Lifestyle Blogger

Each continent has its own unique beauty, but today I will be sharing 10 magical places in Europe you might want to visit.

1. Transylvania, Romania 🇷🇴

They both shared photos capturing this proud moment. Looking absolutely stunning and representing Nigeria.

The cardiovascular safety of prostate cancer drugs is yet uncertain.

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a common treatment for prostate cancer that is used when the tumour has progressed or is likely to return after surgery or radiation. Doctors use ADT (also known as hormonal treatment) to block testosterone from fueling prostate cancer development. However, this type of therapy has possible adverse effects, including heart effects that should be properly watched, especially in men with cardiovascular disease or other cardiac risk factors. Every year, approximately one million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer throughout the world, and half of them will be prescribed ADT at some point in their lives.

As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age, it is expected that senior persons (aged 65 and over) will outnumber children in the United States for the first time in history by 2034. As the population ages, healthcare demand will grow, and increased rates of alcohol consumption among older individuals may add to the pressure currently placed on an already overburdened healthcare system.

The consumption of alcohol by older individuals has been increasing in recent years.

The use of alcohol among older people have increased in recent year, particularly among women. Between 2001 and 2013, an epidemiologic survey found that the rate of alcohol use disorder among persons 65 and older grew by 107 percent in the United States. According to the University of Michigan's 2021 National Poll on Healthy Aging, while the majority of older individuals polled used alcohol at low to moderate levels, a subgroup of older adults exceeded recommended alcohol consumption guidelines. Twenty percent of respondents used alcohol four or more times per week; twenty-seven percent had six or more drinks on at least one occasion in the previous year; and seven percent experienced alcohol-related blackouts.

Sourdough toasts with whipped labneh spread, avocado + cherry tomatoes / spicy & herby #chickpeas + boiled egg slices.

sourdough toasts with creamy goatcheese spread, cucumber / tomatoes, baby spinach leaves, sea salt flakes, roasted sesame & pumpkin seeds, nuts and soft boiled eggs

The challenge with resisting food  is that it t has a pleasant taste. It appears to be in good condition. It smells delicious, and we're tempted to join in when we see everyone eating pizza, ice cream, and chips. Then we eat too much and vow to do better the next time, but when the time comes. We know what we're consuming isn't good for us, yet refusing feels impossible no matter how hard we try.

We get food cues from the outside world and from inside our brains all the time.   It helps to realize that this is an uphill struggle. It's also beneficial to recognize that saying no involves more than just trying harder.

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