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Any career trajectory can benefit from continuing your education, which can help you keep up with trends in the industry. Fashion is especially changing all the time, and it is even more important to continue learning, even if you have already landed your dream job. There are plenty of ways to keep teaching yourself about the field to stay competitive, no matter where you are in your career.

Learn the Terminology

After being in the fashion world for a while, you can start to pick up on the terminology used in different aspects of the field. But there are different garments you may be working with throughout your career. Though it might feel overwhelming, you should work on expanding your knowledge so you can learn more about the terms used for different kinds of garments.

You might understand the types of fabric used for shirts and dresses, but as you continue your education, you can start to learn about the kinds of plackets and pleats you might be using. As you continue learning, you may find that it is helpful to use a cheat sheet to help you keep track of things. Furthering your degree is a great way to get hands-on practice to learn this terminology. If you are thinking about getting your undergraduate degree, taking out a student loan can make the education process more affordable to focus solely on your education instead of working while in school.

Man drinking a glass of water

When looking for signs of life on distant planets, scientists initially check for water. After all, according to the rules of nature, for life as we know it to exist and flourish, water is a must.

We humans on Earth greatly benefit from drinking water. It aids in nutrition delivery to cells, controls blood pressure and body temperature, guards against infections, and maintains organ health. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that adults who drink plenty of water appear to be healthier and experience fewer chronic illnesses. On the other hand, chronic dehydration increases the risk of ailments like kidney stones, constipation, and urinary tract infections. Dehydration can also affect how well a person can pay attention and remember things.

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Do you need to drink more water?
Even though water is essential for life, older people often struggle to consume enough of it. According to Dr. Qi Sun, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, "Part of the problem is that the sense of thirst diminishes with age, so many older adults can't always tell when they are dehydrated." And chances are good that they are already dehydrated when they become thirsty.

Dehydration symptoms include tiredness, weakness, confusion, loss of short-term memory, and an increase in irritability. The colour of your urine is one indicator of your level of hydration. Your urine should be clear or have a faint straw colour when you're properly hydrated. If your urine is a dark yellow or amber colour, you should drink more water.

The best way to avoid becoming dehydrated is to drink enough water each day. The National Academy of Medicine advises males to drink roughly 10 cups of water each day, assuming they will consume an additional 3 cups of food. This sum serves as a broad guideline rather than a daily objective. Still, according to Dr. Sun, "it's a good number to aim for for the average person."

When you workout and sweat a lot or when it's hot outside, you may need to drink more water. (As a general rule, you should consume two to three cups of water every hour in these circumstances, or even more if you're perspiring severely.) When someone vomits or has diarrhoea, they also need to drink more water.

This research is still on the watch

Compared to men who did not take the meds, otherwise healthy men treated with prescription pharmaceuticals for erectile dysfunction experienced fewer heart-related issues.

Drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn) are referred to as PDE-5 inhibitors. They enhance blood flow by loosening arterial walls. Previous studies revealed that these medications could help men with diabetes or heart disease experience fewer heart issues.

This research is still on the watch

A new study reveals that the risk of arterial blockage in the heart and neck increases in proportion to one's salt intake. Heart attacks and strokes can occur when plaque builds up in the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis.

There were 10,788 patients between the ages of 50 and 64 included in the study that was published in the European Heart Journal Open in March 2023. Researchers calculated participants' salt intake by analysing 24-hour urine samples for sodium levels (sodium is the major component of salt). All of the study participants had cardiac ultrasounds and other imaging procedures to check for atherosclerosis.
Kidney stones can be avoided in several ways, including by increasing water intake and making dietary adjustments.

If you've ever experienced a kidney stone, the pain is something you won't forget. The discomfort, which may be intolerable at times and may come in waves, will continue until the pebble-sized stone travels through the urinary system and leaves the body.

Kidney stones are solid deposits of minerals and salts that can form inside your kidneys. These deposits can also be referred to as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis.

Kidney stones are a recurrent issue for many people; in fact, approximately half of those who have experienced one will get another within seven years if they do not take any preventative steps. While preventing kidney stones is not difficult, it does require some commitment.


Why do kidney stones form?
When certain compounds, such as calcium, oxalate, or uric acid, form to the point that they start to crystallise in your kidneys, kidney stones can develop. Most stones develop when calcium and oxalate mix. Uric acid, a byproduct of purine metabolism, can also result in stones.

Kidney stones

The crystals develop into bigger lumps called stones that can pass through the urinary tract. Pain, nausea, and vomiting may occur if the stone becomes lodged and restricts the passage of urine. Blood may also occasionally be present in the urine. The stones may cause frequent urination, bladder pressure, or groyne pain as they move down the ureter and towards the bladder.

Ways to prevent kidney stones
Making dietary changes can lower your chance of kidney stone development. Diet and nutrition initiatives like the ones below may be beneficial:

Drink a lot of water. More water consumption dilutes the urine components that cause stones. Try to consume as much liquid as necessary to produce 2 litres of pee each day, or around eight regular 8-ounce cups. Orange juice and other citrus-flavoured drinks, such as lemonade, may be beneficial. These beverages' citrate content prevents the formation of stones.

Aging is a natural part of life. But without the right kind of support, your skin can bear the brunt of its long-term impacts. Wrinkles, dryness, and slow healing are all normal responses to the body growing older and wiser, but sometimes, they can affect our self-image and our confidence.

Factors like stress, ultraviolet light, and exposure to the elements can all contribute to weathered skin, but with the right tools by your side, they don’t have to.

Vitality Pro’s anti-aging supplements are created with this intention: to promote youthful, healthy, glowing skin that repairs itself from the inside out. With safe, high-quality ingredients and sustainable packaging, you can alleviate the strain of aging on your skin and step into a softer, brighter, and more energized chapter of skin health—and life.

Taking care of your skin is not only important from a health and well-being perspective, but it also boosts self-esteem, confidence, and a lasting sense of self-confidence.

Which Are The Best Supplements For Anti-Aging?

Vitality Pro stocks a wide range of supplements for the body, including detoxifiers, blood sugar regulators, natural sleep enhancers, and more. But one of the most prolific and popular lines is that of anti-aging supplements.

If you are looking for a high quality, nourishing, and effective way to soothe your skin of unwanted wrinkles, under-eye circles, and visible pores, take a look at the following guide for combating the signs of aging skin.

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, also known as NMN, is a nucleotide that plays an integral role in the building blocks of DNA. Used correctly, it can provide a number of skin and health benefits.

As the main ingredient in this supplement, NMN can support healthy aging, protect skin cells from age-related distress, and generally increase longevity.

Available in a bottle of vegetable gelatin capsules or in powder form, the NMN supplement is a staple skincare product for anyone wanting to support their skin through the changes of aging. You can take up to 6 capsules per day for optimal results, and they are best paired with NAD+.

NMN also provides benefits in a number of other health benefits, such as reduced tiredness, better cellular stress responses, and improved energy metabolism.


Regen is a skin-supporting supplement that includes NMN and an additional ingredient, Trans-Resveratrol. Trans-Resveratrol is an antioxidant believed to assist with activating sirtuins, also known as longevity genes.

Sirtuins belong to a larger family of signaling proteins that play a major role in metabolic regulation. Combined with NMN, these compounds help protect your neurons from age-related diseases and support the long-term aging process.

The Trans-Resveratrol in Vitality comes from Japanese Knotweed, which is known for its natural anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.

NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)

Nicotinamide Riboside is a powerful coenzyme that promotes cell longevity and healthy aging, and it protects your cells from common age-related diseases. However, its main benefit as a supplement is that it supports cellular energy production, which is integral to skin health.

By consuming NR supplements on a regular basis, your skin cells can be more equipped to generate faster, thus smoothing and tightening the skin and helping it to heal from scars.

There are also other areas of health that NR supplements can benefit the body. It may support cognitive function, normal liver function, and even exercise efficiency.

By supporting the liver, NR supplements can further enhance your skincare regime. This helps your body process toxins faster to promote clearer, softer skin.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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