Lifestyle Blogger

There are some photographs that you take and fall in love with because they are so pure and expressive. I like how it captures the color of my skin in natural light. When I take photos, I usually look lighter, but these photos made my skin appear as it is.

So, I bought these earrings from Skinny Dip London because I wanted them to match the strap of my dress. I had a design in mind, and this was close to what I had in mind. These crystal stone drop earrings were purchased at TK Maxx, but they are from Skinny Dip London. The earrings aren't very durable and can break if not handled properly. I only needed earrings to match my outfit, so I didn't mind paying for them. It was inexpensive, and this is how I wore it.

Do you like drop earrings? Here are beautiful drop earrings you can buy


Program management is a field that involves overseeing and coordinating various interrelated projects and initiatives within an organization. The goal of program management is to align the different projects with the overall strategy and objectives of the organization and ensure their effective delivery. It involves balancing the resources, budget, and timelines of individual projects to achieve the desired outcomes.

Program management is different from project management, where the focus is on delivering a specific project with defined objectives, budget, and timeline. Program management, on the other hand, involves managing multiple projects and ensuring their integration to achieve the overall goals of the organization. It is essential in the majority of undertakings in an organization or business, which is why it is an integral part of most training modules like the ones found in Lumify training.

The Role of Program Managers

Program managers play a crucial role in ensuring the successful delivery of projects within an organization. They are responsible for developing and executing strategies for coordinating the different projects and initiatives within the program. This includes:
  • Defining program objectives: Program managers are responsible for defining the overall objectives of the program and ensuring that all projects and initiatives align with these objectives.
  • Resource allocation: Program managers are responsible for allocating resources, including budget and personnel, to each project in the program.
  • Risk management: Program managers are responsible for identifying potential risks to the program and developing mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of these risks.
  • Stakeholder management: Program managers are responsible for communicating with stakeholders, including senior management, project managers, and project teams, to ensure that the program is on track and delivering results.
  • Project integration: Program managers are responsible for ensuring that the different projects within the program are integrated and working together effectively.
  • Performance measurement: Program managers are responsible for measuring the performance of the program and individual projects and making recommendations for improvement.
Program managers must have a wide range of skills, including leadership, project management, risk management, communication, and strategic thinking. They must also be able to work with cross-functional teams and manage complex programs with multiple projects and stakeholders.

Steps in Program Management

Program management is a complex process that involves several steps to ensure success. The first step is defining the program's objectives and goals, which should align with the overall organization's objectives. This step also involves identifying the stakeholders, sponsors, and key players involved in the program, as well as defining the program's scope, budget, and timeline.

Once the objectives and goals have been defined, the next step is to develop a program management plan that outlines the program's structure, governance, communication, risk management, and quality control processes. This plan acts as a blueprint for executing the program and should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect changes and progress.

The third step is to establish a program team, which should have the right mix of skills, knowledge, and experience to deliver the program. This team should be structured with a clear chain of command, roles and responsibilities, and decision-making processes.

The next step is to execute the program, which involves implementing the program management plan, monitoring progress, and addressing any issues or risks that arise. This step also involves regular communication with stakeholders, sponsors, and key players to keep them informed of progress and to ensure they are aligned with the program's objectives.

Finally, the program should be evaluated and closed out once its objectives and goals have been achieved. This step involves documenting the program's achievements, lessons learned, and best practices for future reference, as well as conducting a final review of the program's finances, governance, and risk management processes.

I remember when Cantu products were first introduced to the market, and YouTubers were so crazy about them. It was all over the Internet. Almost every YouTube influencer was talking about it. It felt like if you weren't using CANTU products, you weren't using one of the best hair products on the market, and I applaud YouTube bloggers for helping this brand stand out and become one of the most popular hair care and styling brand. They have expanded and made new products, but are their products worth the hype?

Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Extra Hold Edge Stay Gel
Please note that I used a soft brush in the above picture; a tightly bristled brush is recommended for better effect.

It is another beautiful Monday morning, and a girl decided to wear her Femme Luxe cargo pants and puffy jacket in order to look simple and stylish. I've always admired cargo pants from afar but never seriously considered buying a pair myself since they first became popular or started trending. I thought I'd give them a try and see how they looked. Mind you, this jacket is warm and suits the winter season.


While getting ready for work this morning, the locksmiths arrived at my house right before I left for work, fixed the lock, and installed a second lock. Yesterday morning, as I was trying to unwind, I heard my intercom ring so I got up to answer, and being that I was expecting a package, I assumed it was my package. However, when I waited to see who it was, no one picked up the phone. A few seconds later, I opened my door to find that someone had tried to break into my apartment, which I think happened the night before, and the person wanted to find out if there was anyone in the house before trying to break in again. It was hostile and unsettling, but I called the apartment manager, and they said someone would be out this morning to fix the lock and add an additional lock and also advised that the incident be reported to the police.

Law enforcement is looking into the situation. I can't shake the feeling that this person is following me around, trying to figure out when there are people in the apartment and when the door is closed and locked. Amazingly, I learned yesterday that theft is on the rise in Glasgow. I'm on high alert, and I'm going to be even quieter in my apartment in case this person tries to break in again so I can call the police immediately. Have you ever been in a situation like this before, and how did you handle it?
Around the world, people celebrate birthdays, but children especially like them since their parents often create a cake depicting their favorite anime, character, or object, which makes the event even more enjoyable.

Children are wonderful, and one way to celebrate them is by celebrating them on their special days. Don't forget to invite their friends and their favorite teacher if the party is not being held at his or her school. You can select one of these cakes, which I am certain they will enjoy.

Cake by maryam.cake.design2

Playing responsive games with babies and toddlers helps them grow and learn in a healthy way.

Do you desire your child to develop into a healthy, happy, intelligent, capable, and resilient adult? Engage them in play. Games that are lively and adapt as the child grows are ideal for infants and toddlers.

Why is play important in the early years of life?
The brain's neural network expands by more than a million connections in the first few years of life. Additionally, these neuronal connections are made more effective by pruning. These procedures actually contribute to the development of the brain and help mold how it works for the remainder of the child's life. This is influenced by biology, primarily genetics, but also by a child's upbringing and experiences.

With attentive care, babies and kids flourish. The Harvard Center on the Developing Child coined the phrase "serve and return" to characterize this situation. Back-and-forth exchanges in which the child and carer respond to and engage with each other in a caring, loving way are the foundation of a healthy brain and a content child who will have a higher likelihood of developing into a healthy, content, capable, and successful adult.

One of the best methods to provide responsive care is through play. To increase the advantages of playing:
  • Bring all of your focus. Put down the phone and avoid multitasking.
  • Being reciprocal The "serve and return" component is this. You want to encourage interaction between newborns and their carers, even when they are little. The goal is to incorporate responsiveness into the play; it doesn't have to be reciprocal in an equal sense—you might be speaking in complete phrases while your baby is only smiling or cooing.
  • Be aware of developmental milestones. Your child will be able to participate fully, and you will be able to support their growth at the same time.
Great infant games to play: 6 to 9 months
Parents can get some fantastic suggestions and handouts from the Center for the Developing Child about certain games to play with their kids at various ages.

Children as young as 6 months and 9 months are acquiring the basics of the language, including mimicry. Additionally, they are beginning to learn how to move and explore their surroundings.

For this age group, try some of these games:

Play patty-cake or peek-a-boo.

Play games where you hide toys under a blanket, then you must "discover" them, or you can let the baby do it.

Have back-and-forth conversations. The infant may only make the sounds "ma" or "ba." You can respond by making the same noise or by acting as though your child is speaking ("You are silent! Really? Explain further! ").

Play imitation games. For instance, if your kid sticks out their tongue, copy them. Older infants will be able to imitate sounds like clapping or hammering, and they will like it when adults replicate those sounds with them.

Sing along to songs featuring motions, such as "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "Trot, Trot to Boston."

Play simple games with objects, like dumping them and saying "boom" or putting toys in a bucket and taking them out.
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