Lifestyle Blogger

How can I stop grinding my teeth while sleeping?

I am sharing this because I have a young niece who loves to sleep in my room at night, where she grinds her teeth when she is asleep. Here's what you can do if you are told that you grind your teeth at night. 

It's common to grind your teeth at night, but because you're asleep, it can be hard to tell if you're doing it. If your sleep partner doesn't tell you that you look like you're grinding your teeth when you move your face, you might find out when you wake up with jaw pain, sore or sensitive teeth, neck pain, a headache, or an earache.

If you grind your teeth for a long time, it can hurt your gums, loosen or break your teeth, make your jaw click and hurt, and make it hard to chew. It's clear that you shouldn't ignore it.
Preventing C. diff in and out of the hospital

Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), a type of bacterium that can cause diarrhoea and colitis, is often found in hospitalised people. Even if these people didn't have any symptoms and weren't diagnosed with C. diff while they were in the hospital, new research shows that they could still bring the bacteria home and spread it to their families.

Researchers looked at data from medical insurance plans for households with at least two people on the same plan to find people who had hospital stays but were not diagnosed with C. diff. They found that once these people went home, other people in the same household were 73 per cent more likely to need treatment for a C. diff infection within 60 days than other people in the same insurance plan who did not have a family member who had recently been in the hospital. The longer a person stays in the hospital, the more likely they are to get an infection. Households, where someone spent a month or more in the hospital, had almost double the risk for C. diff than those where someone was in the hospital for one to three days.


Some individuals believe that their joints ultimately wear out like car tyres and that the more they are used, the faster they deteriorate until they must be replaced. But joints don't work like Michelins.

Most likely, this wrong comparison comes from calling osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, "wear and tear" arthritis, which is not right.

When the smooth cartilage that lines a joint deteriorates, osteoarthritis develops. Sometimes this happens after an injury (like a broken bone), but age, family history, obesity, and diseases that cause joint inflammation to last for a long time are more common causes.

The most recent recommendations define a normal value as being less than 120/80 mm Hg (see below). However, it is not a magic number that should be used to determine what a specific person should aim towards. Instead, it's best to think about the blood pressure range that best suits your unique situation, with the overarching objective of aiming for the lowest acceptable top and bottom values.

Therefore, the crucial question is: what is acceptable? One size does not fit all. It depends on a variety of variables, including whether there are any other chronic illnesses present, such as kidney or heart disease. For instance, you don't want your diastolic pressure (the bottom number) to be lower than 50 to 55 mm Hg if you have coronary artery disease.

There are 5 sites where you can learn Microsoft Office applications for free.

Good morning, everyone. One of the required hard skills is Microsoft Office. Make it your self-development goal this summer to master one by learning it from one of these sites, taking the test on Linkedin, and receiving certification to demonstrate your mastery of the abilities.

Microsoft Office 365 training center
This site is free and you can learn to use any application like Excel, Access PowerPoint, outlook, teams, etc.

The 25th of July is World Drowning Prevention Day, as designated by the April 2021 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/75/273 "Global drowning prevention."

This global advocacy event provides an opportunity to highlight the devastating and deep effects of drowning on families and communities, as well as to provide life-saving solutions to avoid it. Annually, an estimated 236,000 individuals drown, and drowning is one of the ten top causes of mortality for children and adolescents aged 1 to 24. More than ninety per cent of deaths from drowning occur in rivers, lakes, wells, and domestic water storage vessels in low- and middle-income countries, with rural children and adolescents, disproportionately affected.

Governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations, the commercial sector, academic institutions, and individuals are all encouraged to observe World Drowning Prevention Day by emphasizing the need for immediate, coordinated, multi-sectoral action on proven measures such as:

Erecting barriers Controlling water access

Providing pre-school children with safe spaces away from water, such as creches, and competent child care.

Instruction in swimming, water safety, and rescue techniques

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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