Lifestyle Blogger

40g oat flour (blended oats) - can sub for plain flour
55g smooth peanut butter
2tbsp maple syrup
1/4tsp baking powder
35g dark chocolate chips

Vanilla flavdrops - sun for 1/8tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of fine sea salt
I am pretty emotional right now, man on fire is a very relatable movie and I love every bit of the storyline because it was not expected and I didn't see some acts coming. The general round-up of the movie is centred on a man named Creasy, a former CIA officer and assassin. Creasy travelled to Mexico City to see Paul Rayburn, his brother-in-arms. Creasy tries to murder himself while in Mexico, but the bullet doesn't go off, so he considers it a second chance to live. who got a job to guide a little girl Pita full name Lupita a 10-year-old girl and her family but she was kidnapped at an attack just after her piano classes. Mr creasy was shot and in critical condition, the battle started when he recovered after he was told that Pita has been killed. Find out who was the mastermind behind the kidnapping and how the movie ended. 

Spring officially begins in less than two weeks, and in order to prepare for the start of a new season, you're going to want to upgrade your manicure. The approaching season is famed for its stunning blossoms in nearly every colour of the rainbow, which is just where you should take inspiration for your seasonal manicure. To assist you in planning the exciting patterns you'll be applying to your nails over the next several months, here are 63 stunning spring manicures from professional manicurists. You may recreate these patterns at home or bring the images to your next session with your nail technician. (Just remember to bring your face mask with you to the salon.) After removing your old polish, ensure that you have all of the necessary ingredients for your new manicure. The following are a few items you'll require.

Rockefeller John D was formerly the world's wealthiest man. The world's first billionaire.

By the age of 25, he had amassed control of one of the nation's major oil refineries. By the time he was 31, he had risen to become the world's greatest oil refiner. By the age of 38, he controlled 90 per cent of the oil refined in the United States. By the time he retired at the age of 58, he was the country's wealthiest man. By the time he died, he had amassed the world's wealth.

We've all experienced instances when we focused on a certain thing - something the boss said at work, a song that ran in your brain all day, or an important impending event. And we've all experienced the sensation of feeling driven to do things just one more time - making sure the oven is off or checking just once more that the front door is secured.

If you spend any time online, you're probably familiar with some of the most popular websites on the planet. Today's internet is dominated by a few titans.

The Top Three Websites (in terms of monthly visits):

Google has 92.5 billion users.

34.6 billion views on YouTube

25.5 billion on Facebook

The top three websites collectively receive 152 billion monthly visitors, surpassing the next 47 websites combined. Additionally, as the epidemic altered virtually every aspect of our lives—including how we work, study, communicate, and shop—the majority of these activities shifted online.

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