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Turmeric is an antibacterial spice that can be used on the skin to cleanse and nourish it. It contains a compound known as curcumin, which has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Turmeric, for example, aids in wound healing just like Manuka honey by reducing inflammation and oxidation. Improved healing can help minimize scarring.

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective treatment for psoriasis, and the National Psoriasis Foundation recommends supplementing with turmeric or incorporating it into one's diet. A study conducted in India discovered that when turmeric was combined with a plant called neem, a paste was formed that could be used to treat skin rashes. Turmeric has been shown in some studies to be an effective treatment for other skin conditions such as eczema or alopeciaBenefits of using Turmeric on your skin 

Honey has been adored since ancient Egypt for its delectable flavor and medicinal properties. Numerous studies have demonstrated that honey can accelerate wound healing and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Additionally, it can be an excellent natural sweetener for those avoiding processed sugar. Manuka honey is gaining popularity due to the fact that it contains all of the wonderful benefits of regular honey while also containing some unique benefits.

What is Manuka Honey, and how does it differ from other honeys?

Manuka honey is made from the flowers of the manuka tree, as the name implies. This tree is native to Australia and New Zealand, where it is referred to as a tea tree. Due to the numerous beneficial chemicals contained in the trees, essential oil from this tree has long been used as a disinfectant and health aid. Manuka honey is created when a European honey bee collects nectar and pollen from the small white flowers on the manuka tree. To be classified as Manuka honey, the honey must contain at least 70% pollen from manuka flowers.

Manuka honey contains a number of unique compounds not found in other varieties of honey. Methylglyoxal is a naturally occurring compound in Manuka honey. This compound is synthesized in unusually high concentrations from dihydroxyacetone found in manuka flowers. Additionally, because manuka honey contains numerous flavoring compounds derived from manuka flowers, it has an earthy, herbaceous flavor and aroma. Manuka honey contains unique proteins and colloids that contribute to its distinctive texture and healing properties.

To differentiate Manuka honey from other varieties of honey, experts look at its thickness, color, and flavor. True Manuka honey should be extremely viscous and thick. Certain varieties of Manuka honey may be so thick that they have a texture more likened to jam than syrup. Manuka honey is also dark brown in color. This distinct color is frequently used to identify Manuka honey. Researchers can identify manuka honey by examining the pollen in the honey, but manuka and kanuka pollen appear to be extremely similar. Kanuka honey, on the other hand, is a light, clear yellow, whereas manuka honey is a dark, rich brown.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a popular household spice that has been used for millennia throughout the world. This spice, which was once traded as currency, has a pleasant flavor and a toasty aroma that makes it popular in cookery, particularly in baking and curries.

The spice is obtained by extracting the inner bark of a tiny evergreen tree. The bark is peeled and then dried in the sun, where it curls into cinnamon sticks. Additionally, cinnamon is available in powdered form.

Cinnamon is extracted from the Cinnamomum verum (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum) tree's bark. This bark includes a number of unique compounds that contribute to its numerous health benefits, including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate.

Types of cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon, which comes from the Cinnamomum Zeylanicum plant in Sri Lanka, is the most common variety.

The other predominant variety is Cassia cinnamon, which has a stronger flavor and is slightly more affordable.

To maximize cinnamon's medicinal value and health benefits, regardless of its type, the critical factor is its freshness.

While some prefer the delicate sweetness of Ceylon cinnamon in desserts and the stronger flavor of Cassia cinnamon in savory dishes, the majority of commercial cinnamon is a blend of the two.

Cinnamon: How to store and use it

Cinnamon should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry location. Whole cinnamon lasts about a year, but ground cinnamon begins to lose flavor after a few months. It's worth checking the use-by dates on cinnamon in your cupboards, as the fresher it is, the better.

A lot of people have gotten so addicted to social media and it has become their source of joy and hold. Two days ago Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger was down and a lot of people felt empty. I remember visiting Instagram just after it was restored and scrolling through peoples profile and seeing how bad they felt away from social media.

I really want to say what you must have heard before, there is life away from social media. There is a world of your own, a realistic world that has been so void for a long time. Training yourself to be able to exist and cohabit without the media is a very big discipline we as humans needs to cultivate and learn.

If you are a business owner and your only source of traffic is Instagram, I need not to remind you that Instagram is a media web page and app owned by a company and you need not to totally depend on social media for sales. Opening a website for your business is the right thing to do.

With all this being said, are you still wondering and feeling down about the recent announcement made by the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger will be shutdown again for 168hrs which is 7 days. In his statement he also apologized and also added that the upgrade will start on Wednesday October 6th 2021-1300hrs.

Are you wondering what your days will feel like without visiting these social networks? well here is what you have to do especially students who are yet to discover themselves in the craft world.

Everyone needs to take care of their body, mind, and spirit, but tаlking to the on-the-go mover and shaker, you especiаlly need to do so. You interact with a large number of people, you have an impact, and your ability to continue doing what you're doing is influenced by your level of self-care. Freelancing, small businesses, and home businesses can be exhausting.

So, how do you go about doing it?

Big emotions can be frightening. Anxiety, sadness, anger, and a variety of other strong emotions can quickly activate the fight-or-flight response in the body. That is true for adults, but it is especially true for children who are still discovering their emotions and learning to manage them. Now that school has resumed, there may be spillovers of strong emotions at school and home. While each situation, family, and child is unique, the following are a few evidence-based tips for parents to assist children and adolescents in navigating significant emotions.

Discuss your emotions.

To begin, it's beneficial to remember that emotions are natural. We all experience them, from pleasant to stressful. Children benefit from parents discussing emotions because it helps normalize feelings and teaches them that it is acceptable to discuss them with you. Additionally, regular conversations aid in the development of children's emotional competence and self-regulation abilities. This can be as simple as labelling your own emotions as they arise, associating emotional labels with specific physical cues, and discussing potential coping strategies. For instance, you could inform your child, "When I'm worried, I notice that my muscles and voice tremble. I've discovered that practising paced breathing and engaging in a grounding activity helps me feel better. Are you interested in practising with me?"

Try grounding.

Children and parents can experiment with a variety of coping strategies to assist in managing difficult emotions. Paced breathing and progressive muscle relaxation are two techniques that can be beneficial for calming the fight-or-flight response that may occur in response to strong emotions.

At times, emotions are irrational and extremely difficult to manage. Grounding is an effective tool for assisting children in remaining focused on the present moment and creating some distance from distressing thoughts during these times. Physical grounding strategies entail focusing on one's senses or surroundings, such as on the sensation of their breath during a breathing exercise or the soles of their feet while walking. Another popular option is "5-4-3-2-1," in which you list five visible objects, four tactile objects, three audible objects, two odour objects, and one taste object. Alternatively, you could assign a colour to each digit.

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