Lifestyle Blogger

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

Your website is the face of your brand, and it is critical to the success of your company.
The most critical component of your digital strategy is your website. A website is a vital part of any company's marketing strategy, and it should be well-designed to be simple to explore and use. It's preferable to keep things basic and update widgets on a regular basis.

People redesign their websites for a variety of reasons, including improving the look, increasing traffic, and increasing revenue. Here are seven reasons why your website should be redesigned.

Your website is not mobile-friendly.

Your website should be user-friendly on mobile devices and load quickly. When you visit a website and have to wait up to a minute or more for the information to appear, the number of daily/monthly visitors can drop.

Does not reflect your company's image.

Different website designs are available for various product types. Your website should express your brand to the people who will be using your services. A food blog or a restaurant website are suitable examples. The concept should be lively and appealing, with brightly coloured templates being preferred.

A new beginning.

For those who want to switch or establish a new business, styling program, or career in any subject. Redesigning your website can give your company a fresh look and feel. If you don't have much experience with website redesign, it's best to hire a professional.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

As you go through life, you’ll encounter situations that test your faith. You can think of these as trials that define the direction of your spiritual path. Do well, and you’ll emerge stronger. Do poorly, and your life will start getting out of control. 

In this post, we take a look at some of the signs you’re being tested and what they mean. 

You’re Being Asked To Sacrifice Something

While we might like to have it all in life, it’s not possible. Time, money, and resources are all limited. Eventually, we have to make decisions about what can stay, and what must go. 

We have examples of sacrifice in the Bible, notably when Abraham offered up his son Isaac on the mountain as a test of faith. 

In life, you will face similar tests. You may have to sacrifice a career for a family or time for a project that you want to complete. Whatever it is, giving something up is a test of faith that everything will be okay in the end. 

You’re Being Asked To Give Up Control

God is always probing our hearts, trying to figure out what we’re made of. The idea is that we surrender and place our total trust in our faith. Doing this is a kind of proof that we’re giving everything over to a higher power. 

Tests of the heart come in all shapes and sizes. Some involve work, while others can affect your health.

Through these processes, we come to be stronger people. If we can show faith in the most challenging of conditions, then it means that the rest of our lives will be a breeze. 

New study.

This diet is already recommended by experts due to its multiple health benefits.

The liver is a vital organ for overall health, and the foods you eat can either aid or hinder its function. For example, choosing meals strong in dietary fibre and vitamins C and E can help keep the liver healthy, whereas drinking too much alcohol or eating foods high in saturated fat can impair it.

According to new research, following a Mediterranean diet can help manage the fatty liver disease, a prevalent liver ailment. In a study published this month in the journal Nutrients, researchers looked at the liver fat content and adherence to the Mediterranean diet of almost 1,400 people aged 65 and up.

They discovered that adhering to this diet reduces liver fat levels, but that eating more red and processed meat, as well as consuming more alcohol, increases liver fat content. Sticking to white meat and plant-based proteins, as well as cutting less on alcohol, can help your liver.

Fatty liver disease (also known as hepatic steatosis) is generally "a quiet disorder with few or no symptoms," according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which is part of the National Institutes of Health. If you have signs of fatty liver disease, you may experience abdominal pain and weariness. People with this ailment are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, among other health concerns.

Tips for Self-Examinations of the Breast

How frequently do you examine your breasts, and do you know how to perform a self-breast exam properly? There is no better time than the present to learn how to perform a self-breast exam, so here are some recommendations to help you be more thorough during your self-checkups.

The significance of breast examinations

Breast cancer statistics and the need for screening are compelling: mammography has contributed to a nearly 40% reduction in breast cancer fatalities since 1990. Regular mammography and self-examinations can help you save your life by detecting irregularities early on.

Breast examinations also offer a secondary purpose: they help you become acquainted with your breasts. This may seem ludicrous; after all, they are your breasts, and you are inherently familiar with them. However, many women are unaware of lumps until they are detected during a mammogram. Simply stroking your breasts is insufficient; you must master the proper technique and recognize the signs.

How to do an effective self-examination

You're likely to have come across a guide or graphic demonstrating how to conduct a self-breast inspection. While these graphics are excellent for spreading awareness on social media, they may not always convey accurate and comprehensive information.

Choose a day after your period ends to conduct a self-examination. This helps prevent your breasts from becoming sensitive, puffy, or sore. If you are not menstruating, simply choose one day per month. Begin your assessment with a visual inspection. In front of a mirror, standing topless and slowly raise your arms, elevate each breast, and inspect for any irregularities. These include the following:

Changes in size, shape, or symmetry


Changes in the nipples

The presence of redness, ridges, or roughness

After that, it's time for the physical examination.
After that, it's time for the physical examination. Gently massage your breasts in spirals with the pads of your fingers, beginning at the nipple and working outward. Then, with your fingers, trace the circumference of the breast up toward the collarbone. Finally, massage the sides, paying special attention to the area around the armpit.
Tacha has always looked good in a dress and this is no exception. She looked amazing in this red dress styled by the popular Nigerian stylist medlinboss, wearing bella_byairlahills, captured by photokulture, and face by dv_hairsalon.


It might be time to start cutting back on your spending.

The energy from a double espresso will last you through those early morning meetings. Get a soda from the office vending machine to prevent the mid-afternoon energy slump. Unwind with a beverage or a refreshing beer after a long and exhausting day at work. Some of these seemingly harmless drinks might add up. Some drinking habits, according to the Mayo Clinic, can shorten your life or, at the very least, affect your general health.

That's not to say you can't indulge in a martini or a latte once in a while. Due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, red wine and coffee have been demonstrated in studies to help you live longer. As with everything, moderation is vital. Pre-existing health concerns, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, as well as prescription medications that may interfere with certain beverages, must all be considered.

Here are a few of the bad drinking behaviours you should strive to avoid, as well as links to more information.

1. Constantly consuming more than four cups of coffee every day.

Person filling clear glass mug with coffee

If you're under the age of 55, drinking more than four cups of coffee a day can increase your risk of dying from a number of conditions, according to a 2013 study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. People who drank more than 28 cups per week had a greater risk of dying from any cause, according to researchers.

"It indicates that drinking one to three cups of coffee every day is safe," said one of the study's co-authors, Xuemei Sui, who defines a cup of coffee as 6 to 8 ounces.

According to the researchers, this link may be higher among younger men and women since they are more prone to engage in other hazardous practices such as poor diet and excessive alcohol usage.

2. Consistently consuming sugar-sweetened beverages.

Whether you prefer sweetened fruit juice or flavoured coffee, the Mayo Clinic warns that drinking sugary drinks on a daily basis has been linked to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

In fact, a large study published in the journal Circulation found that those who eat more sugar-sweetened beverages had a higher risk of dying prematurely—particularly from heart disease—than those who consume fewer. The study also identified a small link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and cancer death, particularly among breast cancer survivors.

3. Drinking a lot of milk from cows.

Milk inside a transparent bottle
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

A little milk, yogurt, or cheese every now and then isn't a bad thing. Dairy is a wonderful source of protein and bone-strengthening calcium if you aren't allergic to it. However, you might want to reconsider how much milk you're drinking because, according to a Mayo Clinic study released in 2019, excessive dairy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

"Our assessment indicated a cause for concern with excessive consumption of dairy products," says study lead author John Shin, PhD, a Mayo Clinic oncologist. " The findings contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting plant-based diets may be beneficial to one's health."

Although the Mayo Clinic acknowledges that cow's milk and other dairy products can be part of a healthy diet, it recommends that low-fat or skimmed variants be preferred over full-fat varieties since full-fat products include saturated fat, which raises cholesterol. Milk and other dairy products should also be consumed in moderation, with about two servings per day.

4. Drinking an energizing beverage.

Energy drinks, no matter how much you have, are not a good choice, and consuming them on a regular basis is one of the drinking habits that shortens your life. Drinking just one 16-ounce energy drink, according to Mayo Clinic studies, can significantly boost blood pressure and stress hormone responses. In previous investigations, energy drinks were also found to be dangerous when coupled with alcohol.

"In previous research, we found that energy drink intake elevated blood pressure in healthy young adults," says co-author Dr. Anna Svatikova. "We now show that as blood pressure rises, norepinephrine, a stress hormone component, rises as well, potentially predisposing healthy people to a higher risk of cardiac events."

Instead of grabbing one of those sugar-laden energy drinks, Mayo advocates getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and increasing physical activity to naturally boost your energy levels. Another option is unsweetened green or black tea; both deliver a caffeine boost without the extra sugar, and studies suggest that they may even lower blood pressure.

5. Consumption of "abundant" alcoholic beverages.

Photo by Toby Younis from Pexels

Assume you consume alcohol on a daily basis or consume multiple drinks in a single session. In that scenario, the Mayo Clinic strongly urges you to analyze your habits in order to protect your health, as excessive alcohol consumption is one of the drinking habits that can shorten your life.

High-risk drinking is defined as more than three drinks in one day for men and more than seven drinks in a week for women, according to the Mayo Clinic. For men over 65, it's just one drink per day; for guys under 65, it's more than four drinks per day or more than 14 drinks per week.

"Occasional beer or wine with dinner, or a drink in the evening, is not a health risk for most people," says Mayo Clinic doctor Terry Schneekloth, MD, in a Q&A. "When drinking becomes a daily habit, however, it could mean you're increasing your intake and jeopardizing your health. Alcohol has the potential to destroy your body's organs and cause a number of health issues. Because women's bodies contain less water than men's, lower doses of alcohol cause harm. That's why men and women have different drinking limits."

Excessive drinking may increase your risk of serious health problems such as pancreatitis, numerous malignancies, heart muscle damage, stroke, liver disease, and sudden death if you already have cardiovascular disease. It can also cause your blood pressure to skyrocket, putting you in danger.

"Having more than three beers in one sitting boosts your blood pressure briefly," says Sheldon G. Sheps, MD, emeritus professor of medicine and former chair of the Mayo Clinic's Division of Nephrology and Hypertension. "Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and might result in unwanted weight gain, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure."

In light of all of this, the Mayo Clinic advises that you drink in moderation. Women should drink no more than one drink per day, while males should drink no more than two drinks per day—equivalent to 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor.

6. Consumption of two or more diet drinks each day.

Do you think diet soda is healthy? We're sorry to tell you this, but just because your beverage is sugar- and calorie-free doesn't mean it's healthier. While artificial sweeteners may not raise blood sugar levels in the same way that traditional sweeteners do, they do have other side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic. According to one study, women who consumed two or more artificially sweetened beverages per day had a higher risk of stroke than women who consumed them less frequently or not at all.

"While more research is needed, these findings suggest that artificially sweetened beverages should be used in moderation," the Mayo Clinic advised.

Although the Mayo Clinic acknowledges that artificial sweeteners in moderation may be beneficial, it nonetheless advocates avoiding over-processed foods and beverages with little nutritional value, such as diet soda, in favour of whole foods and drinks that are naturally sweetened.

"If you drink artificially sweetened beverages on a regular basis as a substitute for sweetened beverages, use it as a stepping stone to drinking more plain water," Mayo Clinic recommends. "Your body necessitates water, and it is undeniably helpful to you."

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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