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Positive Psychology

Positive thinking has tremendous power. Positive emotions are associated with better health, a longer life, and a higher sense of well-being. Chronic anger, worry, and hostility, on the other hand, increase the risk of developing heart disease.

Being happy comes naturally and easily to some people. Others must put in the effort. 

How does one go about achieving happiness?

This is where positive psychology comes into play. This relatively new area of study has been investigating how people and institutions can support the pursuit of greater satisfaction and meaning. It has revealed several paths to happiness:

Looking for pleasurable emotions and sensations.

Fully engaging: Pursuing goals and activities that fully engage you.

Doing good entails looking for meaning outside of oneself.

Gratitude: expressing gratitude for what you have in life.

You're excited to start looking at engagement rings, and you're wondering if a blue sapphire might be the way to go. With its rich colour and long history, the blue sapphire offers you a different option from the traditional diamond: It's less expensive, rarer, and can come with its share of myths. So what's the verdict? Below are seven reasons a blue sapphire engagement ring might be right for you.

7 Reasons Choose A Blue Sapphire Engagement Ring

They are the most valuable gemstones after diamonds.

Blue Sapphires are the most valuable gemstones after diamonds. The value of a sapphire engagement ring relies on the colour, clarity, and cut of the stone as well as its carat size. Sapphires come in many different colours, including; yellow, orange, green, and violet, but blue is by far the most popular colour due to its rarity in nature compared to other coloured sapphires. 

Pink sapphires are typically the least expensive type of sapphire because they’re rarer than any other colour. Sapphires are also more valuable than rubies (and emeralds), making them an excellent choice for your engagement ring. If you are looking for a unique sapphire engagement ring, you can find it here

They have a rich history and are associated with royalty.

Sapphire is the birthstone for September, the gemstone for the 9th wedding anniversary, and the gemstone for the 23rd wedding anniversary. It's also associated with royalty.

The first known use of sapphire as a gemstone was in ancient Egypt. Around 2600 BC, Egyptians used sapphires to decorate amulets worn by pharaohs and priests; this was believed to bring them great power in life after death. Many ancient cultures believed that wearing one would bring you good luck throughout your life!

Sapphire has been used for centuries by kings and queens all over Europe—and it appeared in many paintings depicting scenes from Shakespeare's plays during his period because it was thought to symbolize truthfulness and sincerity!

They make a bold fashion statement.

But blue sapphire engagement rings aren’t just a great choice because they’re beautiful, durable, and timeless. They also make a bold fashion statement. Blue sapphire engagement rings are a great option for someone who wants to stand out from the crowd and make an impression with their ring. For example, if you want your friends or family members to know that you’re engaged without them having to ask, then this is the way to go!

In addition, these rings have been popular among celebrities lately because they have become known as “the rock of the season.”

When you travel, one of the best parts is getting to experience life as a local, whether it's eating at a family-run restaurant or making new friends while buying at a market off the beaten path. Book one of these six European homes-away-from-home for a long stay, and you'll get a flavour of local life while also enjoying some extra luxuries.

Madrid, Spain

Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, Madrid, Spain

Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, Madrid, Spain

For a sunny, cultural and delicious food-filled long stay in Europe, look no further than Madrid. More specifically – Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, is set within a Madrid townhouse in a quiet street in the centre of the city. It’s located between must-visits Plaza Mayor (Madrid’s expansive and atmospheric main square) and The Prado Museum (housing Spain’s largest national collection of art, and one of the largest collections in the world). First, go sightseeing and then settle in with late-night dinners at bars and beer gardens such as Cervecera Restaurante Plaza Mayor, which has outdoor seating right on the plaza and is a great place to people-watch. The Santa Eulalia Boulangerie Patisserie, a 15-minute walk from the hotel, is a nice place to grab a cup of coffee and some freshly baked bread and pastries for breakfast.

Munich, Germany

Schwan Locke, Munich, Germany

Schwan Locke, Munich, Germany

Munich has many strings to its bow; surrounded by easily accessible, resplendent nature, and known for its great beer, bakeries and pleasant pace of life, the Bavarian capital is a great place to try to settle into the local scene. To treat yourself to a little luxury while doing so, spend your long stay at Schwan Locke, where studio apartments boast modern, playful interiors in a soothing pastel and earthy colour palette.

How to Overcome Dentist Fear

A man a the dentist
Photo by Anna Shvets

We understand that going to the dentist is something that many people dread. While most of us appreciate the end result of dental care, few of us love the procedure itself or the potential for physical or psychological discomfort.

You might be putting off dental care if you have dental anxiety or fear. You may be so afraid of the dentist that you avoid going even though you're in agony and have cracked, discoloured, or missing teeth, as well as a possible infection.

While you may be ready to put up with some discomfort because it is small in comparison to other health issues, keep in mind that your oral health might have an impact on your entire health. Oral diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontal disease, spread bacteria throughout your body. Oral infections have been linked to cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, and poor management of other systemic disorders, including diabetes.

Fortunately, there are certain things we can do to make you feel less anxious, so you don't have to jeopardize your dental health.


Dental Phobia: How to Overcome It

If you want to avoid going to the dentist, consider the following suggestions:

Make your dentist aware of your fears. We value your sentiments and will work with you to conquer your fears, but we can't help until we know about them. As soon as you make an appointment, notify your dentist's office.
Photo by Sam Lion

Being grateful, performing acts of kindness, and enhancing one's health will pay off.
The year is already half gone and however, here's another resolution to add to the list: improve your health. This refers to your emotional and physical health as a whole, for which many individuals award low grades in national polls. However, we have recommendations to assist you in improving both.

1. Get happy
According to Dr Ronald D. Siegel, assistant clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School and faculty editor of Positive Psychology, a Harvard Special Health Report, you have control over approximately 40% of what defines happiness. In comparison, only about 10% can be attributed to good or bad luck. According to Dr Siegel, it is not the events themselves that define our level of happiness, but rather our reactions to them. He suggests the following methods for enhancing your emotional health:
2. Be present in the moment
 When you're completely involved in something, you'll enjoy it more and worry less about the past and the future.
3. Be appreciative. 
Keeping a daily journal of gratitude increases pleasant emotions, optimism, life satisfaction, and social connection.
A tooth extraction process

A tooth extraction is the extraction of a tooth. A dental extraction (also referred to as tooth extraction, exodontia, exodontics, or informally, tooth pulling) is the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become unrestorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease, or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache. (Wikipedia)

While we try to avoid removing teeth whenever possible, certain conditions may necessitate tooth extraction as the most effective way to restore your smile's health and function. After the tooth is pulled, we are happy to give you one of our excellent tooth replacement treatments to get your smile back to its best health, beauty, and function.

Tooth extraction may be required due to a variety of conditions. These are some examples:

Infection. If tooth decay or injury reaches the pulp, the soft tissue at the core of the tooth that contains nerves and blood arteries, germs from the mouth can enter the pulp and cause infection. This is usually treated with root canal therapy (RCT), but if the infection is serious enough that antibiotics or RCT are ineffective, the tooth may need to be extracted to prevent the infection from spreading. A severe infection has destroyed a large part of the tooth and the bone that holds it in place that has irreparably damaged a tooth makes a successful restoration impossible
Crowding is caused by having too many teeth to fit properly in the mouth. When performing a tooth extraction, good dentists take great care and skill to ensure that your experience is as comfortable and painless as possible. Also, will also provide you with detailed post-treatment care instructions to ensure that your smile heals properly.

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Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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