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Chronic inflammation can do more harm than good, despite its important role in the body's defence and repair mechanisms. That probably leaves you wondering, "What can I do about it?"

In reality, you have a lot of options. The truth is, you might already be doing it. This is because many of the best strategies for reducing inflammation are also things you should already be doing.

The three main strategies for battling chronic inflammation are prevention, detection, and treatment.

There are 6 ways to stop unhealthful inflammation.:

Choose to eat a healthy diet
Choose to eat a healthy diet.

Because of this, eating more kale is not likely to significantly reduce inflammation throughout the body. However, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and legumes (sometimes referred to as an anti-inflammatory diet) may reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of the diets themselves, there are health benefits to cutting out inflammatory foods like soda and processed foods.

Regular exercise.
The Best Action Plan To Fight Unhealthy Inflammation

 Exercise may help reduce some types of inflammation through immune system control. For instance, exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect on white blood cells and cytokines, which are chemical messengers.

Keep a healthy weight
The Best Action Plan To Fight Unhealthy Inflammation

Avoiding excess weight is a key factor in preventing fat-related inflammation because extra fat in cells causes systemic inflammation. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers your risk of developing type 2 Regular exercise Exercise may help reduce some types of inflammation through immune system control. For instance, exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect on white blood cells and cytokines, which are chemical messengers.

(Unsplash CC0)

We all know that exercise is good for us, for both our physical and mental wellbeing, but it can come with a painful side-effect: muscle soreness. 

Fortunately, we don't have to hobble around in agony for days after a workout, as there are things we can do to reduce soreness and we will list these below.

Of course, if pain persists after trying one or some of the following ideas, be sure to see your doctor.

#1: Stay hydrated

You should stay hydrated during a workout to prevent dehydration and to keep your energy levels up, and you should hydrate after your workout too. The fluids that pass through your system ease inflammation and deliver nutrients to your muscles to aid with recovery, so remember to top yourself up with water at regular intervals. 

#2: Have something to eat after your workout

When you feed your muscles the nutrients they need to repair and become stronger, you will quicken the recovery process. You need a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat to aid your recovery, so consider this when preparing your post-workout snacks. 

For protein, consider:

  • Protein shakes

  • Eggs

  • Cottage cheese

  • Protein bars

  • Chicken

For carbs, consider:

  • Chocolate milk

  • Oatmeal

  • Whole grain bread

  • Rice cakes

  • Berries

For fat, consider: 

  • Avocado

  • Nuts

  • Trail mix (dried fruits and nuts)

  • Full fat yoghurt

#3: Keep moving

You shouldn't exert your body when you're feeling sore, of course. However, it's still acceptable to do some light exercises, providing you aren't in a great deal of pain after your workout. 

A slow walk or some light stretching can get the blood pumping through your body and this will get the nutrients needed for your recovery through your body that bit faster.

The unconditional love of black women, especially African women, for Ankara styles is heart-warming. I have previously shared lots of posts about the latest Ankara styles and how beautiful Ankara is. Honestly, Ankara is beautiful and unique. Designers have taken Ankara to another level and you can now wear Ankara to any occasion and look good.

Over in Africa, Ankara is the traditional dress. What makes the difference is the style, material type, cultural heritage, and representation. Nevertheless, these stunning Ankara styles are trending on Instagram, have caught the attention of so many, and have been pinned on Pinterest. We have put together our top Ankara top picks worn by the beautiful Ghana women making the rounds on Instagram.

Why do people love wearing Ankara?

Ghanaian women are posting different Ankara styles, and the beauty of it is what we will share with you. These are questions we may or may not have answers to, but below are 63 of the hottest and most elegant Ankara styles worn by Ghanaian and Nigerian women to try now.

Do you own a pair of Ankara dresses?

Are you looking for the latest Ankara dress style to take to your designer?

Why do you love Ankara?

It's common knowledge that adding prints to our wardrobe makes our looks more unique and interesting. African prints are well-known for their intricate design compositions that depict African culture, tradition, and history. Knowing the history of Ankara fabric and African prints can help you tell a story through your clothing or simply improve your sense of style.

Can you really believe that African textiles didn't start out in Africa? In 1846, Dutch businessman Pieter Fentener Van Vlissingen industrialised the process of printing on batiks, a type of fabric widely worn in Indonesia. Yes, Indonesia was the birthplace of the fabric known as "Kitenge" in East Africa and "Ankara" in West Africa.

Ankara fabric, known for its vibrant African-inspired prints, can be made either by hand or by industrial-sized textile mills. If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind African print, handcrafted Ankara is the way to go because no two pieces will ever be exactly alike.

Take a good look and download 63 Unique Ankara Styles Ghanaian Women Love.

This year, back-to-school initiatives promote a secure return to full-time, in-person education in order to improve kids' academic and psychological well-being. Even though it may be tempting to keep summertime sleep patterns, it's important for kids to have a regular schedule where they sleep when it's dark and are awake when it's light. This is how our bodies work best. This is valid for home schooling families as well; no child should spend the entire morning in bed, even if the trip to school only requires a short walk to the kitchen table, allowing for more sleep than those who must take an early bus.

All of us need to sleep, but children especially need to sleep. Children who don't get enough good sleep are more likely to experience learning difficulties, behavioural issues, and health problems.

Here are a few easy steps you can take to ensure that your child gets the rest they require.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Have a schedule for
Our bodies function best when we go to bed and wake up at around the same time each day.

Eight to ten hours of sleep is required for teens and children. Count back 10 hours from the time your child is supposed to wake up in the morning. They should be getting ready for bed around that time (for younger children, count back 11 hours).
For instance, if your teen must get up at 7, they should be dressed and in bed by 9 p.m. (since most of us don't fall asleep as soon as our head strikes the pillow). By around age 8, a younger child should begin getting ready (showering, etc.).
Probiotics are living microorganisms that, ideally, provide health advantages regardless of where in the body they are used. There are pills and powders that can be taken by mouth and suppository capsules that are injected into the vagina that contain these microorganisms.

We are led to assume by advertisements that vaginal probiotics, like douches, will somehow improve our health or make us feel "cleaner." Some ads say that these products help prevent or treat things like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infections.

Women screened early are less likely to develop colorectal cancer.

A new study shows that women who start testing for colorectal cancer at 45 are much less likely to get the disease than those who don't test or who start testing at 50. The study's results, which were published online by JAMA Oncology on May 5, 2022, back up new national guidelines that say colorectal screening should start at age 45 instead of 50. This is because the number of young adults with colorectal cancer has gone up by 50% over the past 50 years.

The study, directed by Harvard researchers, analyzed 111,801 women (average age: 36) from the Nurses' Health Study II who were followed from 1991 to 2017. Every two years, participants reported whether or not they had undergone a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, examinations that use a flexible tube and a camera to examine the colon and rectum. The tests allow doctors to find cancers early on and remove polyps that could turn into cancer. 

This research is still being watched. Information by Hazard health

Photo by Pexel

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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