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Angina is heart-related chest pain caused by an insufficient delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle. Angina is a symptom of a variety of disorders rather than a disease. Is your angina caused by high cholesterol?

It's a difficult question to answer. The answer appears to be no on the surface. High cholesterol is usually accompanied by no symptoms. When we dig a little deeper, we discover that having high cholesterol increases your likelihood of acquiring a condition that includes angina as a symptom. As a result, even though there is no direct link between high cholesterol and angina, it does contribute to it indirectly.

Understanding Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a necessary component created by your liver and used as a building block throughout your body; however, it is not soluble in water and hence cannot flow through your bloodstream on its own. Depending on which way it's heading, it does, however, hitch a ride on one of two lipoproteins.

LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, transports cholesterol to where it's needed in your body, whereas HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, transports cholesterol back to your liver for elimination. This is a natural process that happens to everyone at some point in their lives. When the ratio of LDL to HDL tips in favor of the low-density lipoproteins, your cholesterol is deemed high. A bad diet, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, diabetes, or heredity can all contribute to this.

What happens when LDL levels are high

When you consume a high-fat diet, your LDL — or "bad" cholesterol — levels might rise beyond what your HDL can remove, and something has to happen with that excess LDL. The development of fatty deposits in your bloodstream is that item. These deposits build up on the inside of your blood vessels' walls. These deposits build up over time, obstructing the flow of blood via your arteries, the blood vessels that carry oxygen throughout your body.

Atherosclerosis is the name for these blockages, which leads to coronary heart disease. The many forms of angina discomfort are caused by a restricted flow of oxygen to your heart. High cholesterol is one of the most common causes of coronary heart disease, but it isn't the only one. Other risk factors include high blood pressure and age.
Questions concerning which mask to wear are becoming more prevalent as the Omicron variant spreads. 

As the Omicron variant grows in popularity, new concerns about the ideal mask to wear for safety are being raised.

"Numerous studies have demonstrated that surgical masks are superior to cloth masks in terms of respiratory protection. More protection can be obtained by wearing surgical masks that are the proper size for the wearer and can be pinch-tightened.

Women and men wearing surgical mask
Surgical mask

As long as they contain at least two layers and cover your nose and mouth, cloth masks can be useful but a surgical mask is better.

N95 and KN95 masks are the most effective, however, they aren't absolutely necessary for everyone. For the most part, these are used in healthcare facilities.

Woman wearing N95 mask with helmet
N95 mask

Nothing, not even face masks, is going to be able to completely shield you from the virus.

Everyone says, 'Well, there are vaccinated persons getting the virus as well.' As long as you've had your shots, you're unlikely to become infected, although it's not uncommon for unvaccinated persons to do so.

It's also a good idea to avoid touching your mask too often after you've put it on because that can transfer germs. To remove the mask, just pull on the ear loops on either side of the mask.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Melody Jacob Health Team at 

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Are you planning a wedding in 2022? If you answered yes, you should consider getting a Moissanite ring. You might be wondering what to keep an eye out for. You're not alone with this. There are, however, a couple caveats to getting it correctly. Continue reading to find out what you should look for in a Moissanite engagement ring. 

Engagement rings

Moissanite engagement rings are becoming increasingly popular due to their beauty, affordability, and long-term durability. Moissanite is a silicon carbide-based diamond substitute. A diamond simulant is a stone that has a diamond-like look. As a result, the majority of moissanite on the market is created in a laboratory. In a lab, making a single moissanite stone can take up to two months. When it comes to choosing a Moissanite engagement ring, you can be sure that you and your partner will cherish your Moissanite couple rings for the rest of your lives. 

Care for Vulvar

Infections and discomfort can be avoided by maintaining a healthy vulva and vagina. Changes in vaginal discharge that are unusual are a clue that there is a problem.

What are the benefits of vulvar and vaginal care?

Many women suffer from vaginal infections (vaginitis) at some point in their lives. The area around the vaginal (vulva) opening can also get irritated. There are steps that can be taken to reduce vulvar discomfort and avoid vaginal infections.

Some types of vaginal infections might be made worse by home remedies. If you have any concerns about your vulvar or vaginal health, or if you detect unexpected changes in vaginal discharge, speak with your healthcare professional.

What is a vulva, and what does it do?

The vulva is the area outside of the vagina where female sex organs are located. The labia are delicate tissue folds found in these organs (labia means "lips"). There are two components to the labia. The labia majora are the outermost folds. Within the labia majora lies a second set of folds known as the labia minora. The vulva also houses the pubic bone's mounded portion (mons pubis), a tiny, round organ (clitoris), and the vaginal and urine canal entrances (urethra).

What is the vagina?

The female genitalia includes the vagina. It begins at the introitus, or inner section of the labia, and ends at the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus.

What causes vaginal infections?

When bacteria, fungi, or other organisms grow out of control, they cause vaginal infections. Several of these organisms are already present in the vagina and are kept in check through coexistence with other organisms. Infectious organisms can potentially enter the vaginal canal through poor hygiene or unsafe sex.

What is vulvar care?

Keeping the vulva dry and free of irritants is the purpose of vulvar care. This will keep the vulva from getting red, puffy, and inflamed. Because many illnesses are transmitted through the vaginal canal, these guidelines also serve as a foundation for excellent vaginal hygiene.

What are some vulvar care tips?

When you wash the vulva, use warm water to get it clean. Always dry with a clean towel. If the vulva is extremely irritated let it dry naturally.

Douching is harmful to your vaginal health. You don't need to douch your vagina because the discharge from your vaginal cleans your vagina naturally. Cleaning your vaginal area excessively might cause irritation and infection. They disrupt organisms' natural balance which is found in the vagina.

Do not wear anything but white underwear that is made entirely of cotton!

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to vulvar discomfort, avoid wearing nylon, acetate, or other artificial fibers.

Thongs should be avoided.

After washing, rinse underclothes well or double-rinse. When it comes to laundry detergent, don't use it too much.

Before wearing new underwear, make sure they're clean.

When washing underwear, use a mild soap.

Avoid Fabric softeners.

Use toilet paper that is soft (white only).

To control menstrual bleeding, use tampons instead of sanitary napkins. (Deodorant tampons are not recommended.)

To avoid toxic shock syndrome, do not leave tampons in for an extended amount of time. Tampons should not be left in all night.

Avoid using enzyme-based detergents (amylase, cellulose, protease, and lipase)

If your healthcare physician recommends it, take sitz baths on a daily basis.

It is important to avoid dryer sheets, fabric softeners, and enzyme-based detergents (amylase, lipase, protease, and cellulose).

Please don't scratch.

Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose or panty girdles because they trap moisture and heat which allows organisms to reproduce.

Do not wear leggings or pantyhose for a long period of time.

Bubble baths, feminine spray, scented oils, bath oils, deodorants, talc, or powder are all things that can irritate the vulva.

Converting Decimals to Fractions and Vice Versa 

The process of conversion of decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals will help you a lot while solving sums from varied topics of mathematics. These conversions are employed in almost all the chapters of mathematics and hence it becomes very important that we learn about these conversions very nicely. Before understanding the process of conversion, let us understand briefly fractions and decimals. A fraction can be defined as a number represented in the form of p/q where q is not equal to zero. We use fractions in our real life, knowingly or unknowingly. Examples of it can be one-fifth of the glass of water, three fourth of the cake, etc. Decimals on the other hand are a different method of presentation of fractions on a number line. Their forms are different, however, they are one and the same. 

How Do You Convert Decimals to Fractions?

Converting decimals to fractions is very easy. Let us see how.

  • We will write down the given decimal divided by 1. Example: 0.85/1

  • Now, the operation of multiplication will be carried out on both the numerator and the denominator by 10 for every number after the decimal point. For example: in 0.85 there are two numbers after the decimal. Thus, it will be multiplied by 100.

  • After multiplication, we will get 85/100. Reduce 85/100 to its simplest form.

  • The required answer will be 17/20.

How Do You Convert Fractions into Decimals?

The process of converting fractions to decimals is very easy. Three methods can be employed in the process of converting fractions to decimals. Let us check out all three methods:

With the help of a Calculator: Let us take an example to see how this can be done. We need to convert 9/4 into decimal. We will press 9 on the calculator and then press the division sign. After pressing the divide sign, we will press 4 and then hit equal to. We will get the answer as 2.25 which is the decimal form.

Children, especially those in their early years, should see a doctor on a frequent basis to maintain optimal development. Teenagers and adults, too, require regular attention. If you have to switch doctors every time your child outgrows a practice, this might make scheduling and record transfer difficult. A family medicine doctor can serve numerous roles in your family, including that of a pediatrician, and can care for everyone from babies to the elderly.

Pediatricians are indeed important

Most people can choose to go to the doctor as needed, but children rely on their parents to take them to the doctor for well-child and sick-child visits, and they should go at least twice a year, if not more frequently. Infants should see a doctor every two months until they reach one, and then after attaining the following milestones for crucial immunizations and health checks.

Between 15 and 18 months
Years 2 and 2.5 years
3 to 3.5 years old
4 and 4.5 years of age
Ages 5 and 5.5 years
6 years, then every year after that

Although your child's appointments may become more spaced out as they become older, annual check-ups are always essential. This aids your doctor in creating a medical record for your kid, tracking their health as they grow and develop, and ensuring that their vaccines are up to date to protect their health. Having a regular pediatrician helps your child get more comfortable with the doctor-patient connection, reducing anxiety and fostering a positive rapport.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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