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A new Harvard tool helps fact-check cancer claims.

The Internet is filled with cancer-causing substance warnings. Shady websites and sensational social media posts warn against antiperspirants, scented candles, and bras. Avoid disposable chopsticks, microwaves, radon gas, and other hazards. There are so many frightening or misleading claims that it is difficult to know which ones to take seriously. According to Timothy Rebbeck, a cancer researcher and the Vincent L. Gregory, Jr., Professor of Cancer Prevention at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, "many people have unnecessary fears about things that might cause cancer, or they're overly cautious about things that aren't supported by science."

Rebbeck and his coworkers have developed a free tool to cut through the confusion.

How does the Cancer FactFinder work?

Experts from the Zhu Family Center for Global Cancer Prevention at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Center for Cancer Equity and Engagement at the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center collaborated to develop the Cancer FactFinder. It provides reliable information regarding the veracity of certain cancer claims. "It's a place to go when you hear something and don't know how to interpret it," says Rebbeck.

When you access Cancer FactFinder, you can search

for cancer claims. Enter a specific term (such as "scented candles") or simply scroll through the entire list of claims the team has investigated. "Currently, we have roughly 70. We will continue to add and update them over time, "Rebbeck says." Learn how claims are checked for accuracy. The Cancer FactFinder team relies on the expert opinion of eminent scientists and health organisations, in addition to scientific evidence from human studies. Animal experiments are not considered. "It is possible to induce cancer in laboratory animals by feeding them or rubbing them with a particular compound." That does not mean it causes human cancer, "Rebbeck asserts.

Discover the members of the Cancer FactFinder team. In addition to Rebbeck and his colleagues, there are a variety of scientific specialists and community advocates from groups such as the

BayState Health
The Boston Cancer Support
Boston University
Men of Color: Health Awareness
Silent Spring Institute
Yale University

When osteoarthritis affects the joint between the thumb and wrist, occupational therapy reduces pain and improves function.

Hand with osteoarthritis

Some joints appear to receive all the attention when it comes to arthritis. We talk a lot about our knees and hips. Walking depends on the health of our knees and hips, and a third or more of persons over 65 develop osteoarthritis in these joints, leading to more than a million joint replacements yearly in the US.

The first carpometacarpal joint, which joins your thumb to your wrist, is another matter. That's surprisingly significant, although the majority of individuals are unable to identify it and only become aware of it if it develops arthritis. Fortunately, a new study found that this type of arthritis can be successfully treated with a standard approach that doesn't call for any medication.

The amazing opposable thumb

It helps us to move our thumb through a variety of movements and is more commonly referred to as the first CMC joint. You can appreciate the first CMC joint for the variety of applications that opposable thumbs have! We can hold objects, open jars, turn doorknobs, write, clench our fists, turn a key, and carry out many other daily tasks thanks to our opposable thumbs.

Because of this, the first CMC joint may be the body's most underappreciated joint.

How would you recognize first-CMC arthritis?

Typical signs include

Pain at the point where your thumb and wrist meet

When using keys, writing, or opening jars, the pain becomes worse.

poor functional ability, including grip weakness

a bony outgrowth over the joint, frequently caused by additional bone development

if the arthritis is severe, pain while at rest or while sleeping.

An x-ray can confirm the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the first CMC, which your doctor may assume based on your symptoms and physical examination.

What treatments are effective?

There are few alternatives for treating osteoarthritis of any joint, including the first CMC. They also don't always function well. Only the following measures are strongly advised in the most recent US guidelines for treating hand or thumb osteoarthritis:

using a splint or brace (called an orthosis)

exercises made specifically for this joint

educational programs to help people control annoying symptoms

medications that reduce inflammation, including ibuprofen.

Occupational therapy incorporates a type of physical therapy that focuses on hand and wrist functions necessary for everyday tasks like showering and getting dressed, It is frequently used to provide a brace, exercise, and instruction. However, a thorough evaluation of occupational therapy's effects has not yet been conducted.

A recent study supports the value of occupational therapy.

180 participants with first-CMC osteoarthritis were included in the study. They were 80% women and had an average age of 63.

Randomly, half of the people with osteoarthritis were given occupational therapy, which included education, exercises, braces, and other aids, while the other half only got information about the disease.
The findings demonstrate that a three-month course of occupational therapy significantly alleviated pain at rest and after activity, and enhanced grip strength and function.

This is one of the strongest studies evaluating occupational treatment for this disorder. Nonetheless, it had some restrictions. Participants knew whether they had occupational therapy or not, thus their anticipation, as well as the placebo effect, may have influenced the results. The duration of the trial was only three months, therefore the long-term effects were not evaluated. 

The duration of the trial was only three months, therefore the long-term effects were not evaluated. 

Despite the prevalence of this type of osteoarthritis and the difficulty it creates, numerous concerns remain. It would be advantageous to know:

Why does osteoarthritis occur initially in the joints of the hand,  how can the progression of osteoarthritis be delayed, stopped, or reversed? 

Duration of the benefits of occupational therapy for persons with osteoarthritis of the first CMC.  

If symptoms resolve after an initial course of occupational therapy but return later, would further treatments be equally effective?

 Is there a gender variation in the effectiveness of occupational therapy of this type?

Would it perform equally well for moderate and severe arthritis?

What are the most essential aspects of occupational therapy, and are they generally available? For instance, is bracing more necessary than exercising, and are there superior braces or exercises? Are skilled occupational therapists readily available for the majority of those affected by this condition?

The conclusion

There is a significant chance that, if you live long enough, you will develop osteoarthritis in the joints which enables the opposable thumb to function smoothly. Hopefully, improved therapies will be available before this occurs. Although occupational therapy is reassuring, the golden grail for anyone who may develop osteoarthritis is a treatment that may avoid it, halt it from worsening, or even reverse its damage. Researchers are fortunately working diligently to identify such medicines.

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Would you like to be a cute girl that can make a guy weak at the knees? Read on for some cute tips on how to appear cute and attractive. Although physical attractiveness is important, the main factors in attractiveness are your thoughts and your behaviour.

Here are 10 cost-free methods to bring out your natural beauty and make you look attractive.

1. Be real.
Many people use false personas to conceal their genuine selves. This not only prevents you from being your genuine self but also creates false relationships.

There is no justification for trying to hide or downplay your flaws. Accept yourself for what you are, because no one expects you to be perfect.

It goes without saying that those who are true to themselves are more appealing. Never feel bad about not measuring up. Being authentic entails accepting and enjoying who you are. You can't truly start loving others unless you first start loving yourself. Self-respect is the best aphrodisiac there is, therefore as it grows, so does your attractiveness.

Light Blue Satin Strapless Boned Corset Style Bodycon Mini Dress

2. Let your dressing speak.

In many studies of physical attractiveness, clothes and other aspects of a person's appearance are changed instead of the person's actual physical beauty. So, results that have been linked to physical attractiveness may actually be linked to the attractiveness of clothes.

Although When you feel gorgeous, others will notice your confidence and think the same of you. Attractiveness starts from the inside out. Simple practises like daily face cleaning, maintaining a healthy weight, and dressing with style are all things you can do to look better and stay healthy. You can project confidence by smiling often and acting in a confident manner. When you dress nicely, appear organised and put together, you appear attractive. How you dress affects how attractive you appear.

Here are some tips on how to seem attractive.

Choose clothing that fits your body type.

There are many different body types, including rectangle, hourglass, pear, and apple. Knowing your body type will enable you to focus your search, identify what kind of clothing suits you most, and make your body appear at its best.

Choose attire that gives you a sense of confidence. You want each piece of clothing you own to make you feel fantastic. 

Dress for the occasion. The ideal attire for a business conference will differ from that for a late-night concert. A perfect late night outfit or party dress would be the Femme luxe Light Blue Satin Strapless Boned Corset Style Bodycon Mini Dress-Aleka. You can check out more clothings items like the Women’s loungewear setsLittle black dressWhite midi dress, and Ripped jeans for women.


3. Speak with purpose.
There is something alluring about people who use their words to serve an objective. Don't just chatter to pass the time. Speak with confidence when you speak.

4. Listen.
Genuine listening has become a lost art in a culture that has become more opinionated. Talk honestly when you do, and listen intently when you do. Open your heart and mind to listening while suspending judgement.

The ability to truly listen makes one attractive.

Many parents are alarmed by recent polio news reports. Here are some things to be aware of and take action on.

Have your polio vaccine now - information for parents

It's understandable if you know little to nothing about polio. Since 1979, there have been no wild cases of polio in the US. This is because people get vaccinated.

Sadly, this does not imply that polio is absent in the US. Either the "vaccine-derived" virus or the wild poliovirus can be brought into the country by travellers. Recently, there have been reports of instances of polio, primarily vaccine-derived cases, coming from neighbouring nations, although wastewater data indicates that the poliovirus is spreading in some regions. Parents should be aware of the following:

What is vaccine-derived poliovirus?

The polio vaccine aids in the body's production of the antibodies required to fight polio. Many nations utilise an inactivated form of the poliovirus in the oral polio vaccination. The sole vaccine used in the US since 2000 is an inactivated shot that is based on a virus that has been killed.

The oral polio vaccine is where the virus used in vaccines is obtained from. Although the oral vaccine is safe and effective in most cases, those with compromised immune systems may get sick from the weak virus. When there are many people who are unvaccinated, illness may spread.
Herd immunity to polio is built via widespread immunization. The infrequent traveller carrying wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus doesn't pose a threat if enough individuals are vaccinated. Herd immunity is a word used to describe how vaccination protects people: if enough people are protected by vaccination, it makes it difficult for the illness to spread, protecting others who aren't.

How safe are outpatient ketamine clinics? Ketamine is approved for the treatment of difficult-to-treat depression.

How safe is Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression?

An uncommon class of psychedelic drug known as a dissociative, ketamine, is experiencing a resurgence in use. Ketamine, sometimes known as "special K," is a common anaesthetic used in hospitals and veterinary clinics that was originally developed from PCP, also known as "angel dust."

Both ketamine's medical and recreational uses are supported by its effects, which include pain control, amnesia, intoxication, dissociation, and euphoria. Due to its clearance for treating treatment-resistant depression (TRD), which is severe depression that has not improved with other therapy and includes people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it has recently become more extensively used.

Evidence of ketamine's benefits

Esketamine (Spravato), a prescription form of ketamine that is administered through a nasal spray, was approved by the FDA in 2019 for TRD. However, the rules state that it can only be used "under the supervision of a health care professional in a qualified doctor's office or clinic." Therefore, medical personnel must watch you using it and then follow you after you've taken your dose to monitor your vital signs and your overall clinical progress.

In research when ketamine was compared to a placebo, depression scores decreased subjectively and statistically significantly, and the efficacy of ketamine for TRD was first shown for short-term treatment. (In both trial groups, patients continued taking their normal antidepressants out of anxiety that TRD wouldn't be treated in the placebo arm.) In a study where ketamine (together with the standard antidepressant) helped patients stay in stable remission 16 weeks into treatment, it was discovered that nasal ketamine has longer-term efficacy.
With ketamine, TRD relief happens quickly. People who are struggling with the crushing weight of depression can start to feel the effects of ketamine in about 40 minutes, whereas they may have to wait weeks for an SSRI to help.
Is ketamine the best course of treatment for you? 
Your primary care physician, your mental health professional, and any other healthcare providers who are involved in your treatment should be involved in this conversation. Keep in mind that ketamine is not a first-line treatment for depression and is typically only used when other, more established treatments have failed. It is not regarded as curative; rather, it is thought to alleviate symptoms for a limited time. By looking at the bad effects, it is easier to figure out who shouldn't get ketamine treatment.
Should you seek therapy at a ketamine clinic? 
Ketamine outpatient clinics run independently are springing up everywhere. These clinics are thought to number in the hundreds to thousands at present, practically all of which were started when ketamine was authorised for TRD in 2019. These clinics are typically for-profit businesses with a staff that includes a nurse, a social worker, a psychiatrist or anesthesiologist (who can administer the infusion), and (of course) the entrepreneurs who make it all run.
How safe are ketamine clinics? 
These ketamine clinics present a number of concerns, such as what to look for in a reliable ketamine facility. We don't currently have any conclusive responses to that query. One wonders whether ketamine infusions, which can result in a deep dissociation from reality, would be better managed in a hospital setting where there are guidelines for safety in case something goes wrong. The level of communication, if any, between the ketamine clinic staff and your healthcare providers was unclear (in part because I didn't actually follow through with the therapy), and normally the treatments you receive wouldn't be recorded in your primary electronic medical record.

Common Causes of Hair Loss and How to Stop It.

Both men and women throughout the UK and across the world can develop hair loss. There are a number of factors that can cause hair loss, such as ageing and genetics. What is causing your hair loss can determine whether your hair falls out abruptly or gradually, or can regrow on its own. In some instances, treatment may be needed to regrow hair.

Here are some of the common causes of hair loss, as well as methods that can help in treating it.

Hereditary Hair Loss

Both men and women of all ages can develop this kind of hair loss. Hereditary hair loss is the most common type across the world. It’s known as male pattern hair loss for men and female pattern hair loss for women. Regardless of the type, the medical term is known as androgenic alopecia. This type of hair loss means you have inherited genes that cause hair follicles to shrink and stop growing hair eventually. Shrinking can start in your teens but normally begins later in life. Treatment can help to stop or slow down hair loss. There’s also the possibility that hair can regrow. However, this depends on when you start treatment.


The aging process is inevitable and happens to us all. What comes with ageing is hair loss. Most people notice some hair loss. This is because hair growth slows down. There will come a point where hair follicles stop growing hair. This causes the hair on the scalp to start thinning. Hair will also begin to lose its colour. A woman’s hairline starts to recede naturally over the years. If caught early, treatment can help regrow hair in some individuals. 

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a disease that begins when the body’s immune system starts attacking hair follicles. This results in hair loss. One can lose hair anywhere on the body, including the nose, scalp, and ears. Some people lose their eyebrows and eyelashes too. If you opt for treatment, this may help in stimulating hair regrowth. You can find out more about alopecia areata, including what causes it, treatment options, and how common the disease is. 


A couple of months after giving birth, you may start noticing a lot more hairs on your pillow or brush. Try not to panic. This is common and happens to many women. Postpartum hair loss isn’t anything to worry about. In most cases, postpartum hair loss is temporary. To deal with postpartum hair loss and speed up the process, there are certain things that can help. These include getting the right nutrients in your diet, going easy on your hair, and choosing the right accessories. If you have any concerns, make sure to speak to your GP.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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