every night, in order to be happy and perform well at school.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Creative

Designing a children’s room gives you one of the best opportunities to get a little creative and unique. You don’t need to take it as seriously as you might the design of your living room or master bedroom. Look for unique additions that will excite your child and fit the space well.

For example, having a corkboard wall or a giant chalkboard could be a good inclusion, as could a fun bed frame or toy chest. Also, many children like to put things that they have or make on display, so adding some shelves (whether built-in or on the wall) is often a good idea. All in all, let your mind run wild when it comes to designing your children’s room, you never know the cool ideas you will have or products you will find.

Get Their Input


While it’s your home, it is your child that will likely be spending the most time in their room. Because of this, don’t forget to get their impact on how to decorate the room. You want to ensure they like how it looks and are motivated to spend time there. Ask them the colors they like and maybe even find ways to incorporate their favorite movie or TV characters

Now, it is also important to be reasonable. If your child wants each wall to be a different bright color, you may need to deny the request if it isn’t something you want to do. Especially with how many children change their favorite color frequently.

While some may be willing to go this far, if you aren’t, a nice compromise can be to get pieces of art in the color or style that your child loves. As their tastes inevitably change, you can simply change the art or pictures out without having to repaint the whole room once they outgrow their original color choice.

Ensure it is Safe

While you want their room to look good, excite them, and remain functional, you need to ensure that your child's’ room is safe. If they are going to be in there alone, you want to ensure there are no potential threats to their safety or health.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to ensure the room is safe. The bed should be low, windows should have guards, large furniture should be stable and not prone to tipping, and have night lights to prevent falls. Keep cabinets locked, electrical cords should be secured, and access to any radiator should be blocked.

A good practice is to imagine that you are the size and age of your child. What things could pose a risk? Of course, as the child ages, certain things can be changed or removed as they become more responsible.

We hope the tips and information included in this article have been able to help you decorate your kids’ room.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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