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Sleep is essential for good health, and sleep deprivation can have serious consequences.

Several years ago, Netflix's official Twitter account posted the following message: "Sleep is my greatest enemy." This is exactly how you might feel when you know you should be in bed but don't want to go. But your need to stay awake might be bad for your health. Here's why it's time to stop putting off going to bed and start moving in a healthier direction:

What does procrastination at bedtime mean?
Our highly connected world keeps us busy by giving us one more episode to watch, one more text to answer, and a few more social media apps to try out. It can be hard to find time for ourselves when we have to deal with stress and problems every day. Does it come as a surprise that many of us delay going to bed?

Nearly 20 years ago, a group of researchers in Europe came up with the term "bedtime procrastination" to describe someone who goes to bed later than planned even though they know it will affect them. According to their findings, adults who delayed going to bed by a large margin felt more tired and slept fewer hours per night than their counterparts who did not delay going to bed.

one important thing? Smartphone use: People who put things off use their phones for an average of almost 80 minutes before bed, while people who don't put things off use their phones for 18 minutes.

People who tend to put things off use their smartphones for nearly 80 minutes before bed, while those who don't tend to use them until after midnight.

What's the point?
Getting less sleep than you need on a regular basis or not getting enough good sleep is linked to a number of bad health outcomes, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, cognitive problems, and depression. Along with good nutrition and exercise, sleep is one of the three most important things for good health. Yet we often forget that getting enough restful sleep is a way to improve our physical and mental health.

What can you do if you have trouble going to bed on time?
Researchers from the Republic of Korea recently did a small trial of a programme to help people who put off going to bed. Their programme is all about getting people more motivated and changing the way they act. During this preliminary study, 20 people met once a week for 50 minutes for three weeks, and then they got a phone call to check in. They cut the amount of time they wasted before bed by more than 60% and had less trouble with insomnia and daytime sleepiness.

Dementia presents numerous difficulties to those who are close to those who are suffering from it. Common behaviours that result from conditions like Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, or frontotemporal dementia can be challenging to observe and deal with.

Caregiving for a person with dementia can occasionally be frustrating, challenging, or upsetting. The way forward can be made easier by understanding why specific behaviours take place and learning effective ways to deal with a range of circumstances.

What actions are typical of those who suffer from dementia?
People who have dementia frequently display a variety of odd behaviours, including:

  • saying strange things or describing certain things incorrectly.
  • forgetting to take a bath or not realising the importance of maintaining good hygiene.
  • asking the same question repeatedly or repeating themselves.
  • stealing or misplacing items from others.
  • neither remembering nor recognising who they are.
  • the conviction that a loved one who has passed away is still alive.
  • hoarding things like mail or even trash.
  • displaying paranoid tendencies.
  • being easily agitated or confused.
  • Without informing you, I left the house and got lost.

Why do these actions take place?
Imagine a wildfire changing its course inside the brain of a loved one who has dementia, harming or obliterating the brain cells (neurons) and neural networks that control our behaviour.

The underlying cause(s) of dementia will determine what causes this damage. For instance, although the precise cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown, proteins that either clog up or strangle brain cells are thought to play a significant role in the disease. Neurons die as a result of intermittently inadequate blood flow to specific brain regions in a person with vascular dementia.

"As dementia worsens, the person starts to lose brain cells that are involved in memory, planning, judgement, and mood regulation. Your filters are lost.

Muscle dysmorphia: what is it?

The obsession with having a lean and muscular physique characterises muscle dysmorphia. While only a small percentage of boys and young men exhibit the more extreme behaviours that characterise this disorder, it may affect many more people's perspectives. A quarter of boys and young men engage in muscle-building activities of some kind. In the United States, about 60% of young boys say they've altered their diet to build muscle. Even though that might not fit the definition of muscle dysmorphia disorder, many young men are affected by it. There is a social norm that links masculinity and muscle." "Today, even Halloween costumes for boys aged 4 and 5 include padding for six-pack abs. They are constantly told that their bodies should look like this.

Do boys and girls with body dysmorphic disorder have different symptoms?

Body dysmorphia, once thought to be a girl's thing, can manifest as eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia. Muscle dysmorphia is not an eating disorder in the strictest sense. However, it is much more pervasive and sneaky in males.

The prevalent belief is that body dysmorphia only affects females and doesn't affect men.

What are the symptoms of male body dysmorphia?
Parents may find it challenging to tell whether their son is just acting like a teenager or deviating into dangerous territory. Parents should watch out for these warning signs:
  • A noticeable change in exercise habits, such as going from working out once per day to working out for several hours each day.
  • Following a set schedule for their workouts or meals, such as restricting their food intake or placing a strong emphasis on high-protein foods.
  • Avoiding regular activities, like spending time with friends, in favour of working out.
  • Taking pictures of their abdomen or muscles obsessively to document "improvement."
  • Repeatedly weighing himself each day.
  • wearing clothes that emphasise a more muscular physique or hiding their physique with baggier clothing because they don't think it's good enough.
This is different because they are persistent; they don't just give it a shot for a week before abandoning it. These boys have been engaging in this behaviour for weeks or even months, and they are not adaptable.

The Emotional Body is made up of seven layers, physically and energetically. The foundation of the emotional body is the Quantum Frequency Bloc, which anchors your physical and energetic being in this dimension. It vibrates at a certain frequency to carry you from the physical into the astral and, from there, into your higher dimensional self.

As you progress on your spiritual path and integrate more of your higher self, the Quantum Frequency Bloc vibrates less strongly and may even be completely gone as you transcend into pure awareness. In this article, we will go deeper into the roles of supportive quantum frequency bloc in energy and wellness.

Energetically Supports Your Physical Body and Immune System

The physical body is made of atoms and molecules. The smallest particles are quarks, then leptons, electrons, neutrons, and protons. All of them vibrate at different frequencies.

As you know, the immune system identifies unwanted substances or infections and eliminates them from the body. It does this by emitting frequency that neutralizes these harmful agents and carries them out of your body or by creating antibodies to fight against them, similarly to frequency vibration patterns.

It Supports Your Emotional Body and Creates Energetic Boundaries

The emotional body is made of seven layers, which are physical and energetic. The foundation of the emotional body is the Quantum Frequency Bloc, which anchors your physical and energetic being in this dimension. It vibrates at a certain frequency to carry you from the physical into the astral and, from there, into your higher dimensional self. As you progress on your spiritual path and integrate more of your higher self, the Quantum Frequency Bloc vibrates less strongly and may even be completely gone as you transcend into pure awareness.
How to improve your house kerb appeal

The attractiveness of your house as seen from the street is referred to as its "kerb appeal." A front entrance can make or ruin the kerb appeal of a home. With all of our attention focused on creating beautiful interiors, the exterior of our homes is sometimes overlooked. 
Take a look at some simple tips to make the front of your home appealing and welcoming.


One of the key aspects of your house that people will notice first is your front door; it is a major focal point. Therefore, it must make a good first impression and inspire people to want to see more of your house. Consider changing the door completely if you want to make a bigger statement. It's an opportunity to experiment with fresh textures.

Front door replacement is a relatively simple activity that may greatly increase the value of your home, including the security, style, and appearance of your home's exterior.


Painting a house quickly makes a difference. A fresh coat of exterior paint can completely transform a home's appearance and bring it into the modern era.

Your home's value is greatly impacted by its kerb appeal, especially when it is on the market. Based on how the outside of the house looks, prospective sellers make quick decisions about how much they are willing to ask for the property. Nothing enhances a home's kerb appeal or gives it character like exterior paint.

The first thing that needs to be done is to decide on a colour that will work. Aside from rain and wind, humidity is another problem that plagues any building in the open. As a result, your exterior paint must be extremely durable.
  • Your home's personality can also be expressed through paint.
  • Exterior painting is a fantastic way to draw attention to a home's architectural features when done properly.
  • Paint is reasonably inexpensive when compared to other home repair projects. Without the time, labour, and disruption associated with remodelling or replacing a part of your home, it can produce astonishing results.
  • Give your fences and gates a thorough cleaning or perhaps a fresh coat of paint. It's simple to get rid of ageing symptoms and give your house new life by painting the fences.

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