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Things to Think About Before Starting Your Cryptocurrency Investment Journey

Deciding to start investing can be an exciting time. Knowing that you will be taking a more responsible and considered approach to your savings can make you feel more accomplished and allow you to better plan out your budget. There are many different things you can invest in, but cryptocurrency continues to be a favorite for many, regardless of its volatility and the recent troubles the market has faced. If you’re looking to start investing in cryptocurrency, consider a few things before you begin.

Consider Why You Want To Invest.
First, you want to consider why you’re interested in investing. Your long-term goals are an important thing to consider here. If, for example, you’re interested in investing in cryptocurrency as some sort of get-rich-quick scheme, then you’ll be disappointed. While we’ve all heard the amazing success stories of the overnight millionaires who invested early in certain popular cryptocurrencies today, that doesn’t happen anymore. While the markets are volatile and can jump in value significantly, you’re unlikely to see any crypto coin become big money in the way that bitcoin did. However, if you’re looking to invest in a marketplace that doesn’t stagnate and is constantly on the move, then the cryptocurrency market may be for you. It’s a high risk, but that does mean there is potential for high rewards too.

Content. You can't avoid it if you're a digital marketer. Whether it's videos, social media posts, native ads, landing pages, marketing emails, or blog entries, all online marketing revolves around content.

It's reflected in marketing budgets. Companies are boosting their expenditure on content marketing, according to a SEMrush survey; nearly half of respondents claim they spend more than $10K on annual content output, up from 38% in 2019.

It's impossible to employ such a valuable and powerful resource on the spur of the moment. A good content strategy that makes the most of every asset, whenever and wherever it is shared or promoted, is essential for successful content marketing.
The transition through menopause is indeed a time of confusion, and it can be challenging to keep up with all the ways your body is transforming. When you listen to your body, you should not disregard anything truly unusual. Specifically, you should inform your gynaecologist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

Vaginal odour, itching, or burning. Irritants, such as perfumed pantyliners or new soap, can temporarily trigger these symptoms. But if they recur frequently or worsen, your doctor may want to check for a sexually transmitted or vaginal infection.

Menstrual changes. Even though irregular periods are common during perimenopause, your physician will want to know if your menstrual cycles occur more frequently than every 21 days. She will also investigate if your menstrual cycles have become noticeably heavier or longer.

Pelvic discomfort or pain. Menstrual cramps and occasional pelvic twitches are normal. However, if pain or discomfort, including bloating, worsens over time, you should speak up. Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and (rarely) cancer are potential causes.

New bleeding. If you haven't had a period for at least a year, unexpected bleeding could indicate uterine cancer or another potentially serious condition. An ultrasound or biopsy may be necessary.

Building happy teams has arguably never been more important than during the Great Resignation. Company executives battling to retain outstanding staff rely on certain basics such as bonuses, increased retirement contributions, and promotions.

These common strategies can undoubtedly motivate and entertain team members. However, with more companies dangling the same carrots, people tend to go toward the biggest ones. Then, every time someone leaves, you have to try to put your team back together again.

As employees seek professional fulfilment in areas other than their income, you have an opportunity to be creative. Here are three methods for creating a happier, more productive team.

1. Increase the volume of their workplace.

We never grow tired of wanting better toys. They may not be the same as those we had when we were younger, but we still adore them. At whatever age, our "stuff" keeps us happy and fulfilled.

Your team members may only require a desk, computer, chair, phone, wastebasket, and stapler. Giving them more than the minimal necessities, on the other hand, can make them feel special. You shouldn't have to spend too much money on it.

Not everyone can afford a corner office, but they can incorporate parts of one into their workspace. Consider light therapy lamps (often known as "happy lights") in windowless offices, as well as more ergonomic seats and footrests. Perhaps a team member would like a standing desk or a treadmill workstation to keep them moving as they work.

Obviously, there are several electronic devices that would warm the hearts and workstations of employees. Screens that are larger and of higher quality, monitor stands, and mouse pads that charge mobile devices are a few examples. In a less technological vein, green plants may do wonders for the aesthetic appeal of a sterile area.

The members of your team will not all desire the same creature comforts; therefore, you must cater to their specific desires and needs. Have kids prepare wish lists so you can assess the cost of the desired items and begin budgeting for them. Keep in mind that these workplace enhancements are significant contributors to both team happiness and productivity.

2. Organize extracurricular team activities.

Not only do members of the happiest teams work well together, but they also like each other. Logic dictates that if they love spending time together outside of work, they will be happier on the job. It is your responsibility to establish extracurricular opportunities that will strengthen these friendships.

Food and drink are always excellent opportunities for social interaction and conversation. Team breakfasts, lunches, and happy hours provide employees with an opportunity to unwind and enjoy one another's company. They are comparable to joyfully chaotic holiday family meals.

And don't overlook entertainment. Have various teams battle against one another for cheesy travelling trophies and boastful bragging rights. Who can answer the Wordle of the day in the fewest attempts and quickest time? Then there's bowling, NCAA basketball tournament brackets, and exciting Minecraft competitions.

Allowing staff time for activities while they are on the clock is one of the keys to team happiness here. You cannot expect a single father with a child to spend all night with the same folks he saw during the day. Furthermore, you don't want him to feel like he's missing out on the pleasure every time he prioritises his family.

Hosting these non-traditional corporate holiday parties will not prevent work from being completed. In contrast, coworkers tend to discuss work even in social settings. After dinner and a movie in the conference room, who knows what unique solutions your team may come up with?

How well is your cardiometabolic health?

5 Major Risk Factors For Heart Attack And Stroke.

The two most common causes of death in the US are heart attack and stroke, both types of cardiovascular disease. Risk factors include a family history of cardiovascular disease, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Excess weight raises the probability that several of these risk factors will emerge.
Do you have optimal cardiovascular health? And have you minimised your risk factors for getting cardiovascular disease in the future? Sadly, research indicates that few Americans can affirmatively respond to these questions.

What is cardiometabolic health?

Your cardiovascular system includes your heart, blood, and blood vessels. Cardiometabolic health is a term that refers to a combination of many of these risk factors. To estimate how many people in the US have optimal cardiometabolic health, researchers published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reviewed survey results from more than 55,000 adults in the US. Optimal measurements were defined as all five of the following:
optimum body mass index and waist circumference
Normal blood sugar (without taking medicine to lower blood sugar).
Ideal cholestotal level (without taking cholesterol-lowering drugs).
normal blood pressure (without taking drugs to decrease blood pressure)
There was no evidence of cardiovascular illness, such as a prior heart attack or stroke.

Daily reading can improve your leadership abilities and your business.

3 Ways Daily Reading Can Help Your Business
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile from Pexels:

1. Establish a common lexicon

When we are young, the stories our parents read aloud to us at bedtime help us pick up new words. And while the books we read as adults might be a little more complex, their main goal is always the same. Daily reading exposes us to new wand ords, some of which may describe things we already do (like the "lean startup movement" I mentioned) and others about which we have long been fascinated. Our communication will improve as we increase our vocabulary, making it easier for us to interact and network with our coworkers.

You can instruct your team in these lessons as well. By offering to purchase certain books for team members and ship them straight to their homes, you may emphasise learning and establish a shared vocabulary. A fantastic technique to establish a shared understanding of your objectives without spending hours explaining each person individually is by using books on particular areas of interest.

All leaders need to be excellent communicators, and reading is one of the best methods to increase your repertoire of communication techniques.

2. Encourage a developing mindset.

A reader would not read if they were unable to be open to other people's viewpoints. And individuals who have a growth mindset also exhibit this same openness.

One of the first things I look for when hiring new personnel is a growth mindset. Almost often, I'll choose to work with a candidate who has less experience but shows a desire to learn, improve, and put in the effort versus a more seasoned but haughty applicant. A growth mentality is automatically encouraged by reading. Every book you read exposes you to fresh perspectives and innovative approaches, some of which you'll probably agree with and others you won't. Whatever the case, what essential is that we maintain our humility and be aware of the fact that there will always be those who are more knowledgeable than we are about a given subject or, at the very least, have a different perspective on it.

Furthermore, even when we aren't actively reading or even thinking about the content itself, our unconscious mind naturally retains the information we read in our brains. Our minds take off once we adopt a growth-based attitude and start nourishing them with interesting and novel material, which promotes original problem-solving and substantial growth.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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