Lifestyle Blogger

Tiwa Savage looked so good in this black dress. She is a beautiful woman, and her fashion lately has been nothing but lovely. She wore this Valdrinsahiti dress to the British fashion show.

Little black dress

Lovely heels

Red carpet black dress

Tiwa wearing a black dress


The Igbo bridal look is one of the best bridal looks you will ever come across. It is so elegant and shines, making the bridal look so lovely. Red is mostly our colour when it comes to traditional wear, and it always looks good. Look at this amazing bride in her traditional outfit.

Let's chat about napping – something many of us secretly enjoy but might hesitate to embrace fully. First off, if you find yourself reaching for a nap during the day, it's good to ponder why. Could it be because you're feeling sleepy while the sun is shining? If that's the case, consider a few things:

- Are there any medications you're taking that might be causing drowsiness? A quick chat with your pharmacist or your next doctor's visit might clear that up.

- How's your nighttime sleep? If you're rocking a good night's rest and waking up feeling refreshed, awesome! But if you're experiencing morning grogginess or headaches, there could be something more, like sleep apnea, messing with your sleep.

Another thing to think about is your mood – could you be dealing with the blues? Ask yourself if activities that once brought joy now feel meh, and if you're generally feeling down.

Now, if these concerns are ringing true for you, it's a good idea to reach out to your doctor. But if your naps are more of the voluntary, delightful variety – the kind that actually perks up your day without sabotaging your nighttime sleep – then go ahead and indulge in those refreshing siestas.

For many, the sweet spot for a nap is in the early afternoon, aligning with the natural dip in our body's circadian rhythm. As for the duration, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, but some experts suggest keeping it around 30 minutes. Definitely don't push it past 60 minutes, as longer naps have been linked to potential health issues like cardiovascular disease.

Now, when it comes to scheduling your nap, it's wise to plan it rather than waiting until you're practically dozing off. Find a comfy spot, whether it's a cozy couch or a designated nap zone, keeping it dark, cool, and free from distractions. And don't forget to give yourself about 10 minutes to fully wake up before diving back into demanding tasks.

Even though there's still a bit of side-eye about napping at work – blame it on outdated productivity stereotypes – science backs up the benefits. Studies, including ones by NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration, show that naps can boost cognitive performance, especially for tricky tasks, and even spark some creativity.

So, there you have it – feel free to embrace the power of the nap! Whether you're at home or sneaking one in at work, a well-timed nap can genuinely enhance your day.

Beautiful princess dresses that are so lovely. Here for the glam, well welcome.

During this holiday season, when parents, friends, and family members are looking to purchase toys for the children on their lists or donate them to those who are less fortunate, I have a few suggestions for what you should avoid buying and what you should consider instead. Of course, not all gifts have to be bought. Daily opportunities for play bring joy and help children and teens sharpen their skills. Responsive games are great for infants and toddlers, as they help strengthen the bond between them and their carers while also promoting healthy development.

Here are 10 helpful tips to consider when selecting safe toys and using them in a safe manner. Make sure to select toys that are suitable for your child's age. 

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Smart Toys for a Safe and Joyful Holiday Season

Make sure to read the safety labels! Please be extra cautious with anything that has small parts or attached small parts if you have a child who is under 3 years old. Balloons are not suitable for this age group, either. 

Be cautious of magnets in toys. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission is cautioning people about the potential risks associated with toys that have small, ultra-powerful magnets. These include items like tiny magnetic balls and magnetic building sets. It's really important to make sure that children don't put this toy in their mouth. Furthermore, younger siblings, as well as older children and teenagers, might also face potential risks. These small magnets are much stronger than regular magnets. If someone accidentally swallows two or more of these objects, they can end up getting stuck in the intestinal walls, which can cause blockages and tears. 

It's not always a great idea to go for "vintage" toys. Although many vintage and used toys are probably safe to use, it's important to note that they may no longer have their safety labels. It's possible that you don't know if they have been recalled or if they are broken in a way that could make them less safe. Please exercise extra caution when dealing with items manufactured prior to 2008, as that was the year when toy safety laws were implemented. 

Moving toys. Make sure your child knows how to use toys like scooters, skateboards, and bikes safely and that they actually do use them safely. Make sure to also include the appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, to go along with these gifts. 

Toys that make noise. Yes, it's true that loud noises have the potential to cause damage to our hearing. It's important to consider the amount of noise we encounter throughout our lives, especially with the widespread use of earbud earphones. Starting early with additional noise is something you definitely want to avoid. You always have the option to mute the sound, but it might be a wiser choice to simply refrain from purchasing the toy. 

Slime. It seems that certain brands may contain elevated levels of toxic boron. You can try making your own slime using easy recipes that don't require borax. There are plenty of options available online. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can simply choose to avoid using slime altogether. Fidget spinners and other toys that are specifically made for adults. Be cautious if it states "designed for adults." This implies that the manufacturer is not required to comply with the toy safety standards set by the United States for children. 

"Hatching" playthings. When the eggs hatch, they produce tiny fragments that can potentially pose a choking risk. 

Smart gadgets and toys. There is a possibility that they might gather information that you would prefer not to disclose, and there is also a risk of potential hacking incidents. Mozilla offers a fantastic resource that can assist you in determining which devices are more secure compared to others. Don't forget to consider privacy when giving these items as gifts to children. 

Makeup. Certain brands may contain harmful chemicals. In my opinion, I believe that it's not really necessary for young children to wear makeup. 

What are some of your favourite back-to-basics toys to choose from? The best toys for kids are those that are straightforward and promote pretend play, creativity, fine motor skills, language development, and movement. Imagine things like dolls, puppets, costumes, train sets, blocks and other building sets, balls, jump ropes, bikes, Paw Patrol Toys, books, and, of course, all sorts of art supplies. The toys that provide the most long-lasting fun are the ones that require imagination and interaction, encourage kids to be active, and support their development. 

Paw Patrol Advent Calendar with 24 Surprise Toys

I have three specific types of toys that I would like to recommend: I'm looking for toys that don't have screens. A lot of kids spend way too much time in front of screens. 

Let's consider skipping the electronics this year. games that promote physical activity. These days, it seems like we're all leading such sedentary lives. 

Getting outside and exercising is really wonderful, so gifts like bikes and balls can be absolutely fantastic. If it's really cold outside or you don't have much outdoor space that's easy to get to, try finding activities that you can do indoors instead. I genuinely take pleasure in playing with balls that feature handles and permit sitting and bouncing. They are so much fun! Balance boards, riding toys, stepping stones, and even indoor tightropes are also great options for having a good time. You can use a yoga mat for various types of exercise. If you have the opportunity, it's a great idea to create a designated exercise area in addition to your home office setup. toy sets that can be used for group play. You should try looking for games that the whole family can enjoy together. There are plenty of options available, so you're bound to find something that everyone will love. You could also consider getting a train set or a building kit that both of you can enjoy doing together. Now, more than ever, we realise how much we rely on each other. It's important to find joy and have fun, especially during the holiday season. Combining both of these things is truly a wonderful gift.

Hey guys, you know what's really cool? Small pets! They can be so adorable and bring so much joy. But here's the thing: some of them can actually carry bacteria that can be harmful to us. So, it's important to be aware of that and take the necessary precautions when handling them. Safety first, right? Turtles, iguanas, frogs, and other small pets can actually carry germs that have caused outbreaks of illness in multiple states. It's pretty crazy, right? Just thought I'd share this interesting fact with you all!

You know, when it comes to picking pets for kids, a lot of people go for small animals like turtles, iguanas, and frogs. They're pretty popular because they're super easy to interact with and don't require a tonne of attention, which is great for families with a lot going on. They may be enjoyable, but it might be best to stay away from them.

So, here's the deal. The reason behind all of this is... drumroll, please. Did you know that reptiles and amphibians can actually carry germs that can make us humans sick? It's true! According to Dr. Elizabeth Hohmann, who's an expert in infectious diseases from Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the most common germs they carry is the Salmonella bacteria. It's important to be cautious when handling these reptiles and amphibians in order to stay healthy! Did you know that these animals actually prefer to live in warm and wet environments? It's crazy, right? And guess what? Salmonella, that pesky bacteria, just loves those kinds of places too! It's like a match made in heaven for them.

Have you heard about all the recent outbreaks of illness happening across the US? It's been pretty crazy!
Reptiles and amphibians sometimes have Salmonella. It's pretty interesting because, even though it doesn't make them sick, they can still carry the bacteria around. The CDC's warning on adopting those cute little pet turtles. Apparently, there have been some serious outbreaks of Salmonella illnesses and hospitalisations in 24 states. It's gotten pretty bad this year, so they're advising people to be cautious. Oh, by the way, did you know that other small pets like mice or hamsters, and even farm animals like chickens, can also carry and spread the bacteria? It's pretty interesting, right?

Salmonella can actually be spread to people in a bunch of different ways. It can happen when we come into contact with animals, their poop, food, or even things like toys and food dishes. Even the habitats where these animals live, like cages, tanks, aquariums, and water, can be sources of Salmonella exposure.

Dr. Hohmann says that they get the bacteria on their hands and then accidentally touch their mouths or noses. You know, this is something that tends to happen more often with younger kids.

People who are exposed to the bacteria can develop salmonellosis.

Who has a higher chance of falling ill?
Salmonellosis can affect anyone, but individuals 65 years of age and older, children under the age of five, and those with long-term medical conditions are more likely to experience severe symptoms, including hospitalisation.

Young kids sometimes struggle with personal hygiene and understanding safety rules when it comes to handling animals. As we get older or if we have chronic conditions like diabetes, our immune systems can become weaker. This means that we're more likely to get sick and catch illnesses. It's important to take extra care of ourselves and stay healthy! In really severe cases, those pesky bacteria can actually make their way into our bloodstream. And once they're in there, they can spread to other parts of our body and cause infections.

What signs and symptoms does this infection have?

The main symptoms of this thing are diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal cramps. If you happen to get infected, you might start experiencing these symptoms within six hours to four days. They usually stick around for about four to seven days before finally going away.

If you have a pet that might have Salmonella, it's a good idea to reach out to your paediatrician or primary care team for some advice. They'll be able to give you the best guidance on what to do.

There are definitely some situations where seeking immediate medical care is super important. For example, if you're experiencing severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, or sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, it's definitely time to head
If you or your child start experiencing any of these really serious symptoms, it's super important to get medical help right away.

diarrhoea and a temperature greater than 102°F; bloody diarrhoea that is so severe that you are unable to keep liquids down; Symptoms of dehydration include little to no urination, dry mouth and throat, or lightheadedness when standing up.

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